dythia lagnea



2 years, 1 month ago


"nothin' you can take from me was ever worth keepin'”

Basic info


Jade (Eucalyptus #0b5c3b)

AGE 11.08 sweeps (~24 human years)



75143278_qke4Wf5tfB8bhGf.png Virsci, Sign of the Alchemist

ABILITY Rainbow Drinker

A rare trait of their bloodcaste, Dythia is a rainbow drinker. This ability was only realized after they left the church and they are adamently afraid of it. They are terrified of becoming entirely dependent on consuming blood and losing control of their apetite. It was the burning thought that kept them awake at night; succumbing to animalistic instincts, losing themselves to basic urges. These thoughts are often accompanied by more compulsive ones. Dythia frequently has compulsive thoughts surrounding themes of loss of control and contamination. They worry about things like food or they themselves have become contaminated by bodily fluids or by germs and disease, which is why blood itself can bring Dythia a lot of anxiety. They smoke to curb those appetites.

Survival Sight

The Seer of Life is an observer of life itself, from a single cell to the ecosystems made of it. Life is a complicated thing, with countless systems that weave together and grow in ways that make them intrinsically connected to one another. Dythia has an otherworldy ability to peel back and peer into the many layers of life. Just by touching someone, she can see into their nervous systems, their skeletons and the very building blocks that build up their genetic code. She can see weak points, when something isn't right or harmful. They also have a a sort of radar for nearby lifeforms. They feel inexplicably connected to every living thing, from the highbloods that attacked her to the grass beneath her very feet.

OCCUPATION Freelance Photographer


HIVE A three storey, lavish hive

Dythia lives in a luxurious hive that had previously belonged to a violetblood. It's a large, extravagent home with a gorgeous garden out front and a beautiful courtyard inside. Not long after their initial flee from the church, Dythia found a hive that had been broken into and ransacked. Inside, they found the corpse of a violetblood along with whatever was left and wasn’t stolen from their home. They were hesitant about touching anything, let alone moving into the property. She didn't feel it was right, to use the someone else’s demise as a benefit for herself. But she had no other choice. They tried their best to do it as respectfully as possible, and never took down the portraits of the violet they had hanging up in their home. Little by little, Dythia fixed the hive up for themself, and even gave the nameless (to them) violetblood a proper burial near the hive.


Dythia was amongst those in the church that the convent of nuns had raised personally. She was smuggled out of the brooding caverns as an egg, a practice that the church partook in semi-regularly. They were chosen, along with some of the other midblooded girls, to join the convent early due to their obedience and excellent school performance. She never liked it, never thought of it as an honor like her peers did. She never wanted to veil her hair.



Seer of Life; One who Invites Understanding of Life or one who Invites Understanding through Life

Seers are the passive half to the Understanding class, with their counterpart being the active Mages. Seers tend to have a strong sense of morality as well as justice. Seers are shown knowledge of their aspect through symbolic visions or manifestations. They must learn how to translate these visions and manifestations into actions and decisions in order to help their teammates and session succeed. They are the most strategic of the classes and guide from the sidelines. Life is the aspect of healing, growth and empathy. It’s opposite aspect is Doom. Life players are concerned with the betterment of themselves and the people around them. They are deeply empathetic and intuitive people, often with an intuitive understanding of other’s suffering. They tend to be selfless, often putting others needs before their own though they can grow resentful if they feel they have been pushed to the side. A seer of life’s role is a passive one. Seers of Life are naturally optimistic and are the types to believe that things will turn out alright in the end no matter the circumstance; they can see and feel how everything lives and wants to live, they can feel the life force from everything that is alive. They would struggle with the notion that sometimes you need to fight for what you need in life and someone must lose for them to win. They see the potential in all living things to grow and change, and may believe that you shouldn’t have to commit sacrifice to get what you want. Their challenge is to understand that although all living things want to live, and do not want to die, all things must.



  Good/neutral traits

  • highly empathetic, understanding of others
  • tenderhearted, kind to a fault, altruistic
  • curious, questions why things are the way they are
  • selfless, puts others before themselves often
  • sanguine in nature, sees only the best in others
  • easily excitable and friendly
  • sensitive, especially to percieved rejection
  • spontaneous, seeks out new experiences
  • forceful in their beliefs, headstrong
  • adaptable, rolls with the punches
  • unusual, bit of an oddball
  • naturally charismatic, magnetic
  • touchy, absentmindedly affectionate
  • keenly observant
  • not the jealous type

  Bad traits

  • can come off as callous and uncaring
  • believes they know whats best, overbearing
  • easily affected by what others think of them
  • can be terribly passive aggressive
  • poor self image and self esteem
  • very blunt, may seem hurtful
  • has an almost childlike view of the world
  • too trusting of others, credulous
  • childish and immature, irresponsible
  • quite lazy, slothful
  • impulsive and reckless
  • averse to sharing her feelings, distant
  • tendency to feel trapped, emotionally, physically, etc
  • flighty, a bit thoughtless
  • procrastinator, leaves things to the last minute


