

State Regular gem?

Pronouns she/her, they/them

Age (b.S) ?

Born on Maybe Homeworld?

Side Homeworld

Diamond White

Variety Simply Moissanite :)

job Warden, Archivist

Certain things should stay forgotten.



Bad traits sometimes petty, secretive, apathetic, manipulative, perfectionist, egoistic

Neutral traits mysterious

Good traits devoted, thoughtful

Alias Moiss, "Moisssss-sanite"

Ranking None

Alignment Lawful evil

Leading trait Big knowledge

Biggest flaw Too bored





Height: 7'1 / 215 cm

Gem placement: Forehead


1. Mind connection

2. Magic strings

3. Telekinesis

4. -x-

5. -x-

6. -x-

Detailed info

1. Moissanite is consciously connected to higher authorities. If something happens, she alerts them with a blink of an eye (literally). Moreover, Moissanite can let them borrow other parts of her body. Distorted double speech is a good indicator they're speaking through her. Finally, a completely whitewashed form without a single sparkle of color means Moissanite is no longer mentally present. Is she bothered? Never!! In Moissanite's eyes, it's an honor to become part of the greater brilliance~

2. They can summon strings stronger than metal and more flexible than rubber. When combined together, Moissanite uses the formed ropes as traps or a quick way of transportation.

3. Without a single touch, Moissanite can effect stiff non-organic things with levitation and toss them around. The newly generated gravity force is especially affective against other gems, so much so that if this pressure is directly applied on the gemstone, it can crack! And maybe even get shattered...

Other talents

1. Air acrobatics

2. Weaving

3. Spying

4. Advanced gem programming


  • This is my latest main oc
  • They have the largest simp count out of my mains. No wonder, Moissanite ticks almost all the Tumblr Sexy Man boxes
  • Moissanite represents the mix of two often forgotten tropes: "think no evil" and especially "do ꞥ̶̻́̒ꝋ̷͙̖͈̽́̈́͝ evil"

Sss-such a barbaric thing... Is that what you are expecting me to say? Heh, surprisingly, I disagree. Without battles, there would not be any victories.















This gem can't create its own weapon.

Gem regen time ?

Other weapons Sickles (erasers)

"Magical" powers magic strings, telekinesis


  • Gem empire
  • Her empress
  • Order
  • Collecting
  • -x-


  • Non-gem lifeforms
  • Imperfection
  • Most changes
  • -x-
  • -x-

Opinion towards

The diamonds: "Her majesty is the definition of perfection. What more should I say? Oh- you were speaking in plural-..."

Prime council: "Blind to the present, deaf to the present, ignorant of the future... Simply revolting. Do not bother inviting them to me, we would never get along. Finally, only the past can comprehend me, and even she struggles."

The war: "Hehe- child's play. Trust me darling, you have no clue how actual war looks like."

Corruption: "Just another fancy way of naming something defective."

Moissanites: "Hm, other moissanites? Comical. What would you even gain from such information?"

Oldest memory: "Redacted."

The facility: "Oh please, I rather call it The Hidden Museum of Gemkind. Everything forgotten is being archived here. But before we go any further, I would like to inforce single rules upon you- think none and do nothing."

Gem kind: "Our kind is truly the greatest. It brings me joy seeing it expand across the universe! Of course, now and then there are some misfits walking among us, but that is alright. Besides our mighty leader, we aren't supposed to be flawless. Perfection cannot be defined in a world where everything is perfect."

Rejuvenators: "I am baffled by the number of gems who misunderstand rejuvenators. Most of their owners use them incorrectly, which is why nobody utilizes them these days. They do not erase memories, only block them. If you do not change rejuvenated gem's surroundings enough, they will be inevitably reminded of the past."

Erasers: "Alternative to rejuvenators. The less known erasers can, in fact, delete memories, but only those created in the past three hours. Why? Because doing it differently costs way more energy and time, not to mention an accidental destruction of a core memory can be deadly. And if you wish to delete or overwrite only particular segments of someone's past, you better find an expert ready to sacrifice weeks of life reading the 'patient's' code. To put it simply, permanently erasing someone's mind is not worth doing on the vast majority of gems."

Resistant to

  • Extreme temperatures: Moissanite is immune to blazing fires and sheer cold.
  • Gem hierarchy: Unless you're her diamond, Moissanite REALLY doesn't care about anyone's empire status.
  • Light deficiency: No matter the years Moissanite spends in unlit areas, her colors only darken by a few values. To put it simply, her shine is eternal.

Fears & weak points

  • Losing: Moissanite doesn't handle failures well.
  • Emotional overflow: Rarely, putting Moissanite into a highly sensitive and emotionally overwhelming situations can, surprisingly, get her inner peace off-balance, resulting in an unwanted behavior. Then, it's easier to strike-
  • Rejuvenation: Even though rejuvenation tends to be only temporary, nothing changes the fact Moissanite would forget EVERYTHING. From how to walk, speak, or behave to knowing their own name. Two things would remain intact thought- How to feel and whom to serve...
  • Speaking about [DATA CENSORED]: 01010011 01101000 01101000 01101000 01101000 01101000 01101000 01111110 00100000 00111010 00101001


  • Collecting and archiving: Archiving all that has been lost is necessary.
  • Manipulating others: Likely inherited from their diamond, the inner desire to control others as Moissanite pleases never gets old.


  • Serve: This task is the fundamental base of her whole existence.
  • ???: [ data not found ]
  • Wait: There aren't many things to do in the facility then wait for something greater to come.


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Physical form

[ Full name ]:

Facet-05 Cut-0

[ Voice claim ]:

Fay Roberts

[ Theme song ]:


[ Battle themes ]:

The Nowhere King
Shamura (rage theme)