Riku Niijima



2 years, 7 months ago



Name Riku Niijima
Kanji 新島 凌久
Nickname(s) N/A
Gender Cis ♂
Age 16
Blood Type A
Birthdate February 25th, 2027
Height 5'9" (176 cm)
Western Zodiac Pisces
Color Scheme Dark Blue
First Appearance TBD
Voice Claim TBD
Persona Sigurd


  • Action (genre)
  • Omurice
  • Puzzles
  • Animals


  • The Dark
  • Wasabi
  • Slasher Films
  • tbd



Almighty Magic

Riku's Persona, Sigurd, specializes in Almighty magic. Almighty magic is non-elemental and considered to be quite powerful.

Support Skills

Riku's Persona also packs several support skills, such as Heat Riser, healing spells, and shield spells.

Battle Style

Riku's battle style leans towards being more of a support unit. He is on the agile side and uses a bo staff. He was taught martial arts, due to Makoto feeling that self-defense was important for her children to learn.


Riku Niijima is the only son and oldest child of Ken and Makoto Niijima, older brother to Azami Niijima. He is a second-year attending Shujin Academy and a member of the student council. However, Riku has slowly become more and more troubled about the slowly heightening case regarding mysterious disappearances within Tokyo. Riku awakens to his Persona, Sigurd, after getting dragged into a confrontation between SPIES and Einherjar, leading him to leave home in order to join SPIES.


Riku is a polite young man, gentle and thoughtful. Despite his parents' efforts to give him a proper childhood, one that was denied to both after the deaths of their parents, Riku has always felt the need to be responsible and studious. He feels that he ought to, especially considering his family's accolades. His aunt Sae's alma mater was Tokyo University and his mother has recently been named police commissioner. He also has a very soft spot for animals. Despite his soft-spoken nature, Riku has moments where he can be quite snarky. He often holds these comments back, however, so it often catches people off guard when it does come out.

Given his more soft spoken nature, Riku often feels like he's a disappointment. Makoto is well-known for her iron will, unwilling to back down when it comes to justice. Ken is no pushover, with the drive to uncover crimes that have been skirting the laws for years. Even his little sister is made of sterner stuff. But Riku often struggles with expressing his opinion and often grapples with a low sense of self-esteem. He can't help but wish he was bolder and that he can express himself more freely. Riku is his own worst enemy in that regard. Riku also has a tendency to dismiss his own merits, such as his diligence and intelligence. He tends to focus others' merits, being extremely supportive in his loved ones' dreams. Riku also greatly dislikes burdening people, often doing his best to be helpful to others, even at his own detriment. His friends often have to drag him off to relax, when he becomes very focused on a goal.

What Riku doesn't realize is that kindness doesn't mean weakness. And when push comes to shove, Riku would do anything to help his loved ones. He has a deep innate desire to help people but often thinks he's not good enough. He just needs to find the courage to take the first step.


  • Riku's name means endure, long time.
  • Riku can be somewhat of a snob when it comes to action films. He can be very critical when it comes to action scene choreography.
  • Riku's favorite types of movies are martial arts films and spy films. He also enjoys crime shows quite a bit.
  • Riku's personality reminds Ken very much of Ken's deceased mother.
  • Riku's favorite show is Kamen Driver (Persona's version of Kamen Rider). Ken is a fan of most tokusatsu shows and introduced Riku to it. Riku also has a deep fondness of Neo Featherman Rangers due to his childhood memories of watching the show with Ken.
  • Riku's favorite subject is history. His favorite era to study is the Sengoku era.
  • Riku's first word as a baby was "Grandpa" to Shinjiro, much to the latter's chagrin. It stuck though, and to this day, Riku still calls Shinjiro "Grandpa", much to the rest of SEES's amusement.
  • Riku is somewhat popular with girls, due to his gentlemanly attitude. However, he is quite dense and misinterprets the flirtiing attempts. The Phantom Thieves often tease Ken about cursing Riku with being a chick magnet when Riku is out of earshot.
  • Despite how he was raised to be very formal and polite, Riku doesn't mind using nicknames for someone he's close to. He calls Kimiko by her nickname "Kimi". However, he tends to default to addressing the other members of SPIES by [first name]-san, out of respect of their age difference.



Tatsuo Amamiya [ friend ]

Riku grew up with Tatsuo, with their parents being long-time friends. However, Tatsuo always kept his distance when they were younger, due to Riku being closer to Tatsuo's younger sister Kimiko. Despite this, Tatsuo does care about Riku and is greatly worried about him during the circumstances leading up to Riku's awakening.


Ruri Aragaki [ friend ]

Growing up, Ruri was always like an older cousin to Riku; while he uses -san for the other children of SEES, he calls Ruri Ruri-nee. Since Ken was Shinjiro's ward when he was a teenager, the Aragakis would visit the Niijimas often. There is less than a year in age difference between them, so Riku always felt closeest to Ruri out of SEES's children. They also have a common interest in literature. Riku also had been privy to Ruri's writing, often acting as one of her soundboard.


Kimiko Amamiya [ love interest ]

To be written.