Matsuno Hoshimi



1 year, 7 months ago



Name Matsuno Hoshimi
Ethicity Japanese/Italian
Age 13
Voice Claim (Japanese) Ai Fairouz
Gender Female (She/They)
Voice Claim (English) Kristen Schaal
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday November 19th



  • Being in charge
  • Anything to do with the occult
  • Writing stories
  • All things black
  • Crows
  • Konpeito


  • Things not going her way
  • Being talked back to
  • Feeling useless and small
  • Being ignored
  • Coffee
  • The sci-fi genre








Matsuno Kohana [ neesan ]

Hoshimi, like with everyone else, will call out Kohana for her behavior. The weird, creepy thing she does where she stares at people or draws them without permission is worth being mentioned. No one in their family has the guts to say anything about it directly, so the responsibilty falls on Hoshimi's shoulders apparently. That being said Hoshimi has a way harder of a time poking fun or insulting her neesan like she does everyone else. Kohana is just so.. harmless. It feels too easy. Or at least that's what Hoshimi tells herself when she remembers a few times she took things too far. She knows that her older sister has a hard time standing up for herself and even though Hoshimi likes to put on a front of "I don't care about anyone but, myself", she finds it hard not to want to punch someone's lights out if they make Kohana cry. Hoshimi says that Kohana just has that effect on people and won't actually say out loud that she just loves her sister. Kohana knows she does though.


Matsuno Ryouta [ niisan ]

Ryouta's just so easy to mess with it should be illegal. He gives her the exact kind of reactions that she wants, she thanks her lucky stars he's too stupid to figure that part out. There will be days though where she'll pick a fight with him on the wrong day and get reemed out which she doesn't appreciate. It brings out the fact that she can be a bit of a crybaby and that pisses her off. Ryouta thinks her tears are fake just to get their dad to get him in trouble and.. he's half right. Her tears are real but, that's not stopping her from using them to her advantage. Maybe don't make her cry in the first place, asshole. Despite their differences, Hoshimi knows Ryouta would genuinely protect her if needed which she also uses to her advantage but, appreciates the sentiment. She'd return that sentiment if the idea didn't make her want to throw up in her own mouth. It wouldn't be a good idea to give him any sort of ego anyway. Work through your shit first, then she might say she loves you.


Matsuno Karamatsu [ father ]

Oh, sweet Daddy Dearest. Hoshimi loves her father, that's not a lie but, man he's even easier to manipulate then his siblings and that's saying something. It was no secret that Karamatsu has a hard time punishing his kids (unless they REALLY mess up) but, Hoshimi seems to be the only one who really utilizes this about him. Just making big, sparkly, puppy dog eyes is enough to make this man crack to anything she wants. Unless it's something like arson but, she knows his past. She'll get him to agree eventually. Hoshimi pokes fun at him like she does everyone but, unlike everyone else, when it's directed at him it's never in mean spirits. Even if it sounds like it when she makes fun of his life going to shit. Like Kohana, she has a soft spot for her dad. He's similarly also pretty harmless, at least to them anyway. All of his theatrics are just a part of who he is. It's stupid and over the top but, it's genuine. It's comforting in a.. weird way. Karamatsu is the only one who can get her to crack and say she loves him more regularly so, that shows the kind of effect he has on her.


Hanaori Sumi [ mother ]

Sumi on the other hand can be a pain in Hoshimi's side. Unlike her father, her mother doesn't fall for any of the tricks that normally work on him. Those are the oldest tricks in the book and apparently her mom already perfected those. Hoshimi doesn't dislike her mom or anything but, she can be really annoying whenever she's about to get her way cause her dad said yes but, Sumi knows he just can't say no. That and all the times she's forced her to random stupid events around town doesn't help much. Hoshimi thinks Sumi babies everyone in their house too much too. She tells things to people that they need to hear. Telling her to "tone it down" because, "your brother is sensitive" doesn't cut it, mother. Someone needs to help these people grow a spine and her mom sure ain't doing that. For all their problems, Hoshimi does look up to her mother. Sumi can be really badass when she needs to be and seeing her go ballistic on people makes Hoshimi want to be just that strong and powerful when she grows up.


Deshimaru Kasumi [ best friend ]

Despite their completely opposite aesthetics, these two are like two peas in a pod. They've been besties ever since they were really little and support each other in their own interests. They even try to match as much as possible, Hoshimi being black and Kasumi being white. They go for an angel/devil sort of angle. Hoshimi is always so excited whenever their parents let them have sleep overs which is pretty often. The only problem is that these two get along too well in all the wrong ways. Hoshimi's the one who introduced Kasumi to her occult hobbies which includes trying to practice dark magic. Hoshimi loves that Kasumi is so quick to help her practice hexes and summoning circles. This usually leads to them getting in trouble whenever these things actually end up working. Now they have to practice stuff in the backyard but, it doesn't stop them from trying to do their practicing in their older brothers' bedrooms. In exchange for being so helpful, Hoshimi acts like a hype man for all of Kasumi's idol goals and will often go to random kids at her school and loudly advertise her upcoming idol group. Hoshimi and Kasumi are a match made in hell for everyone except each other.


Matsuno Myou [ cousin/close friend ]

Much to her older brothers' dismay, Hoshimi gets along really well with Myou. They both have similar fashion tastes and will send outfit ideas back and forth. Granted Hoshimi isn't really into the whole cat aesthetic like he is but, that's fine. He can have it. Hoshimi really likes how blunt he is. It's nice to see someone in this family who isn't a complete pushover baby. Seeing Myou and Ryouta have their spats back and forth is also super entertaining for her. Hoshimi likes her cousin so much that she even invites him to try black magic with her and Kasumi which is an like an honor in her eyes. Usually that's reserved for just them. The only time she doesn't agree with Myou is whenever he does shit like stab Ryouta. That kind of physical violence should be reserved for people who actually deserve it like rich people.


