Nalia Vinogradov



2 years, 3 months ago


Nalia Vera Vinogradov, "Garter Snake"

Born: 1904

Age: 54 (1958)

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

The younger sister of Natalia and the aunt to Mike and his younger siblings, Nalia is a bit of a strange person.
She sees possible futures through her dreams, and can contact the afterlife. She commonly speaks with Diana, current acting death (Royals of Hell crossover)

Growing up in a house with a multitude of brothers, being abused by one of them and her father alongside her sister Natalia, she became fed up with all of them, as well as Russia.
Natalia and Nalia had a plan. Rob a communist official blind, and escape to the States... and they succeeded. Making absolute bank and running for the hills... then Ireland. Then finally America.

Nalia was only about 17 at the time, and lived with her sister in her apartment when they got to the states. She started to design dresses, he real passion and became popular VERY quickly.
After Natalia married Lenny, she was offered the chance to change her last name to Draki as well, and on paper she did, but she's technically still a Vinogradov. Lenny helped her set up a restaurant down town called the Golden Viper.
It has a mix of Draki family recipes as well as Vinogradov recipes. A mix of Italian and Russian on the menu.
She now lives in a two-bedroom house with a massive collection of snakes, venomous and not... she commonly walks around with a yellow eyelash viper around her neck. Her name is Natasha.

She has two sons and one daughter, all by different fathers. None of the kiddos were intentional but she loves them regardless... albeit at a distance, for if Lenny were to find out she had two kids with Diodatos, he might kill them the crazy fuck.
Her kids are: Sterling Jr. aka Mousie, Aurum aka Vole, and Lile aka Shrew.

Mousie's dad is Sterling, Aurum's is Otto, and Lile's is Ferdinand. She had intended for Aurum to believe Ferdi was his dad as well, but he figured it out at age eight, much earlier than she'dve preferred.
Fortunately Otto at that point was much calmer, and much less of a prick.