Aoi Toriyama



2 years, 2 months ago


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Aoi Toriyama

鳥山 蒼
Aoi Toriyama
Flying Blue Lights of Guidance
AbilitiesManipulation of light and brightness
Emitting light
OccupationGuiding people out of the woods
LocationDreamlands (Enchanted Woods)
Music Themes
Luminous Lights of Blue(東方 美魅夢 ~ Ethereal Nightmare)
東方 美魅夢 ~ Ethereal Nightmare(Stage 2 Midboss and Boss)

Aoi Toriyama (鳥山 蒼 Toriyama Aoi) is a aosagibi who lives in and guides lost humans out of the Dreamlands's Enchanted Woods.


Aoi's role in the story is akin to the azure celestial bird that appears in H. P. Lovecraft's short story The White Ship, though she guides the heronies away from the mystical lands rather than directly to them.


Her first name is simply the Japanese word for blue (aoi), referencing the blue light she gives off, while her last name is a reference to Toriyama Sekien, an artist best known for his illustrations of youkai, one being an aosagibi which Aoi is based on.

Notable Relationships

Celeste Kuranes

Aoi knows Celeste is the ruler of the city Thalarion, and that anyone who enters it will never be seen again, which she tries to keep others (such as the heroines) away from its dangers.

Spell Cards

Stage 2 Mid

● Guidance "Kindling Fire's Glow" (Easy, Normal)

● Guidance "Bright Fire's Warmth" (Hard, Lunatic)

Stage 2

● Spotlights "Search Lights" (Easy, Normal)

● Spotlights "Lighthouse Lights" (Hard, Lunatic)

● Glow Sign "Luminous Feathers" (Easy, Normal)

● Glow Sign "Dazzling Feathers" (Hard, Lunatic)

● Light Sign "Wavering Lanterns" (Easy, Normal)

● Light Sign "Blazing Sky Lanterns" (Hard, Lunatic)

Official Profile

A night heron youkai who lives within the Dreamland's Enchanted Woods. Though no matter how you look at her, she looks very close to a (glowing) human rather than an aosagibi.

Aoi took up residence in the Dreamlands' Enchanted Woods to hide away from humans, fearing them and the possibility they would hunt her for her glowing feathers. Unfortunately for her, they also ended up appearing in the Dreamlands. At first she was terrified, but when she saw their terrified faces at being in the woods she quickly came to pity them. They didn't deserve to be lost in the darkness and away from their dreams. They needed to go back, and they needed her light to escape.

She decided to act as a guide to any and all humans who happened to wander into the woods, using her light to comfort them as she escorted them out. Though she still had a slight fear of them (enough to make her form more human so they didn't know her true nature), Aoi enjoyed her work and the gratitude that came with it. She now makes it her full-time job, hoping that the experience will help her get over her fear of humans.

When the endless sleep incident happened, she took it upon herself to not only guide people back, but also prevent anyone from going through the forests until the incident was resolved. After all, there was a place up ahead where no human should ever enter, especially with an incident like this happening.

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace