Introduction to my world



2 years, 2 months ago


Welcome. This is my OCverse, that I started at the age of 12 and have been working on for over half a decade. All my characters are connected in this one universe and all have stories that I have in my head but not written.

My primary fursona is Ash

Some other important characters: Linx, Luxury, Autaur, Somnus, Auryx, APEX

I typically do not sell characters, but if there’s one you’d REALLY like, I’d be open

Let’s set the stage. My OCverse consists of a sci-fi galaxy with 5 main empires: The Omni Planet Alliance (OPA), The Ereesi, The Cralon Empire, The Protogen Empire, and The Tablets. Almost all of my characters live in the OPA, a military industrial society based on a future dystopian United States, lead by Emperor Linx. Quality of life in the OPA is outstanding, but dissent is crushed. Freedom of thought is encouraged, as long as it doesn’t undermine the regime’s power. The year is 590 PFI, measuring in years since the founding of the OPA.

Magic and superpowers are real, those with abilities are often snatched up to work for the government as valued assets. Heaven and Hell have physical manifestations not related to where the soul is sent after death. Heavenborn are those born in heaven and Hellborn are those born in Hell.

Most of my characters are either diplomats or soldiers for the OPA.