Fukumi Hajist



2 years, 1 month ago


Username (Your name): TheArtistOfOz#1380

Name (Character name): Fukumi Haijist


Season 5: 18

Sex (Bi, Straight, etc): Ask again later

Pronouns (He/Him, She/Her, etc): She/Her

Dragon Type: Shadow

Height (Humanoid): 5'9"

Height (Dragon): 12'0"

Strength: 19/20 +4

Dexterity: 7/20 -2

Constitution: 14/20 +2

Intelligence: 16/20 +3

Wisdom: 9/20 -1

Charisma: 17/20 +3

Personality: Shes smart, eager to help and usually smiling. However you need to get past her introverted shield before you can realise it. She is obedient, and cautious about all things from her past. This also stops her making friends easily.

Occupation: Nothing

Backstory: She grew up with her brother and parents in a quiet cottage, pretty much homeschooled and trying to keep up with her brother. Her mother was the sweetest soul you'd ever meet, and a jack of all trades for local farmers. While her father was always hard to read, like he'd been scarred before but couldn't bear to talk about it. Still, they all loved each other.

One day, when she was 6, her dad died mysteriously. It broke her mothers heart and she never really recovered. She tried to care for them both, but eventually the stress of being a single mother and fear of losing them got to her, and she sent her kids to an orphanage, so they could be cared for properly. Soon after she disappeared (Fukumi is 10).

Her brother and her got split up at the orphanage, and she didn't find him again until much later. Fukumi spent a lot of time trying to cope with the loss, constantly having kids around her and teasing her "fingerpaint" markings made her feel an outsider there too.

She made a way of writing so they couldn't read her journals, and made friends with the orphanage healer. He was sweet and caring with her, he gave her bandages and taught her to bandage her teddies, he made her realise how nice and selfless dragons could be. He also lent her his books, which were usually fairytales- but sometimes meditative or healing energy tomes to help with her grieving when she missed her family.

He had an assistant, he was bumbling and not as fun as the healer, but he was closer to her age and would sometimes sneak her simple spells and charms that she would practice and write in one of her journals.

Eventually she turned 15 and her brother came to find her at the orphanage. She was beyond happy to see him, and went to live with him while he worked. She didn't have much to do, but she was able to travel when her brother could come, and she found a box of treasure buried in their old (cottage) backyard with a note from their dad. In it was her bracelet and the rest her brother used to pay for things. In it was some of his history and thats how they met their step-sister. Ever since then shes been trying to work on her smarts, growing up in a isolated cottage, then isolated orphanage, has left her a little clueless. Recently her brother has taken on some work alone and she is trying to find her own feet.

Family Members:

Ash Svikari (brother)

Caluk Haijist (Father, dead)

Vera Black (mother, dead)

Love interest (If none leave Blank):

Appearance: Refs, tends to wear dark colours.


Bracelet(magic, made from soulstone shards and lets her channel her mana through it, giving her different elements. Weakness is that she isnt precise enough to choose one specific element, so its random)

Book in belt pouch (book is written in her own language and only unlocked by her bracelet, has the spells and charms)

and sword

Preferred weapon: sword, taught and given to her by Ash

Ref Sheet (If one was made):