Adeleida Electrica



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Adeleida Electrica


Usually called Addie for short


13 in main story; 18 when she becomes a dancer


Electricatalian Dyric Twiva




Thief, becomes a (thieving) dancer when she grows up





Significant Other

Volkmar Etruka (crush)

Creation Year



Desirée Electrica (grandmother), Nadia Electrica (mother), Beck Neradi (father), Lylaea Electrica (aunt), Zevrin Electrica (grandfather), Trakatrus Electrica (half-brother)


Detrati - Onakaiya

Current Home

Omaha, NE, USA - Taliac | Detrati - Onakaiya


Physical Appearance

  • Waist-length blonde hair
  • Yellow eyes, but she wears blue contacts in public
  • Tan skin, although she appears a bit more pale in elemental form due to the light she emits
    • Body is made out of electricity while in elemental form, and she can manipulate her shape however she likes
  • Somewhat short in height, although she's more average when she grows up
  • Physically fit with a somewhat delicate frame; has more of a dancer's build as she grows up and dances more
  • Small to medium sized breasts; smaller early on but more medium as she grows up
  • Gets markings around her eyes in elemental form
  • Pointed ears while elemental, but has more human ears when blending in

Clothing Style

Adeleida tends to dress in a rather cutesy fashion, preferring reds and pinks for colors but also liking "fruity" colors depending on her outfit theme. She likes skirts/skorts and dresses a lot and summery styled outfits. She also likes hair accessories like ribbons or hair clips along with cute flats or sandals as footwear. 

Other than that, she has every piece of Etrukan Truth merchandise/clothing, which tosses a few darker colors into her wardrobe. She enjoys wearing their band shirts and accessories alternatively to her normal cutesy style, usually with shorts and black flats. Etrukan Truth's color scheme is primarily black, muted green, and silver, so she'll dress to match this. Her favorite accessory that she almost always wears (even with her cutesy outfits) is a black studded choker, and she gifted matching ones to her BFFs, which they all wear as well.


Adeleida is an energetic and loud girl whose current obsession in her life is her favorite band, Etrukan Truth. She is the self-proclaimed biggest fan of them and can get rather catty with defending her position. She tends to squeal easily about the things that make her happy, and she isn't afraid to express her emotions, either good or bad, in loud and obvious ways. Her movements and speech and usually very dramatic, and she's the type to knock things over or clock someone in the face while making grandiose arm motions or the like. Her optimistic outlook and endless energy tend to lead her through life, but she does have a habit of overreacting to things or blowing things out of proportion. She doesn't do it for the attention specifically, it's more that she has trouble reining in her reactions and feelings, but she does tend to draw a lot of attention to herself naturally.

The only time she tends to be more subtle is when her compulsive pick-pocketing/shoplifting habits kick in. Adeleida likes taking things to have them or trade/sell them for other things, and she hasn't completely stopped her sticky-fingered habit since being sent to juvi and rehab, but she's a lot more careful about it now. Adeleida is deceptively skilled at pulling the wool over others' eyes and using her charms to lower their guards so its easier for her to misdirect them away from her thieving. Despite not being terribly book smart, since core subjects tend to bore her and she doesn't put much effort into them, she is very crafty and quick witted with her resourcefulness and street smarts. She can be a touch too idealistic and usually assumes things will turn out just fine, which can be taken as either too optimistic or just plain reckless, but she also has a lot of drive and self-motivation to make things work when things go south. Adeleida is certainly not a quitter and pursues her goals with a fierce confidence.

As "girly" as she seems most of the time, Adeleida takes interest in a lot of stereotypically non-girly things as well, so she tends to surprise people that don't know her with how she talks about certain "rough" topics with such a bubbly demeanor. Etrukan Truth's style is a little edgier than the rest of her normal aesthetic, so it's common to see a clean split among her belongings and personal environment between her cutesy likes and her space dedicated to her favorite band. Since she's also been in juvi and was brought up with semi-questionable morals, Adeleida tends to roll with sketchy things or people more readily than one would expect. She always tries to be encouraging toward her friends, even if what they're doing isn't necessarily on the up and up, and she's more likely to make choices out of loyalty than out of regard for the law or morality. 


