Windwall (Historians (Windwall))



2 years, 1 month ago



The Historians at Windwall are mostly comprised of Foristeri, however, there is a sprinkling of other Animalian among their group. Although they call themselves 'historians' they really only focus on one story/ part of history, the 'Legend of the Emerpors Penguins'. In their version of the legend, they claim that the wall that stands within the city of Windwall is the last remaining piece of their people's great structure and will do all they can to protect it and their story.

Long ago it used to be quite easy to become a historian, all you had to do was learn within a small school at Windwall about the legend and a few other key historical facts and then be able to recite them with excitement and passion. However, lately, they seem to have become pickier about who they let become an 'official' historian with some claiming its because there are already too many around town and there aren't enough funds for more to sign on, while others state that it must be because they want to weed out all those that want to learn just for money rather than for the passion of their history.


The actual job of a historian is to tell the legend to all those that wish to hear it. Many will spend their days wandering around the base of the great wall waiting for a group of travelers to come by where they will then offer to tell the story to the travelers...for a price. If they are properly paid they will tell a grand story with passion and intrigue, however, it's not cheap. Many will become upset or offended if you give them a small amount as they have spent many years trying to perfect their story causing the locals to often think they are slimy and a bit pompous. What many seem to forget though is that without them, the town would likely not exist. It is only because of their services that many tourists know the town exists and choose to come to it. The town basically lives off of these tourists and without them, and the historians it's likely the whole place would collapse and become a ghost town.

However, as of late, there has been a bit of unease among the Historians. Things have been changing, and new parts of the story have been 'coming to light' making many unsure of why this happening all of the sudden. But few dare to approach the leading Historians to ask why it's happening, perhaps they have recently found new proof of the new facts but have yet to release it, or maybe it's something more sinister.

