Juanathan "Johnny" Mesa



2 years, 3 months ago


  • Name Juanathan "johnny" mesa
  • Age 11 3/4
  • gender male
  • pronouns HE/HIM/HIs
  • birthdayJune 11th

  • Race/species mexican || human
  • orientation wait til puberty
  • Height 4'9"
  • Build gremlin
  • Theme Minecraft on my Mind

One of the two sons of technological giant creator and CEO, Hype Industries. Hype Industries: leading the way through Smart device technology and social connectivity. He gloats about this fact, but doesn't let that define him, because middle schoolers don't care about clout. Middle schoolers care about trading snacks at lunch and drawing penises on their desks.

Johnny is more social and outgoing than his brother. Joining afterschool activities, sports, and hanging out with friends at their houses. Although, Johnny tries to tag along when Joey hangs out with his friends, because they're older and hanging out with older people is cool and mature. 

In some ways, Johnny doesn't respect his brother for always staying at home, playing on his computer and eating all the snacks. He wants to inherit his dad's company, but he's not good at math, he only keeps his grade up to par that qualifies him to continue sports activities for school. He does admire his brother in a few ways too, mostly in video games, high grades, and ability to multi-task. Johnny's one track minded, if he wants to get something off the top shelf, you know everything else on the counter is ending up on the floor.

Johnny is also on the cusp of puberty, so his development is up for influence, and Liam is ready to cause problems.  Be careful, young man, respect your elders and women.


  • Johnny can't decide what sport he wants to play, so he's been switching his interests every year: Soccer is his focus this year, Lacrosse was the year before.
  • Johnny is naturally hyper, expending all that energy in sports. He gets written up for talking and moving around too much in class.
  • His favorite place to hang out is in the backyard with the family dogs. Their yard is juge, enough to run around, jump on the trampoline and right into the pool.
  • Johnny is very competitive, henche the sports, but also fighting games. He plays co-op games with Joey on Thursdays and Sundays.
Layout by vom || Edited by Flamboyant_King