


2 years, 1 month ago



??? | 5'5" | ??? | Holy Blood


Stuck in her old ways, Patience hardly compromises on her worldview. She's condescending, blunt and arrogant, hardly taking any enemy seriously unless they give her a reason to. Even to her fellow virtues she's quite a prissy prick, making herself out to be the best of them all, solely because she was the first. Battles show another side of her, however: She becomes very cold and ruthless, making sure any threats are eliminated as quickly as possible. Surely, not a foe you want to get on the bad side of... 

On top of that, she's incredibly self-righteous and borderline tyrannical, believing herself to be the right hand of God himself, and any judgement/punishment was commanded to her by her superior, regardless of how heartless or cruel it is. However, most of the time she's passing her own judgement on others, and using God as an excuse for her behavior. Those who try to point that out, however...don't usually meet a pleasant end.


"During the war between heaven and hell, 7 demons were selected to represent each sector of Hell's army: Each "Sins" if you will. For a while Heaven sought not to implement such a strategy, as many holy figures (Patience included) believed the fight would be over and done with in a heartbeat.

They were Dead Wrong

The Demons, now operating with generals, had much better coordination and efficiency than anyone in the holy army. In a bid to have even a fighting chance, a few angels were handpicked to serve as the generals of the Holy Army: And they were picked with the generals of the other side in mind.  They'd later be known as the 7 Virtues of Man."

Patience was one of the first to be selected, her abilities bordering on nullifying the endless fires caused by Wrath. She takes pride in this, and made quick work in using her newfound position to ruthlessly cut down any and all Demons that crossed the path of the Holy Army. Hardly any demons dared to attack her directly, as they'd fall as soon as they'd blink. She kept the position long after the war ended...but probably not for the best.

See, something rotten took hold of her during the war. She found power in the fear in her enemy's eyes, She reveled in the pleas of demons to spare their lives. She knew how powerful she was...and she loved every minute of it. After the war ended, Her throne remained one of the top dogs, as she was the first generals to command the army. That rot continued to fester and build, pushing her to enforce the rule that no hybrid between factions would be allowed, the punishment being death of all parties. It fueled that power trip Patience had craved since the end of the war, and combined with her efficiency forced all remaining hybrids to go into hiding on Earth, usually in the underbellies of society to avoid the all-seeing eye of Patience.

That rot came to a head when she learned of the two new Virtues added to the council. One was an angel of teenage years, no issues there...the other, however, was a demon who sacrificed his place in hell for the angel he called his daughter. Despite her objections, The demon Anthelm would take essentially the highest Virtue that could be afforded, countering the Sin of Pride: Humility. Her Self-Righteousness initially made her hate him with a passion...yet somewhere deep down, another feeling sprouted. One she could not tear out of her, yet wished she could. Often she described it as a feeling that she had found the perfect person to carry her bloodline. Once she realized what she was feeling, she vowed to find some way to purge that feeling, that lust, from it through his death or by finding another.

To this day, she holds her position uncontested, despite attempts to appoint backup heirs should she fall. She uses her power to keep herself in power, no matter what she has to do. Least to say, a corruption has taken her, but no one has dared to pull the veil back and officially cause her fall from grace...


Time Manipulation - The Hourglass on her necklace both can tell how close her patience is to running out, and serves to temporarily slow down/stop time. 

Halo - Despite the appearance, her halo in it of itself is a deadly weapon, usually taking the properties of a shuriken and a boomerang at the same time


-Speaks in Latin occasionally (Mostly to insult people)

-Wouldn't hesitate to kill off traitor demons or fallen angels who with corrupted virtues.

-...With only one exception: The ex-sin of lust. Some have rumored Patience secretly keeps Mona alive for sex, although she flat out denies having anything to do with that slut, so she puts it.

-Hauke is also an exception solely because he's being tested to see if he can remain virtuous even if he's taken advantage of. If he fails, however, Patience has stated she's likely just kill him, just like any traitor/fallen angel/hybrid.

-Patience. Does. Not. Like. Nicknames. Do not give her any.