🎨🦋Matsuno Kohana



2 years, 4 months ago



Name Matsuno Kohana
Ethicity Japanese/Italian
Age 18
Voice Claim (Japanese) Kaede Hondo
Gender Female (She/Her)
Voice Claim (English) Jaiden Dittfach
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday February 22nd
Theme N/A



  • Painting/Drawing
  • Candles
  • Her family
  • Learning anything she can on animals
  • Butterflies
  • People watching


  • Being perceived most of the time
  • Accidentally coming off as creepy
  • Sudden loud noises
  • Being single
  • Being alone in general
  • Most meats



Ever since Kohana was very little, she was always very shy. She's such a sweet girl and couldn't hurt a fly without breaking down in tears. Typically hiding behind one of her parents (usually her father), she never really liked interacting with anyone outside of her family. It would more often then not take her twin brother, Ryouta helpfully pushing her to get her to open up to anyone. And even then a lot of the times it would end up with her crying from overstimulation. She took comfort in the world of drawing because, there she could make anything she wanted. Nothing loud or scary can happen in a world she creates. She would often come home from school with a new drawing that one of her parents always put up on their fridge until there was literally no more space for all of them. Each time they would tell her how talented she was, it filled Kohana with so much inspiration that it was one thing she never gave up on. She never thought of herself as good at anything up until then. Being the eldest of three, there's an expected responsibilty that comes with that title. To be a leader, to take charge, to help your siblings whenever you can. Yet Kohana could never do any of these things without immediately cracking from the pressure. She can't stand up to anyone without feeling like she's going to have a panic attack. Which is why her younger siblings end up being the ones who help her more then she helps them. It makes her feel worthless to them even when they tell her not to worry about it. Kohana tries to make it up to them by getting them small gifts or making them art for their walls but, it's more for her own sake then theirs.

Now as an young adult she.. still feels that way but, at the very least she's at least a little more capable by herself. Granted, she would much rather be in the company of someone else especially in public but, she can handle being on her own for a while. Sometimes she even prefers it when she wants to go people watching. It's a guilty hobby of hers and something she tries to hide and thinks she hides well but, mostly everyone knows about it. A lot of the time it accidentally makes her look like a creep and drives people away which is never ideal. At that point, she just goes home and hides in her room for the rest of the day. She's not very good at the whole.. social interaction.. thing. It's not something she can get out of, she's aware of that but, sometimes weird things slip out of her mouth that makes her look even more creepy. Why is trying to be a functioning adult so hard?? Kohana often uses her now impressive skills in painting to help her cope with her feelings. She loves to paint pictures of animals and scenery, it relaxes her. She's recently had to downsize to smaller canvases due to running out of room for big ones. Her parents try to encourage her to sell her work but, she's still unsure of her talents even if everyone tells her its fantastic. The idea of making a living out of art is nice but, people keep telling her its unrealistic so she really has no idea what she wants to do with her life. Her father having gone through the same issue has already told her she doesn't have anything to worry about and not to feel pressured into figuring it out all at once. It's hard not to worry about but, having the support of her family makes everything feel easier.


Painting and Drawing: Kohana has always had a nack for art ever since she was a child. It's something that's always brought her happiness when she needed it most. After getting practice for most of her life, her art skills nowadays are actually quite impressive especially for her age. She has her preferences on what she likes to make but, even things outside of her comfort zone still turn out pretty well. A lot of the people in her large family will often ask if she can make them things and she usually does it even if they don't pay her.

Animal Knowledge: If there's an animal out there in the world, Kohana knows at least five random things about them. There's a reason why she likes to paint animals most of all. She would often get hyperfixated on different animals, learning all there is to know on how to take care of them so she could go and beg her parents for things like a sugar glider. She never got that sugar glider but, her begging for a dog did break her father into getting one so all of that learning wasn't a complete waste.



Matsuno Ryouta [ twin brother ]

Kohana and Ryouta have been really close ever since they were born. They never really fought all that much and if they did they would make up pretty quickly after one of them starts crying. She really appreciates how he can and will always stand up for her when she's too scared to do it herself. He's been helping and supporting her since early childhood and Kohana couldn't imagine what growing up would have been like without him around. That said every time he yells at some creep on the street or threatens a bully, it makes her feel.. guilty. Since she's technically the oldest of the three Kohana feels like it should be her job to stand up for her younger siblings, not the other way around. Yet she just.. can't. While she really looks up to her twin brother for his bravery and outgoing personality, Kohana wishes she could be as good of a sibling to him as he is to her.


