
6 years, 5 months ago



“Please don’t look at me like that..”

Name Flux
Age unknown, just real old
Height 5’2’’’
Birthday February 27th
Build small and fragile looking
Species umbraeri
Gender agender (any pronouns)
Orient. (◞ ‸ ◟;)
Alignment neutral good
Occupation library assistant
Voiceclaim [x]
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • hair has its own gravity, and is an ombre of black > blue > purple with small dots scattered
  • dark blue sclera with almost white eyes and purple spirals
  • 3 small dot markings under both eyes, and light purple freckles
  • black fingertips
  • peets that go from light gray to dark to skin
  • the floating eyes are optional, but also have the spiral pattern and can be positioned anywhere
  • small goat tail hidden under clothes usually
  • wears almost exclusively whites and light cool colors, and all fashion is qi lolita based

shy ⋆ sensitive ⋆ soft-spoken ⋆ weak-willed ⋆ melancholic



abyss - flux's main skill is the ability to cast out a mini black hole, with the diameter of the hole itself 4 feet and the effect radius 13ft, and takes 2 rounds to charge. The black hole begins to pull and absorb enemies within its radius, and enemies must make a strength check to see whether or not they are successfully pulled in, depending on how much they succeed/fail determines how much damage they take. If the enemy completely fails and is pulled into the hole, they are inflicted with massive damage before being ejected out, the maximum damage being broken bones and bruises. If they manage to completely evade, the enemy would still feel the effects of the pull from the radius and take -1 speed for 1 round. The hole lasts for 3 rounds before closing up, though Flux can willingly close it at any time, and after it's gone Flux cannot cast another for another 4 rounds. Only one strength check is needed for the first round that the hole is cast, and is only needed again for another hole or if the enemy reenters the radius while its still active. Larger enemies, depending on their size, would be partially stuck in the hole. The hole doesn't get interrupted even if they are attacked, and while charging it depends on the type of attack to waver them from their task.

other side - flux is able to make portals with a similar look to their black holes. distance wise, these portals can go about the distance across enhalo (like from sit to vol). These portals are only large enough to fit in one person at a time though and 3 people maximum, and Flux can only cast two of these a day. for this skill to work though, flux needs to have a place in mind they can at least somewhat visualize, so it needs to either be a place they have visited or somewhere a person could visually show them either via pictures or telepathy.

shift A minor skill that ties in with their fire, they can control the heat of the fire itself of a comfortable warm to burning hot. flux can turn into a fox-sized creature, this form isnt very strong but it is good for hiding and quick escapes.

void’s gaze - this is a bit of a passive ability, where flux is able to manifest a mass of eyes that float in front of their face/head. The eyes can move and blink and give Flux a wider peripheral vision. They can only move around their head and typically remain in a cluster, but if needed for some reason the eyes can move around independently. The eyes are typically active moreso than not, but Flux will rid of them if necessary but it tends to leave them extremely anxious to do so.

featherweight flux can naturally 'float' and glide, where their steps have a bit more glide to them instead of straight levitation, and they fall slower from jumps or falls from heights.


Flux, in truth, does not completely remember their origins. Their earliest years come to them in a bit of a blur. They recall bits and pieces of the collapse and being separated from their family, but not much else.

They stuck to the woods and such as they traveled in the early years after the collapse, keeping to themselves for the most part due to their demonic nature and doing their best to survive. It was only occasional they ran into others that were kind, and even then struggling to interact. Most were still fearful or even angry at demons, and so Flux made sure to minimize their presence as much as they could. With their life remaining confined to the woods, Flux took up training their magical skills to help keep themselves fed and out of most danger.

Only a few years after the collapse did they finally began migrating towards the outskirts of smaller villages, sometimes someone being kind enough to give them a place to rest for awhile. They did their best not to stay long though or seem imposing. In truth, it was still uncomfortable, and they could still feel the tension. Many people looked at them when they passed by and there were still many who did not take kindly to their presence or demonic appearance. Knowing this, they usually drifted from place to place, never staying too long so they weren’t a bother and caused people to become too uncomfortable or aggressive. Though even sometimes their arrival was too much, and it wasn’t always uncommon for them to quickly leave as fast as they had come. At least in their travels they slowly began to learn knew things and pick up bits and such of knowledge from others, and would happily listen to kinder strangers tales or stories.

In many situations in their life, they willingly allowed others to take advantage of them and their kind nature. Abuse and hatred had wittled down their self esteem and worth, and caused them to view themself as essentially nothing. They believed their life had no worth, if not to serve others and make them happy. They routinely feel into toxic situations and cycles, believing it was putting some meaning to their life, and that it was better them than anyone more important. Typically, people would get their fill and allow them to move on, in which they would pick themself up and brush off before continuing on.

Eventually their wandering brought them to Juniper, and while they remain in the forest for a small while, they stumbled onto a small town one day. They were wary but many of the people were welcoming to Flux, and one stranger named Odelia offered them a place to stay. They remained for a while, finding themselves growing a bit comfortable and even a bit safer in this place, but part of them felt it wouldn’t last. When they tried to take their leave though, the stranger who they had grow closer to insisted they stay, that she had plenty of room. They were hesitant at first, but obliged.

Soon the people in the town grew accustomed to their presence and many began to even think of them as a resident the longer they stayed. During this time, Flux grew closer to the woman too. She was kind and told them many stories and they grew to love listening to her. They took trips with her throughout the town too and typically helped with chores and such as repayment for her kindness. She insisted Flux to call her grandmother and saw the other as family, and they began to see her as much as well. Slowly over time, they began to interact a bit more with the locals too, even though it was a struggle due to their shyness. They began to feel a comfort there though and that perhaps they really had found a place to stay.

This would eventually end up being the opposite though as several demons invaded the small town while Flux was out. In their shock, they did their best to defend themselves by casting a black hole, which was able to consume two of the demons and trap a third so it could be taken out by someone more skilled. When it was over they could hear the chatter around them, primarily of their skill which they had done their best to not use before. They ran home in a panic from the event, unsure of what to do. They were even more lost as someone had knocked on the door a few hours later - some scouts had been alerted of their skills and wished to take them to Enhalo. Flux disagreed, but the men managed to overpower them and bring them to the school despite their pleas for otherwise.


  • night time
  • sweets
  • quiet places
  • dolls

  • being stared at
  • eye contact
  • hurting others feelings
  • being randomly touched

  • suffers from extreme generalized anxiety, and has a bad habit of chewing on their lip when theyre especially anxious
  • accepting of any and all pronouns used towards them as long as they know theyre the one being addressed, though they don't view themself aligned to any gender
  • speaks common, demonic, and juniper, along with a small bits regions of their travels though nothing really significant
  • their hair is naturally floaty, though they can make it lay flat and look like 'normal' hair, its just a look they dont prefer and it makes them feel a bit more anxious since it feels too heavy
  • has a small collection of dolls, not a lot but theyre just something they personally enjoy
  • flux's high evasion is due to their increased peripheral vision, which makes it easier for them to see incoming attacks and move out of the way
  • due to moving from place to place and usually living on the outskirts of villages, they've become good at taking care of themselves in the wild and has learned to identify herbs and plants and whats safe to use
  • flux is close to immortal but not quite. instead their aging process is extremely slow, and natural cases of death like sickness are way less likely to happen, though they can be easily killed still
  • their main themes/associations are still water and the moon, as well as white lilies and peach blossoms
  • they have a heavy stutter when they speak
  • being stared at or looked at by crowds of people makes them panic super hard
  • original shifted design by panowie-pedauowie!

Best friend, love interest
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Best friend, love interest
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Caretaker, "grandmother"
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.