Matsuno Osomatsu [ uncle ]

If getting annoyed at Osomatsu for existing was a gene, that sure got passed onto Hoshimi. There's something about his smug, shit-eating grin that pisses her off so much. He's easily the worst out of all of her uncles and she's gotten close to punching him in the stomach every time he acts entitled for something of her parents. It's not their responsibility for him ruining his marriage. Again. There's no way in hell she can deal with him staying with them for a more then a week again. She's not afraid to tell Osomatsu how much she dislikes him too and she means every word. Osomatsu doesn't understand where it comes from but, chalks it up to her being a teenage girl which pisses her off even more. Osomatsu wants her punished whenever she tells him to go to hell but, gets ignored every time. If anything she gets praised for it the second he leaves.


Matsuno Choromatsu [ uncle ]

Choromatsu can be a bit.. insufferable. His continuious nagging drives Hoshimi crazy after two minutes. She tends to avoid him whenever she can. When he behaves less like a stressed out maniac, he's fine. Unfortunately overworking himself is Choromatsu's norm so it's pretty rare for him to just relax. He doesn't know how to keep his nose out of people's business and tries to get her parents to punish her in a way he'd want them to which usually never works. She just sees him as another pawn she can use though if she's going to Choromatsu for that, she's really desperate. He's the second to last worst uncle to her.


Matsuno Ichimatsu [ uncle ]

Apparently Ichimatsu also tried to dabble into dark magic but, never had the motivation to keep at it. So whenever Hoshimi needs a new spell book or advice on hexes, he's the first person he goes to. If not him then his Aunt Mai who's the one who owns the books in the first place. Ichimatsu doesn't really care what she does as long as it doesn't cause damages to his living space so, is pretty quick to give her what she wants. They both take joy in using poppets to inflict pain on people together. Osomatsu will make jokes that Hoshimi is secretly Ichimatsu's daughter for the way they both get along in such a twisted way but, this usually gets him beaten to shit by Ichimatsu and Karamatsu while Hoshimi laughs at her eldest uncles' stupidity.


Matsuno Jyushimatsu [ uncle ]

Normally Hoshimi wouldn't interact with Jyushimatsu much. Not that there's anything wrong with him, far from it. She loves his unhinged, chaotic energy. He's one of her favorite uncles after all. They just don't have a lot in common or a reason to interact. Hoshimi would rather bite her feet off then play sports and that's.. kind of his whole thing. She doesn't really know what else to talk to him about. The only time she really goes out of her way to talk to him is if she needs real muscle power for a scheme she has that week. It's hard to tell if he's too stupid to know she's manipulating him or if he's just okay with causing mayhem with his niece. Hoshimi doesn't really care. He does the job that's all that matters. Though sometimes Jyushimatsu will give her materials he says he "just found on a run" but, she knows there the exact things she needs for a seance or summoning. Pondering how and why he does this gives Hoshimi a headache.


Matsuno Todomatsu [ uncle ]

Todomatsu is easily Hoshimi's favorite uncle, no question. His complete disregard for his brothers' safety and petty desires to see them suffer still continue to this day, just a little muted. That said if his niece is looking to do something that accidentally or even purposefully screws them over, he has a hard time saying no to helping. He likes to pretend for a couple seconds that he's above it but, gives that up pretty quickly. Todomatsu is the one who helps iron out her schemes from time to time. Hoshimi will try to offer him a cut of whatever it is she's getting but, he usually declines. If anything, he'll sometimes reward her with little shopping trips and coffee. Even though Hoshimi views Todomatsu as a moneybags at times, she genuinely enjoys his company the most out of any of her uncles. They both have the same petty, quick to want revenge attitude that mixes well. Especially when her anger is at someone Todomatsu also hates.


Hoshi Mai [ aunt ]

Hoshimi never understood why her Aunt Mai had all those spell books in the back of her library but, she's so thankful she did. Finding them accidentally in the back was a big changing point in her life. So in that way, Hoshimi is extremely grateful to Mai. She respects her aunt enough to not try and force the books out of her when they eventually get taken away, she just goes through her husband for that. Mai also reminds her of her neesan in a .. strange way. She's like if Kohana was an adult to her. Either way it makes Hoshimi that much more unwilling to be mean to her. That and she's heard of the kinds of things Mai can do. It's always the quiet, shy ones, huh? No one in the family will confirm the rumors but, apparently if you need a guy.. "taken care of", Mai can get that done. Something to consider for the future.


Deshimaru Bunmi [ godmother ]

Maybe in some kind of subconscious way, Hoshimi was inspired by her godmother. The way Bunmi's bluntness could cut through grown men was amazing to watch. It gave off this aura of confidence that Hoshimi wanted to have. Now being a little older it means that sometimes Hoshimi will try to start little spats with Bunmi when she tries to get in her way. Unlike most people however, Bunmi is one of the only people to get her to actually stand down. She would never admit it but, Bunmi is also one of the only people to actually scare her. Her mom has mentioned to her in passing that their godmother could be a little.. "hands on" in certain situations. Whenever Bunmi has that red tint in her eyes, Hoshimi gets what Sumi actually meant. She has a reputation to uphold though so, she at the very least will try to stand up to her but, crumbles pretty quickly. When Hoshimi isn't causing havoc however, these two get along more then you'd think. Every time she comes over, Hoshimi loves to look through at her godmothers knife collection hoping to have her own someday.

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