Moissanite (Advanced relationship tracker)





Probably dislikes?? | Employee

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:
Change The Formality (duet)





After Melanite accepted her specialized offcolor control task, she was granted access to a restricted area managed by Moissanite.

Despite being in each other's presence almost every time Garnet visits the facility, they barely talk. It's clear Moissanite is actively avoiding direct contact, most likely to follow their warden protocols, and as a result interacts with outsiders as little as possible. Not to mention they don't have a reason to take Melanite's position as a garnet seriously in their place, they're the one in charge.

Melanite isn't fully sure what to make of this. On one hand, she never saw Moissanite do anything other than open doors, guard the hallway or notice their shining clothes moving above her head in a network of strings that's constantly covered in the shadows of a distant ceiling.

On the other hand, she is aware of the unsettling tension between Onyx and Moiss. She thinks there's more to their relationship than she's allowed to see, especially since Onyx appears more wary around them. She also suspects that, for whatever reason, Moissanite despises her, but refuses to admit why.



Somewhat neutral | Their bondsman

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: Black Moissanite

Team theme song:
Rainbow Factory





One might say their relationship is the same as between a fancy pearl and their master, with the only difference being pearl's strength to be used as a weapon. Despite Onyx being the, at the first glance, more intimidating one, it's the shining Moissanite pulling all the strings.

Moissanite sees them as their limited edition puppet- literally. Before Melanite entered their facility, Moiss didn't even believe Onyx had the capacity to care about someone. In fact, they've never been interested in Onyx until that point, simply because other problematic inhabitants they guard needed way more attention.

It's clear that Onyx follows Moissanite's orders without a second of hesitation and tolerates any teasing they might hear. This obedience most likely isn't only motivated by their mental lack of rebelliousness, but perhaps an indescribable sense of fear too. Onyx has unfortunately seen what Moissanite is truly capable of if they lose their temper, thus trying to avoid angering them at all cost... -especially when Garnet is around. They must protect her.



Neutral | Their bondsman

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: Blue Moissanite

Team theme song:
Heart of Corruption





On White Diamond's wishes, Comet was transferred to Moissanite's archives not even one year after emerging. Even though her resemblance to Leuco 1H3 was off-putting at first, Comet's peaceful nature and useful future visions eventually earned her a well-respected place in the facility.

Due to Comet's uncontrollable fortune powers, they don't interact frequently. For Moissanite, distancing themselves from anything time-related is the easiest way of retaining sanity. That said, there have been moments their curiosity sought Comet's guidance. One such instance led to the construction of the archive's countdown room, a place awaiting-... something...

As for Comet, she doesn't mind Moiss. After all, her visions spoil anything that could potentially harm her impressions on them. This also makes Comet the only facility's subject completely fearless of Moissanite.


Leuco 1H3

Dislikes | Former comrade

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: Brilliant White Moissanite

Team theme song:





With both having a significant importance for their court's function, one would assume they must be on good terms. However, it couldn't be less true..

There likely was a time these two stood alongside each other. Neither mentions when, why, nor how. The other white counselors might have been involved too, but that is only a speculation. Whatever the case, it left Moissanite's relationship with Leuco on a thin ice. It can also be argued they're jealous of each other, fighting to be the dearest gem under their empress.

For a long time, Moissanite had well respected Leuco, even in times she acted hostile. However, Moiss inevitably had enough of her ungratefulness, deciding to make her life as miserable as possible. When Leuco must had gone through an important programming procedure, Moiss took their revenge. Instead of fully sticking to the orders, Moissanite assured Leuco's treatment stays incomplete, causing her a permanent software damage. When confronted, Moiss blamed their lack of gem programming experience. And so, Leuco has been living in an unorganized memory paranoia ever since.

While Moissanite accepts the prime garnet is here to stay, Leuco ferociously believes in a day her empress finally disposes of Moissanite once and for all. She sees no future they might be relevant or wanted. Their job position can be easily transferred to another counselor who commits their existence to the historical archives. In fact, this scenario had partially happened- the only problem being the old historian didn't consider Moiss as one of the archived subjects. Speaking of archives, it was in fact Leuco's idea to lock Moissanite away, hoping that would be the last time they ever interact with this world. Unfortunately, her calculations have never considered Moiss is perhaps liked for more than just a logical usability...



Rival? | ???

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon?: ???

Team theme song:
False Idol





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