Matsuno Hoshimi [ younger sister ]

It would be a lie to say that Hoshimi doesn't scare Kohana a lot of the time. Hoshimi's antics with the occult and trying to summon some weird creatures from Akatsuka knows where in their shared room still gives Kohana nightmares to this day. That doesn't mean they don't get along though. Hoshimi is pretty understanding of her sisters' issues and doesn't poke fun at her.. too much. Someone has to call Kohana out when she's randomly staring at people. Hoshimi does it out of love though even though she'd ever say that out loud. Like Ryouta, Hoshimi would just about to anything to keep her neesan safe which makes Kohana's insecurites of being the oldest worse even if she's always relieved when they do. All Kohana would really want of her sister would be to watch her volume sometimes when she talks and to maaaaaybe try the whole "summoning demons" thing outside so she doesn't have to see it.


Matsuno Karamatsu [ father ]

To say Kohana was a daddy's girl when she was little would have been an understatement. For whatever reason, she would always cling to Karamatsu like her life depended on it. Hell, it would make her anxious as a small child when he'd have to leave the house. He brought a lot of comfort to her when she was younger, especially when he'd read or sing a song for her and her brother at night time. He's still comforting to her even now. Karamatsus' confident, showy demeanor always helped her feel more comfortable in social situations when most of the attention would be on him instead. It even helps her open a up a bit more to others. She genuinely can't understand why people give him so much of a hard time and it makes her genuinely really sad whenever she's around to see it happen.


Hanaori Sumi [ mother ]

Even though Kohana will often gravitate towards her father, that doesn't mean she has a bad relationship with her mother. Far from it. Sumi just tends to let Kohana have her space not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. Though if there's some event happening in town that she thinks they'll both enjoy Sumi will usually want to go with her. Kohana usually agrees but, sometimes things get cut short from her getting overwhelmed. So sometimes they just stay at home and Sumi will paint her nails for her while she listens to Kohana talk about things she noticed about the people she saw that day. Their relationship is very casual but, both of them are okay with that. Kohana still loves her mom and has no problems with her. Just sometimes you don't know what to say.


Wasurena [ childhood friend/crush ]

Kohana has known Wasurena since they were very little. Since their fathers' were both very close, they tended to hang out a lot. When she was little Wasurena's energy tended to intimidate Kohana and make her feel uncomfortable after a while. She could only handle so much back then. Now as young adults, her feelings on her childhood friend had changed. A lot. It was impossible not to notice how.. toned Wasurena had gotten over the years. Now whenever she'd tease Kohana it'd make her feel like she was having heart palpitations but, in a good way. Kohana was always too scared to make her feelings known and ended up instead just watching her from a distance and sometimes doing figure drawings of her that may or may not have had Wasurena's permission who can say? This activity only got worse when Wasurena started dating her twin brother. It was her way of coping with her feelings. Luckily for her, their relationship didn't last wrong for reasons Kohana isn't entirely sure of. At the very least, she has a chance with her again. Now if only she could get over her anxieties..


Matsuno Hinata [ cousin ]

It's not at all a secret to this family that Hinata has always had a very bad immune system. It keeps her sick a lot of the time so, Kohana started taking it upon herself to do things to help cheer her up even if it meant getting sick in the process. She'd tell her cousin all about insect facts after she learned that Hinata took a liking to them. Even if others think what Kohana tells her is a bit too graphic for her age, Hinata loves it all the same. She started painting her pictures of various animals and bugs to help liven up her room and even tried to make a slightly different version of her butterfly necklace she wears all the time so she and Hinata could match. It's inspiring to Kohana to see a child who deals with so much smile a genuine smile through it all. It makes her feel even better knowing she's the reason behind some of those smiles.


