


2 years, 2 months ago


The cruel Dragon Fly

Name Scepti

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 2.03m

Gender Genderless (He/Him)

Orientation Repulsed-AroAce

Species & Hierachy Lisect Nocturnal - Alpha

Occupation Feared Monster

Place Neon Woods in the Underworld (Paraworld)

Personality Sadistic, cruel, merciless, VERY easily pissed, asshole

Birthday 11th November

Theme Idk q v q

Eating others

Getting stronger and the most powerful Nocturnal around

useless Idiots annoying him

Story & Trivia

Scepti is a reborn Dragonfly and a pretty ugly one too, mainly on the inside. He has no interest to build up trust in someone and rather eats up everything that gets Infront of his hands.
He usually travels alone as a searched Criminal and spreads horror to many people.

In the past they were three Lisect Brothers, Scepti a Dragonfly, Mockito a Mosquito and Flie a cute little fly boy.
Lisects are destined to either look very beautiful or look like ugly monsters and the only one who looked beautiful was their Fly brother.
He got favorited over everyone and everything by their parents which left Scepti very very jealous and quite rotten.
Day by Day Scepti got more pissed off at everyone, their parents, his brothers, everyone. Things were so unfair in his eyes and it fucked him deeply that it bothered him so much. He wanted to stop caring about it, stop caring about anything and anyone and just live his life without giving a damn about others or caring about ruining their life and so it came true.

Out of jealousy and hate against his neglectful parents he decided to kill and eat Flie without the others knowing what exactly happend. Later on they just found out that the fly is nowhere to be found and probably got eaten by enother Nocturnal.
Mock, who had a special connection to Flie, started to feel heavily guilty about this. He could have maybe saved his dear brother if he took better care...but later on Scepti admitted to be the one who killed him very proudly, telling Mock its just natural to kill each other and that trust or friendships won't bring him any further in life. Only the strongest would win.

And if that wasnt enough, their parents started to get suspicious of the two brothers and started to ignore them out of spite.
Mock had nobody else to be with anymore and he felt really... alone. He decided to stick together with his very manipulative brother Scepti that gaslights him to act like a "monster" while always talking him down.

One night Scepti targeted many victims on his own, it was Rumas whole family that he mercilessly slandered and ate up. The little bunny girl that watched her family getting eaten infront of her eyes was left with an endless feeling of rage to kill this Dragonfly. The bunny started to chase the Dragonfly and nearly got to punch its ugly face if Mockito wouldn't have intervened to help out his brother by opening his stinger maw, biting off Rumas arm so scepti could escape.
The Plan succeded. Scepti escaped but he left Mockito behind ...and didnt even looked back.

The Dragonfly had better things to do- he wanted to become stronger and stronger and didn't knew how besides eating other Nocturnals and gaining more power through their glowing water. One day he found out rumors about the "Tree of Light" which appearantly is the biggest Tree of the whole Underworld and connected to every single tree and life that exists down there. And appearantly... the fruits this tree grows give great powers- but are appearantly only for chosen ones and that noone should ever dare to steal the fruits of lights; but guess who didn't care.

Scepti looked for the location of the Tree and ruined a very important ceremony. The Plantea Nocturnals, some Occuls and their leader Corthus-Occulus were about to thank the Tree for its protection but Scepti used the moment to steal one of the fruits, leaving everyone angry and shocked, especially the Tree who told everyone to get this Creature and make him pay for his disrespect- And so did Sceptis career as Criminal began.

After eating the fruit he gained powerful slime powers.

A bit later:

Mockito started to travel again with Scepti but the Dragonfly immediately found a new Victim and Mockito should hunt it while Scepti...just watches lazily.
At first Mock was just watching the creature how it peacefully sat on some stones in the shining lake while playing with some flowers as she sang a soft beautiful song. This Creature was Shadnia, the princess of Shellxan.

Mockito felt...weirdly emotional watching the little fish.
Her gentleness reminded him a lot of Flie which immediately made him feel bad about the thought of killing her- but Scepti insisted and threw him out the bush, face forward into the foot deep pit. Shadnia looked at him Curiously but the Mosquito just whispered to her that she should run. He just begged her to run away as fast as possible which she did as soon as she noticed scepti inside the bushes too.
Mockito roleplayed to be a "big bad monster" to "scare her away". Scepti just facepalmed himself 4x (with all four hands) and just left Mockito inside the lake.
Waiting for a good moment to attack Shadnia again.
But all he saw was watching Mockito and Shadnia having a little small talk for a bit and decided to ruin their moment, screaming "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING??" at his brother that was left a little paralyzed and overwhelmed. Scepti had enough and didn't wanted to wait any longer for his delicious food, once he grabbed a slime ball out of his hair Mockito knew that this asshole wasn't about to hold back and screamed back at his brother, that he had Enough of Sceptis tyrannical brotherhood. Protectively he took Shadnia into his claws to fly away with her. Another dangerous chase through the dark woods occured but luckily they both escaped safely, Scepti was left very pissed at his brother and would swear to kill him next time they would meet, continuing his path to become the most powerful being around. Here and then he gets to meet Ruma and Nassu and bothers them.

-tends to forget who Ruma is and what he has done to her

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