Lagopus (Artic Fox) (Linnaeus Quinzee)



2 years, 2 days ago



Linnaeus Quinzee is a historian and Windwall who chooses most days to quietly do her job and keep her head down. She rarely speaks unless spoken to and it is not uncommon for others to forget she is even there, and that's just the way she likes it. But is her mysterious behavior just because she is an introvert, or is she hiding something?


Linnaeus was born as Elsa Svalbard and she only has vague memories of her mother.  She spent most of her childhood on her own as a transient. She traveled from town to town asking for handouts and nicking things from those who turned their nose up at her. She didn't ever feel bad about stealing as it was always from those she felt slighted her. She would never stay in one town for too long and when things got tense she would pack up and move on, never to return. Always getting out before things got hot she would never actually see any repercussions of her actions.

One day as she was wandering far south a harsh winter storm picked up forcing her to find cover. She managed to hide under a stack of thick branches till the storm passed, and after digging herself out of the snow she looked around at the blanketed white world. Spotting a small dash of color a ways off her curiosity got the best of her and wandered over to it to find a limp, cold Vulpes body. 

Making the most of this situation she decided to search the body for anything that she might need in the coming days. As are searched the pockets she found a wealth of goods. Not only had this Vulpes been loaded but their clothes were also extremely nice and expensive. After maybe thinking about it for a single fleeting moment she decided that this poor chap didn't need any of this anymore, so why shouldn't she take it? She quickly stripped the dead Vulpes naked and put on all his belongings. She smiled as she took a moment to appreciate the gift that had been handed to her, this clothing was the nicest she had ever worn in her life. So smooth, so silky.

Not wanting to get in trouble or be blamed for the Vulpes's demise she quickly tossed the body into the fridged sea where it slowly drifted off into the horizon. With any luck, it would never be found.

Thinking that would be the end of that she wandered into the closest city, Windwall, to buy herself a nice meal from the Vulpes's generous donation. However, as soon as she stepped into the city a Foristeri flagged her down and taking her by the arm started to lead her through the city and talking as if they knew each other. Unsure of what to do she kept quiet and went along with the Aves trying to put pieces together by listening to what they had to say.

She quickly realized that the clothes she had taken were a unique set and this Aves had mistaken her for the dead Vulpes she had taken them off of. The Vulpes had been some sort of history teacher, or maybe student, and he had come here to work for the Historians. From what she could tell, it seemed that no one here had actually seen the Vulpes before as they had only talked via letter. As she was trying to figure a way out of the situation, the Foristeri that had been guiding her around suddenly brought up the subject of how much they would pay for her to be a historian and her jaw dropped. It was a ridiculous amount...almost too good to pass up. After following around the Aves for a bit longer she made up her mind, she was going to try to replace the Vulpes, this ' Linnaeus Quinzee', and see how far her skills in deception could get her. (on a side note, Linnaeus is generally a male name, so she often has to tell people its pronounced in a more feminine way. 'the U says A')

She has now worked as a Historian for a number of years and to her knowledge, no one is the wiser. She has kept her head down, listened carefully to what others talk about, and studied quite a bit of the Windwall legend. If asked for her thoughts she will always agree with whatever her superiors says even if it makes no sense. She keeps quiet and has no real friends, her job also pays extremely well and since taking it she has never really wanted much for money. She has a nice house and all the food she could ask for causing her to be quite content. From time to time she gets lonely, but she will quickly shake off the feeling as if she were ever to get close to anyone they would find out her secret for sure.


1) If a PC (player character) wishes to play as Linnaeus her call to adventure could be that her lie has been found out by the Windwall historians and she has to go on the run now as they want to track her down and punish her for killing the real Linnaeus. She now must be constantly on the move, so why not be an adventurer, she hears it pays well.

2) Alternatively, she could receive a letter from the real Linneaus's mother stating that she is sick and on the verge of dying and wants her son with her so she doesn't die blind and alone. Despite it being a bad idea, she decides to leave to see if she can figure out where Linneasu's mother lives so that she can pay some kind of respect to the life she stole.

If no call to action is headed then Linnaeus will spend the rest of her life at Windwall living someone else's life. Eventually, Lumi, her coworker,  will find out about her con. But rather than turn her in he believes her version of events and chooses to be her friend. The two stay close friends, Lumi really being her only friend, until the day she dies as she takes her secret to the grave with her.


Main outfit| She wears light grey pants with a seam down the outer edge of it as well as formal black shoes. Her jacket is a rich blue color with a golden trim around the top cuff, bottom edge, and the cuffs on the sleeves. it is longer on her left side than her right nearly reaching down to her knee. As the jacket is a bit large for her she always has its sleeves rolled up a bit. The cuff around her neck is quite high and the jacket is held together at the top by a golden button. She can almost always be found with a set of gold stud earrings and a black tophat that has a golden band around its base.

She is a Lagopus and has golden, rusty ancient eyes.

Basic species reference sheet can be found here. Please look at this for common errors people make when drawing this species.

Linnaeus5.png?width=1393&height=366Ideas for what you could draw her doing:

-talking about the legend of the emperor's penguins by the great wall to adventures

-Spending time with Lumi either eating at the Artic Eatery or walking around Windwall

-Trying to slip away into a crowd

-taking her main outfit off a dead Lagopus in the snow

-looking at herself in the mirror and is unsure about how she feels/ who she is

-snagging a few sides from passing by travelers

-quietly standing in the background while other Historians try to show off/ brag about their knowledge and funds

Linnaeus3.png?width=1393&height=364 - a song about secrets and death, how could I not put this one on her.