



The Cuddly Owl

Name Owen

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 1.55m

Gender Genderless (They/He)

Orientation Panromantic/Indifferent Asexual

Species & Hierachy Feath Nocturnal - Gamma

Occupation Traveler

Place Paraworld (Underworld)

Personality Wanna-be threatening, Baby, cuddly, Peacemaker

Theme Idk q v q

Their Shadow Protector

Traveling and living in their "dream"

Story & Trivia

Owen is a little Owl Feath Nocturnal that lived in a high class Shadow Feath-Tribe high up between dangerous mountains, appearantly safe from any danger
They lived there happily and peacefully once an unknown...Monster? Force? attacked their tribe and made it the last resting place for many lives.

While that attacked happend Owen was peacefully asleep, but their shadow that protected them not- they watched how everybody in their home were massacred. Owen's Shadow only saw how blinding lights got shot everywhere possible, through houses, through bodies; the light overlayed with the "blood" of most members.

Owen's Shadow decided to cover them and thanks to that they survived the awful attack of their unknown Enemy.

Owen woke up after the whole mess and was about to cry once they saw that so many people died- but the shadow couldn't bring it over their heart to see Owen so broken and decided to lie to them. "You are living a bad Nightmare Owen, don't get fooled by it. This isn't reality. When you wake up again you will see your family again"...and this surprisingly helped.
The little Owl got the mindset of "HA!! This nightmare won't defeat me >v<) I am stronger than this!!"
And decided to run around naivly through the whole world and discover everything.
They wanted to turn this nightmare into a good dream and then tell their parents later about all the adventures they have gone through.
Sometimes it happens that they are too care-free and get hurt without caring sometimes and so they run through the world with their shadow protecting him and probably get to meet a lot of people.

-Feaths can have light or shadow powers
-the tribe got attacked be Light-Feaths that see themselves as superior since they are born with a lot of light-water energy
-the shadow was meant to be Owen's protector, guard and best friend
-in the past there were only shadow Feaths but some became obsessed with the Power from the glowing Water of Life and called themselves Light Owls

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