


2 years, 29 days ago



??? | 5'8" | ??? | Holy Blood


The fun loving Mom type. She's cheery, optimistic and all around a joy to be near. She's great around all types of people, young and old alike, and can empathize with many types of people. She's big on giving back to her community, and oftentimes would help organize huge events to fit this goal. But, like a Mother she does know that sometimes she needs to stand her ground and tell someone no, less she'd get walked all over like Hauke. Normally doesn't like to do this, but push her too far and she will put you back in your place.


Charity was the last angel picked to be on the council, before Phoebe and Anthelm. And For the most part, her sector was responsible solely for providing food and supplies to the army, alongside the occasional moral support. After the war, not much changed for Charity: She just kept doing what she did best, working hard and giving back to her community. She even occasionally went down to Earth to be a soup kitchen chef and help where she could.

Come the turn of the 1930s, a lot of things changed suddenly: There were far more people in line for food, barely scraping by as it was. It was a harrowing sight as it was, seeing humans suffer so much...But then, Avarice came to her. A once greedy and filthy rich individual, who'd hardly bat an eye her way, was now a ragged shell of his former self. At the time, all he asked was for some spare change. Instead, Charity took him in and gave him a place to stay "until he could get back up on his feet", as she put it. And eventually, he did, leaving to return to his old home almost a decade and a half later, and since then seems to be paying her back by poking in every now and again to try to advertise to her some ridiculous thing.


Charity's blessing - It's unclear the reason, but usually if you ask for something, she will certainly have it, no matter how bizarre. Chocolate Chip cookies? You can get as many as you want from the jar. Feeling ill and need something to help? She can make up a wicked spicy soup to help clear your sinuses. A place to stay? Extra room, down the hall to your left. All she just asks is you give a little something back yourself, mostly in helping around the house or participating in a charity event. Don't try to take without giving back, however, as the blessing can twist into malicious compliance if you do that.


-Unlike Patience, Charity doesn't mind being called other names...most of the time.

-Avarice drives her up a wall: but still let him live with her during the Great Depression.

-The antics between her and Avarice have often gotten the two compared to a bickering couple, which wasn't helped by the fact he did live with her for a while.