Matsuno Taiyo [ cousin/friend ]

Kohana grew up with Taiyo just the same as Ryouta though most of the times their "interactions" were her just watching the two boys play wrestle in the dirt. She never disliked Taiyo but, sometimes she'd avoid him especially after seeing him hurting Ryouta so bad he'd start crying on complete accident. Once Taiyo started getting into less athletic activities after the accident, he used these to try talking to her more. His energy was still a lot for her to handle sometimes but, helping him practice his magic was always fun. She's even given him concept outfit sketches for if/when he ever wants to do it more then just as a hobby. Though watching Taiyo send her brother to another dimension made her question if that was the right decision.


Matsuno Akane [ cousin/friend ]

Seeing as how Akane is the eldest of two but, also the eldest of all the cousins Kohana felt comfortable trying to ask her for advice on how to be a better older sibling. Apparently though, Akane doesn't know how to either. She just say she "makes it up as she goes along". While this was disappointing Akane also told her she related to her feelings of not being what an eldest child is supposed to be and it helped the two grow closer. The only problem is when Ryouta has to stop Akane from taking advantage of her art skills when Kohana has no idea she's even being taken advantage of.


Hoshi Mai [ aunt ]

If Kohana is going to hang out anywhere outside the house for a long period of time, her go to place is always her Aunt Mai's cafe. Since it's also a library, it's usually pretty quiet. It's perfect for her to sit and draw or enjoy some coffee as she casually watches the people that come and go. Her Aunt is always so sweet and welcoming. Seeing her business and how successful she is makes Kohana want something similar when she's really out there as an adult. She might have subsconsiously styled her hair to look like her or maybe it's just messy. No one really knows for sure. Mai will usually commission her to paint pictures of cats to put around the cafe to help encourage her in her passions and it always makes Kohana want to cry from gratifulness whenever she does.


Matsuno Ichimatsu [ uncle ]

Because Kohana goes to her aunt's cafe so often, she often bumps into her uncle whenever she does. Ichimatsu has taken a liking to his niece. She's quiet and humble unlike her father. That and she also has an interest in drawing which is something he picked up as a hobby in his spare time. The two can sit and draw together in silence and be completely comfortable. If they do talk, it's usually about animals and passing random facts back and forth. That's their way of bonding. Ichimatsu can be protective of her when Karamatsu or Ryouta isn't around but, at this point she's used to people doing that.


The Other Matsu's [ uncles ]

Kohana isn't as close to her other uncles as she is to Ichimatsu. She still loves them though! She just has a harder time talking to them. Osomatsu tends to be a little too jokey for her and it either can make her uncomfortable or hurt her feelings which he hears an earful about later from Karamatsu. Though out of all of her other uncles, Osomatsu is the easiest for her to talk to so that counts for something. Choromatsu can be just as awkward as she can be so it often leads to them just sitting there in silence but, unlike Ichimatsu, this time it's just painful. Jyushimatsu is like Taiyo but, times 100 and it can overwhelm Kohana pretty quickly. She know he doesn't mean it though and always apologizes. Todomatsu is the second easiest out of the rest for her to talk to. The only reason why he falls behind Osomatsu is because, she can't tell what he's thinking and that makes her nervous sometimes. She still appreciates him going out of his way to try to hang out with her every so often.


Deshimaru Bunmi [ godmother ]

Bunmi is the godmother to all of Sumi's children but, even Kohana can tell when Bunmi puts in obvious favoritism over her other siblings. She figures it's for similar reasons to why Ichimatsu favors her too. Sometimes she wonders if Bunmi likes her more then her own mother. Aren't they supposed to be best friends? While she appreciates the nice gesters from her godmother, Kohana can't help but feel bad whenever the rest of her family gets the bad end of the stick. And apparently Bunmi's mellowed out over the years. It's hard to imagine what she might have been like before.


Deshimaru Haiji [ ex-crush/friend ]

When they were younger, Haiji made Kohana feel a kind of way she never felt before. He made her heart all fluttery and hands sweaty. When she finally worked up the courage to put these feelings out there for her, he shot her down pretty quickly. It didn't affect her too much like you would expect. The rejection made those feelings she had go away almost immediately and left her feeling awkward. This was the sort of catalist for her having crushes on random people that would last for two minutes though. Their relationship now is completely fine though, it's obvious to even her that Haiji is closer to Ryouta then with her. Which she's okay with. They always seem so happy together.

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