  • Lytenin rifting - rank 3/5
  • Elemental shapeshifting
  • Highly skilled at pick-pocketing/stealing


  • Optimistic, energetic, and persistent
  • Loyal, clever, and passionate
  • Very thorough with anything she puts her heart and mind to and never a quitter
  • Has a good balance of kindness/gentleness and fierce and fiery confidence


  • Loud, over the top, and easily frazzled
  • Everything else goes out the window when she's in fangirl mode, and she can get aggressive about petty things involving her fandoms
  • Has trouble keeping herself from stealing things, and she will always choose loyalty over all else (including lawfulness, morality, or the greater good)
  • Irresponsible, immature, and can be very stubborn and bossy


Adeleida used to live in the Detrati desert city, but she opted to moving to Taliac with her mortal grandmother after becoming curious about the human world. Her parents also weren't terribly good at taking care of her anyway, so after spending time with her caring and doting grandma she decided to stay with her permanently. She discovered a small band of Volkmar Etruka, Conner Zweiger, and Fathom Shank from their songs and music videos posted on an online blog by Linsey Zweiger, and Adeleida fell in love with the band, Etrukan Truth, instantly. She wanted everything to do with them and fanned over them obsessively, to the point where she spent all her money on items (mostly snake related) to match their motif and was always donating to their website to support their creations. She bought plenty of their merchandise when they became popular enough a few years later, and when she ran out of money she'd shoplift items like headphones and other objects she could pawn off on her classmates. 

Eventually she enjoyed shoplifting so much she started shoplifting anything she wanted in general even if she didn't need extra cash. At age 13 she was finally caught and sentenced to juvenile prison and a rehab course. To her delight, she met a good friend, Alec Dalian, in this rehab course, and in her last year of sentencing, she also met her idol, Volkmar Etruka, when he became Alec's new cellmate. Ever since then, her life has been overflowing with energy and determination to win him over, especially after they all eventually pass their rehab course and after released back into the world.


  • Adeleida's first name came from the Spanish name I picked out for myself during an intro to Spanish class in middle school.
  • She wasn't originally as cute and bubbly in her first version, but I wanted to make her super different from the other juvi kids after I started developing their personalities more. Her original more edgy style is still depicted when she's wearing her band merch.
  • Was also originally a regular human at first, and she was changed to be part-Electricatalian because she had a lot of similarities to Lylaea Electrica, who obviously influenced her current last name and their familial relationship.
  • She and Volkmar were at one point going to dabble in dating each other as they grew up, although I never decided whether or not they would go steady. This obviously has changed now though.
    • I pondered her potentially dabbling in a relationship with Ashley instead as adults. They wouldn't have been entirely sure what to call it at first and wouldn't really refer to each other as girlfriends, but they'd also feel like it's something a little different from just friends with benefits. I changed my mind later, since I doubt Adeleida would be interested in having a relationship with Ashley considering the nature of Ashley's relationship with Alec and the fallout of their breakup. Even though Alec would forgive Ashley for the things she did while they were together, and I think Adeleida might eventually forgive her as well only because Alec would insist, I don't think she would ever be that close with Ashley considering how close she is with Alec.
  • Addie tends to be flirty toward boys when she wants to get them to do things for her or manipulate them into giving her things. She sort of fancies herself as "seductive" although she's obviously too young to be taken seriously by anyone outside her age range.
    • She does get more legitimately seductive when she's older and is a dancer. She uses her wiles to her advantage and is even more effectively manipulative as an adult.
    • She doesn't take rejection very well, and she can be a little vindictive and petty about people who don't cooperate with her.
  • Her favorite color is pink, although yellow is a close second. She's very fond of red too though, and she tends to prefer red in her more "mature" outfits.
  • She's not fond of cold weather much, since she comes from a desert climate, but she's adjusted to it well enough from her long time living in Nebraska. She still doesn't like it though.
    • She especially doesn't like rain, since it can interfere with her rifting.
  • Adeleida doesn't like swimming or being in water, both because it interferes with her rifting and also because it can be dangerous for people around her.
    • She's capable of swimming, but she won't do it around other people because she might shock them if she doesn't stay calm enough. She gets pretty "shocky" when excited.
  • Her original concept had her in juvi for shoplifting, robbery, and manipulating some of her peers into doing violent acts on her behalf.
  • She wasn't named until a year or so after I created her, and she simply went by the prisoner number 51234. She was designed as a bored looking girl with long hair who would manipulate dumb boys into doing tasks for her so she could expend less effort.
  • Her birthday is on June 6th.
  • Volkmar's voice on its own is enough to send her into a tizzy. She loses her mind if she ever hears him singing.
  • Adeleida really enjoys shopping, but she enjoys shoplifting a lot more. Obviously she kind of needs to stop doing that to avoid getting into trouble again after being released from juvie, but she's still thinks it's fun.
  • Addie enjoys dancing and is the type of person who practices the moves of her favorite music videos and musical performances so she has them memorized.
    • She actually gets formal dance lessons once she travels back to Detrati and trains with the Detrati Dancers. The style is somewhat like belly dancing.
  • She created an Etrukan Truth fansite on her own that used to be just an ameteur-ish blog site, but it has since grown into a somewhat more polished site after gaining more followers that became volunteers to help her code it to be more robust and complex. It is currently a community effort and the largest fansite for Etrukan Truth that isn't officially affiliated with the band (although the band is, of course, aware of it and do talk to Addie about it and give feedback when asked).
  • Original file number: 82
    • New file number: 304