Steve Silver



2 years, 2 months ago


Username (Your name): Lil ol' me

Name (Character name): Long Sven Silver (Steve)

Age: 20

Sex (Bi, Straight, etc): Pirate :sunglasses:

Pronouns (He/Him, She/Her, etc): He/Him

Dragon Type: Wader

Height (Humanoid): 6 feet because the average height has jumped to 6+ lol

Height (Dragon): 12 feet

Strength: 16/20

Dexterity: 20/20

Constitution: 14/20

Intelligence: 12/20

Wisdom: 10/20

Charisma: 18/20

Personality: Nice, Trustworthy, Protective, Chatty, Pirate

Occupation: Pirate/mercenary but prefers land pirate

Backstory: Grew up with dave, dad left on a fishing trip and ended up swimming with the fishies, left to become a pirate. Wolves are also the family symbol according to him, no-one knos if he just bought the necklace and made it up. Worked for Cornelius before joining his daughter to be her first mate. Likes thievery and tries to get his mum what she wants. A good man on the whole

Family Members:

Aye me Ma :heart:

Love interest: the feel of the deck beneath my boots

Appearance: Tall, man ponytail, forehead tattoo, likes long captains coats (like captain hooksXringmaster coats) but doesnt wear shirts beneath. Redhead. Usually an easygoing demeanour. Not many scratches or scars. wears many belts/anything piraty he finds, doesnt really have a set outfit. Likes fingerless gloves if he can find them. Stubble. RIGHT ARM IS MISSING FROM ELBOW, NOT SHOWN IN REF. replaced by a carved wooden arm.

Dragon is dragon lol

Accessories: wolf necklace hes wearing here, no hats, he likes his hair

Preferred weapon: TWO CUTLASSES WITH WOLF HEADS ON THE HILTS, sheathes them on his right hip because hes left handed

Ref Sheet (If one was made):