  • Dythia's firstname comes from Pythia, the name of the oracle of Delphi. She was a high priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and of course, served as its oracle. Her title was also historically glossed in English as the Pythoness. The name Pythia is derived from Pytho, which in myth was the original name of Delphi. I simply took Pythia and the D from Delphi and made Dythia.
  • Their surname comes from the word odaxelagnia, a paraphilia involving sexual arousal through biting, or being bitten. It is considered a form of sadomasochism. This is a reference to her being a rainbow drinker.
  • Dythia's birthday and creation day is May 22, making her a gemini.
  • She suffers from obsessive complusive disorder (OCD), anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They also struggle with dyslexia.
  • She has ARFID.
  • They keep photos of her time at the church with her at all times; one with the three of them—Tratos, Phemos, and Dythia—huddled together, another school-day photo of her and her few classmates, and a picture of her and her sister, before she started veiling her hair. They're hard to look at.
  • Dythia awoke as a rainbow drinker following a deadly altercation with drunken highbloods. They killed her that night.
  • They like a more gender-neutral wardrobe, but own lots and lots of more traditionally feminine clothing. They love flowy fabrics and muted colors.
  • Dythia is close to being underweight. They struggle with their appetite.
  • She and Kyenyx share clothes all the time and even have a few pieces that they tend to fight over who gets to wear. Sometimes they even check in with Kienyx before buying a clothing item to see if he'd like it too.
  • They speak both Spanish (Panamanian dialect) and patois, but have more confidence speaking Spanish.
  • Dythia has a persistent habit of speaking to herself and biting her nails when thinking or anxious.
  • She is a snorer. She kicks a lot when sleeping and is loud whenever she's having a good night's sleep.
  • She doesn’t really like taking photos of herself. They have plenty of candids of Kienyx though.
  • They are ambidextrous.
  • Dythia is very organized. Everything in their house has a place, everything belongs somewhere. She becomes genuinely distressed when things go missing or aren’t where they’re supposed to be.
  • Kyenyx actually persuaded her to pierce her lips.
  • On the dorsum of their feet are the branded sigils of the church. They're rather ashamed of them and do anything to keep them hidden. It reminds them too much of the family and the life they left behind.
  • She has never given up on seeing her sister again. She never will. If they don't meet in this life, she is happy to wait for the next.
  • They don't like wearing makeup. They've never been the type to wear heavy makeup. Just lip products if they're feeling fancy.
  • She acted as a sort of older sister to Phemos. Even as a child, she cared for him in a deeper way than she would a classmate or friend. She held him when he cried, pet his hair when he laid on her lap, all things the Mother Superior had done for her. It was the only way she knew how to show affection, and Phemos was always so much more receptive to it than Tratos was.
  • Dythia's interest in photography began when she got her hands on an instant camera someone had discarded near the church compound. Her heart broke when she ran out of film for it.
  • She isn't a big reader. She prefers movies.
  • Dythia doesn't have much of an understanding of the hemospectrum and is quite oblivious to its societal consequences. Sure, she knows what it is, and knows what her place would be according to that system, but she doesn't understand why she's supposed to follow it or why any of it matters. It makes her come off as very insensitive to lowblood issues, especially to those who find themselves completely off the spectrum.
  • She loves fruit. Her favorite fruit is pineapple. It’s the absolute perfect fruit in the world to her.
  • They're more of a snacker than a meal-eater. They prefer having whatever they want in small portions throughout the day when their appetite allows for it.
  • Both her and Latona are based loosely on bats, though neither of them have many bat traits. Dythia is based on a fruit bat but only has similar pupils to one and of course, has a great love for fruit.
  • She used to get teased and made fun of often for her crooked teeth and snaggletooth. She's still quite sensitive about it.
  • Cutting her hair was a very impulsive decision.
  • She likes sending Kyenyx photos throughout her day. She saw a cute cat on her way home? She'll send him a picture of her petting it. She walked past a cute shop? Better show Kyenyx, maybe they can go together soon. It's like her love language, her way of saying I'm thinking of you!
  • Dythia likes when Kyenyx sleeps on her. He's a little too big for it to work sometimes, but the action brings back fond memories. She likes petting his face and playing with his hair.
  • She loves silver, but has recently branched out into wearing gold.
  • Her and Azra still talk sometimes, though usually nothing more than well wishes and the occasional catch-up. While they've grown into different people, it's nice to still have that connection. Dythia can't bear to lose anyone else.
  • Dythia wheezes when she laughs.
  • One of her more inconviencing compulsive behaviors include having to flick the light switch on and off exactly ten times whenever she enters a room, so nothing bad happens to the people she loves. She has a little red fidget toy she keeps with her to help with her anxiety surrounding it. Most of the time, simply hearing the clicks from the fidget toy is enough to make her feel better. Its basically the same, if she closes her eyes.
  • She can sing surprisingly well.
  • Dythia is a big fan of folk ballads. She loves the storytelling.
  • When stressed, she likes to stand outside barefoot, feeling the grass under her feet and the wind against her skin. It feels a lot better when she's high too.
  • She touches her face when she lies.
  • Dythia tends to stay close to whoever she knows best in group settings, and almost always that will be Kyenyx.
  • She likes sleeping in Kyenyx's bed much more than her own. She loves it when they have lazy days where she doesn't have to do anything but lay in bed all day. Sometimes she goes over to his place, when she knows he isn't there, just to nap.
  • They much prefer taking edibles than regular smoking. Its nice either way, but there's just something about eating a pot brownie and passing out 40 minutes later that makes her feel so content and serene.
  • She's very sentimental about certain things. She still has tiny notes Kyenyx wrote her back from when they were first getting to know each other. Its the little things that really mean something to her.
  • There's a little notebook she keeps in her dresser full of stickers she's peeled off of fruit.
  • She loves grandma candies. SHE'S the granny with the purse full of strawberry bon bons and butterscotch candies.
  • Dythia provided the supporting and backing vocal to a handful of the songs Azra's produced. She asked not to be credited for it; she did it just for fun and really didn't care if the song made money.



Kyenyx Eleara (Flushed?)

Ameris Lácera (???)

Nameless fling (former)

Azra Atabei (Former)




Kyenyx Eleara (current)

Tratos Iscara (former?)


She's auspisitized for others often before.

Credit: Xamag