


6 years, 5 months ago



"..I don't think... happiness exists for me..."

Name Whisper
Age 22
Height 5’5’’
Birthday August 29th
Build underweight and frail, slightly feminine
Species Norwegian forest cat/Lahore pigeon mix
Gender demiboy (he/they)
Oreint. personal space (grey-ace/gay)
Alignment true neutral
Occupation tailor
Voiceclaim [x]
Theme sayoko
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • hair and wings have a lighter underside
  • always wears his gloves, veil is optional
  • hazel eyes with gold fleckes. iris size changes like a cats
  • red coloring under his eyes, not optional
  • kitty peets (paw feets)
  • tattoo brand on his back as well as several scars

kind ☁ quiet ☁ meticulous ☁ paranoid/anxious ☁ depressed



cloud touch - whisper possesses the ability to manipulate clouds. tt can be used for both offensive and defensive reasons, though it's usually used mainly for defense.

  • collect - due to his time at Enhalo, Whisper no longer needs to use his lantern to help him form clouds. He is now able to manipulate the air and water molecules in the air to form clouds, and then work with them from there.
  • protect - the main way whisper uses this ability. this is a form of shield casting and the clouds will manipulate and form a shield. whisper can either form a forward facing shield that usually take the shape of crossed wings and can withstand strong force, though after multiple hits will disperse. (3-4 strong hits) this is usually for 1 person, though it can be cast on up to 2 people at the same time but the amount of hits they can take lessen. the other form is a cloudy-like dome that can take up to 3 people, but is generally weaker. (1-2 strong hits)
  • shape - a more offensive use of the skill (though Whisper doesn't always use it that way). Whisper can manipulate and enchant objects to take shape and even cause damage, such as objects like swords actually having sharpness to them instead of just being fluffy. This means Whisper can shape his clouds into weaponry though if needed, but usually this skill is just used to make small gifts or daily objects that he might need that aren't on hand. His size limit for objects is no larger than something like a table. As well, he has a limit to the items he create at a time before a 3 round cooldown triggers. He can create either 3 small objects (ankle height and around accessory size), 2 medium (knee height), or 1 large (hip height, table sized). Temporary objects can last up to 5 rounds but can be dispelled/destroyed earlier than that. As well, he can enchant the objects to keep their shape permanently, but this is more costly on his mana and triggers a 5 round cooldown for any object made permanent no matter the size.
  • screen - whisper can thin out the clouds into more of a fog to cover an area. this is useful for hiding, confusing an enemy, or just a quick escape.

shift - they have the ability to shift into a smaller than average winged cat (around munchkin size). there's not much practical reason behind this form except for his own relaxation or a quick escape or hiding purposes.


tw: abuse, csa mentions

Originally born in Ruby, Whisper’s life was fairly average with a healthy family and comfortable school life. His magic started to manifest early, which caused his parents and teachers to help encourage him and lead him along towards practicing his skills. That happy comfortable life soon disappeared though, when Whisper had gone missing. No one was sure where he went. Their family and neighbors searched for months on end, and eventually when the months turned to years, the search was stopped. His family had to finally accept Whisper was gone, and so decided to move to restart their life and eventually have another child.

The reality was Whisper had been taken by a sex trafficking group, though personally kept instead of sold off. Years of abuse broke him down to the point there was barely any remnants of how he used to be. The trauma continued to pile up to the point he gained a complete phobia to touch of any kind. This made him too difficult to handle, and so was dropped off in the Ruby streets in a botched attempt to kill him.

But he survived, kept himself alive though with much difficulty. Scared, broken down, and with nowhere to go. During this time was when he met Uriel, a much kinder man. He was extremely wary of the elf, who had kindly extended an offer to come stay with him at the inn he was residing in during his visit. Uriel got him his own room, and when he eventually left, gave Whisper enough money to keep renting their room. Even with the man back in Sapphire, they had started to write to each other, and eventually enough of a relationship had been established that Uriel offered once more for Whisper to stay with him.

So he did. He was brought to the noble’s residence in Sapphire and was given his own room, as well as being allowed his own devices and could navigate himself as he pleased. He was still uneasy and suspicious of Uriel and what he presumed hidden intentions, but… none had shown. He soon learned Uriel was doing this out of pure kindness, and slowly but surely began to get comfortable.

It was slow, but it was something, with Whisper slowly opening up more to Uriel. Became more trusting. He began to practice his magic as well with Uriel’s help and picked back up on his education to make up for the lost time. It was slowly becoming a happy life once more – until tragedy seemed to hit again. Uriel was struck with a parasitic disease, one that caused him to become terminally ill. They tried to find a cure, or at least give him more time, but it was futile. Uriel decided to send Whisper off to Enhalo during this time, not wishing for the other to be forced to watch him slowly die and as insurance in case the estate could not go to Whisper.

He tried to refuse, but eventually listened to Uriel’s wishes as he moved to Enhalo, feeling devastated. He understood Uriel’s intentions, but it did not make it hurt any less. During his time at Enhalo, he eventually opened up once more, making a few close friends and even falling in love. The school as well helped him improve his magic and overall abilities. He felt happier once more, until it all fell apart once more – with the death of a best friend, and the disappearance of his love. Depression consumed him, and he felt worse than ever.

Eventually he became tired, planning to unenroll from the school. However his plans were interrupted when students went missing, and the school was placed on lockdown. Timing caused him to remain trapped since he was unable to leave during this time due to the suspicion of the divines. So he remained, struggling to get through the day to day motions. Finally though, opportunity presented itself. Whisper immediately took the chance the moment he was told he could leave, and packed his things before leaving Enhalo. He moved back to Sapphire, back to Uriel’s home which had been left to him. It hurt to be back there, but he had nowhere else to go. He struggled, and still does, to keep himself functional. Some in the town knew him, and welcomed him back with open arms. He was thankful, but did not return the friendliness as much, trying to keep to himself as much as possible. As of now, he tries to navigate himself day to day with few interactions, trying his best get by.


  • drawing
  • luna
  • flowers
  • being left alone

  • being touched
  • loud noises/voices
  • feeling exposed
  • constantly losing people

  • whisper suffers from haphephobia, aka touch phobia. unknown or prolonged touching usually leads to panic attacks.
  • has a Samoyed named Luna that acts as a service/therapy dog, and helps Whisper around or lead them out of stressful situations i.e such as; crowds, helping people keep space, safe place for oncoming panic attack, etc. In addition, Luna now helps Whisper around the house, such as fetching things for him, opening doors, turning off lights, etc.
  • he also has a dust/cloud bunny mix named Annabelle who helps keep the house free from dust and such
  • fluent in common and hybrid-japanese
  • during his time at Enhalo, he picked up sewing as a hobby and continued to work on the craft.

Former love interest
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Deceased best friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Friend?, former roommate
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Deceased best friend, former love interest, caretaker
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.