Sen Ueno



2 years, 2 months ago


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Sen Ueno

上野 千
Sen Ueno
Large and Tangled Mass of the Forbidden Gates
AbilitiesHide anything via her hair
OccupationGuarding the gates of Akariel
LocationAkariel, Thalarion (Dreamlands)
Music Themes
Wild Mane Monster(東方 美魅夢 ~ Ethereal Nightmare)
東方 美魅夢 ~ Ethereal Nightmare(Stage 3 Boss)

Sen Ueno (上野 千 Ueno Sen) is a otoroshi that acts as a guardian of the city of Thalarion's gates Akariel.



Her first name Sen means "thousand", while her last name Ueno is spelled with the characters for above, top (上, ue) and field, wilderness (野, no), referring to her species nature to rest upon the top of the gates of sacred areas.

Notable Relationships

Celeste Kuranes

Sen is under Celeste's orders to guard the gates to prevent anyone such as Sven or the heroines from entering Thalarion while she's away. She also refers to Celeste as the "Lady of Celephaïs" when she's outside of Thalarion.

Spell Cards

● Ambush "Undefined Mass" (Easy, Normal)

● Ambush "Unknown Black Mass" (Hard, Lunatic)

● Cluster "Hairball Barrage" (Easy, Normal)

● Cluster "Mass Attack!" (Hard, Lunatic)

● Wild Sign "Overhead" (Easy, Normal)

● Wild Sign "Over and Over" (Hard, Lunatic)

Official Profile

A youkai who guards otherworldly places from above, their main characteristic being their wild and long hair covering the majority of their bodies. Their job is to keep intruders out of the places they inhabit.

The gates of Akariel lead to the wondrous land of Thalarion, home to many demons and other strange creatures. A place where no humans dare to tread. Sen is one of many of these monsters that guard the gates for this very reason under an order from the ruler of Thalarion. High up above, she waits and watches for any suspicious characters to come by and devours any who try to enter. Because of her ability to hide anything with her long hair, she can catch anyone off guard instantly without fail.

And because of her wild hair's length and mass, she doesn't take care of her looks, opting for mostly pajamas or other loose-fitting clothes. Her hair covers everything so she's never worried nor cares about what she looks like to other people. She's not one for getting out much anyway.

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace