Pascal Chevalier



6 years, 5 months ago


Pascal Chevalier

"The only limit is our imaginations!"

Name Pascal Chevalier
Age 20
Height 5’1’’
Birthday April 3rd
Build thin and noodly
Species ragdoll cat
Gender nonbinary (they/he)
Orient. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (masc leaning)
Alignment chaotic neutral
Occupation freelance artist
Alignment [x]
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • light blonde hair with dark brown ears and brown ends, same with their tail
  • lighter freckles on face, shoulders, and thighs
  • also lighter marks around the inner corners of their eyes
  • always wearing their bell collar and tail ribbon
  • fashion is either super cute and casual or high end fashion, no inbetween
  • sharp kitty teef.. munch

energetic ☼ mischevious ☼ playful ☼ impulsive ☼ apathetic



illusionary canvas - Via the use of mana channeled through their paintbrush, Pascal is able to 'paint' illusions. This is done by making several motions with the brush to 'paint' the full illusion. Pascal's illusions are mainly visual based. Visual illusions can have sound, such as an illusion person talking, but they cannot make purely sound-based illusions. If their illusions 'attack', the hits can simulate pain of the victim of the attack but there is no actual wound or blood, and if the illusion is attacked back it will disperse and so will the pain. They can also hide themself or allies, but if they or someone else goes for an attack the illusion drops. Pascal do up to either 2 large illusion, or 3 minor ones at a time before triggering a cooldown which lasts for two rounds. The largest their illusions can go is about to the size of a car.

hue - Pascal has the ability to change the color of just about anything! As long as they're able to touch it, they move their finger in a circle motion like you would a color wheel to rotate through hues, and once they stop, that's the color it is now. Of course they can change it back if they wanted or someone asked them too, though either way the effects wear off after about an hour.

shift They're able to shift into a small ragdoll cat, its mainly just for leisure and such.


When Pascal was born, the unprepared parents immediately turned the baby over to an orphanage. The couple felt neither of them were ready to keep the child for their own, lacking the resources. So, they turned them over in hopes they would instead be raised by a more loving and prepared family.

This... did not end up being the case for years. Pascal hopped from foster family to foster family, being traded from one caretakers hands to another's. This was due to their rather... energetic and destructive nature. Most families found them to be too much of a handful, casting them back into the system for another to take. It wasn’t until they were nine, a couple decided to take them in as their own permanently.

The two women, Delilah and Sage, were warned about Pascal’s past behavior, and suggested to look into another child. The couple stood their ground though and soon after took in the cat. They were… somewhat prepared at least for their behavior. Pascal certainly was a bit wild as promised, with nearly uncontainable energy. It took time before finally one of their mother’s came up with a solution to try and channel the child’s energy into something more productive and less… house wrecking. The process involved a bit of exploring to find something that Pascal remained interested in, until the child seemed to settle on art. They also noticed Pascal's use of illusions, though they seemed to only be minor though consistent - since they were typically used to sometimes prank or mess around with the couple. In the later years, the two women would help them also begin to really train and try to strengthen their skills.

In the later years, not much to their surprise, Pascal pretty much remained the same odd and hyperactive child. They didn’t entirely mind at times, since their hyperactiveness found other outlets in their life that didn’t include wrecking the house. Sage would sometimes worry over their behavior when it got a little reckless, such as climbing into high places or messing with things they shouldn’t.

One day of exploring turned into a bit more, as Pascal ended up witnessing robbery. Part of them knew they should let another handle it, but another part of them found helping was exciting! They quickly hopped into the situation with their illusions to confuse the thieves and for the most part keep them occupied and in place until proper authorities arrived, since they weren’t really physically strong themselves. When the police arrived and the criminals were detained, among one of them was a scout. While the situation was being handled, the scout approached Pascal with an offer to Enhalo due to their strong illusion magic. Pascal excitedly took the offer from the scout, though did ask to check it over with their mother’s first.

Sage was a bit wary of the offer, wondering if it’d be alright for them to leave. Delilah reassured her though, saying it’d be a good opportunity! It could be fun for them and a place to learn more, and Pascal could write letters or they could probably visit sometimes. It took a bit before the two made a decision to allow the cat to go. Pascal excitedly packed their bags, and soon was off to Enhalo.


  • art/painting
  • joking around
  • bells
  • attention and affection
  • self care

  • loud noises
  • being bossed around
  • loneliness
  • hot weather
  • being told to “settle down”

  • their paintbrush is enchanted to float! this makes it easy for them to use it due to its size, plus they use it to ride around similar to a witches broom.
  • doesnt rly care about pronouns? they prefer they/he the most tho
  • they purr a lot and fairly loudly... purr machine
  • very touchy just what is.. personal space im sorry
  • born w naturally high mana too.
  • speaks common and pitaya! they have a slight french-like accent because of it
  • loves high fashion and super into fashion design
  • their main mediums with art is traditional sketching, copic markers, oil paint, and pastels
  • voice

Best friend, housemate, kinda dad?
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Best friend, housemate
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.