


2 years, 2 months ago


He is watching you 👁

Name Xerox

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 1.83m

Gender Genderless (Any Pronouns)

Orientation Cupiosexual/Polyamorous

Species & Hierachy Aeon Robot - Gamma

Occupation Orbids Assisstant/Human Researcher

Place Meteoria (Robot Island)

Personality Egoistical?, Confident, determined

Theme Idk q v q

Story & Trivia

Xerox is Orbids right hand and one of the first Aeons that got build by her. His purpose is to take all orders of Orbid and fulfill them without intervening.

Since Orbid is at "war" with Saol when it comes to the human species she made it her own mission to spy out humanity and find out their dirtiest secrets to attack them in a perfect moment. Xerox purpose in this case is to lead the camera central of Meteoria where everything of humanity gets recorded and noted down in detail.
Xerox was quite interested in the human species. Their cruelty but also sense for peace was very fascinating but no Robot was ever allowed to visit the humans due to humans being cruel to creatures they don't know very well so it took many many years for him to finally see a human in person.

This certain human was Aether. Together with her father Vektor she came to the robot island Meteoria one day which never has happend before- So Xerox got really excited and prepared all kind of traps to finally have a Human in his collection. Once Aether was caught he took her personally with himself, leaving Vektor behind who screamed after his daughter since she was the last thing he currently had in his life...but Vektor was never seen again by Xerox after this incident.

But finally!! He had a human!! And excitedly he drilled her with a lot of questions that at first weren't answered at all- Aether stood silent for a very very long while and didn't even Introduce herself. Xerox already thought the human was broken or something- but due to his egoistic program and lack of understanding real emotions he had lots of struggles communicating and understanding Aether. Then Mii-U started trying to talk with her and it actually worked!
Aether slowly opend up to Mii-U while Mii-U explained Xeroxs position and how the robot society works and how Robots are all build after Orbids wishes. She told her about Machinas, Robots and even Broken robots, that apparently got a program-breaking virus and thus had to be destroyed and put into a trash dump. Aether was very curious about this whole situation and decided to give those trash dumps a visit, finding some robots that were barely functioning but ready to tell her every Robot was build with a purpose by Orbid, but once the robot notices that and breaks the program the robot becomes useless for Orbid so they get trashed.

After Aether found this out she started understanding Xerox better and decided to open up to him very carefully by explaining how much she misses her father and how badly her life as been so far. She tried her best to make Xerox feel some kind of pity or regret, a feeling that surely wasnt programmed into him and it actually had success??
Xerox started to change very slightly over the years that Aether was there and it was true; he became a little more nicer and slightly awkward sometimes. Xerox's program actually broke since he started questioning if all the things he was doing was actually alright but through the fear of Orbid finding out that his program broke he was in denial about it and pretended to be as he always was.

One day the the scientists of the Robot department would set off to discover Meteoria and who knows what things Xerox has in store for them.

-in the future he will have a huge redemption arc or a huge villain arc....or both. Depending on if Orbid finds out he is broken and wanting to trash him or if he manages to continue working for Orbids wishes. (He will break Vektor tho). While I am writing this I let both happen sjhfjsks
-he let's Aether watch the cameras of his parent and Sibling so she knows about their well being
-Mii-U is his student that gets teached about Humans. But Mii-U is a programmed little troll and prefers calling him Orange Sonic than giving him actual respect.

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