Paris Blackwall (Relationships)



2232439?Emilio Blackwall [Father]
Paris loves his dad, that is as true now as it was all those years ago when he and Fabian were taken away from him, the two have managed to reconnect with their father, although Paris was the first to do so, and Paris and Emilio have done something of a decent job catching up. Despite them living in different states? Paris calls his dad almost daily to ask how things are going, to check in, and just make, keep, and maintain that contact that had been lost for so long. Emilio is one of the few people that Paris does talk about his various insecurities with if just because he knows Paris and knew what he was like and therefore knows that there was a noticeable enough change in Paris' demeanor. 
729847?1528183509Fabian Blackwall [Brother]
Paris was ecstatic to find his brother after they got separated and has sense done everything in his power to try and hang out and do things together. This wasn't always the case. While Paris was a decent brother before he was typically the leader and Fabian the follower. A situation which has reversed after what they have gone through. Paris tries to hang out with Fabian, constantly both bragging about his brother to others or lying about himself to make himself look better in Fabian's eyes, and other small things which show just how desperate for approval Paris is. Paris has no idea how grating this can be on Fabian but that's because Fabian keeps it to himself. Knowing his brother is both trying to make up for getting separated and just wanting someone to pay attention to him. Although Fabian doesn't feel there's anything that needs forgiveness and would be fine with that so long as Paris took a chill pill once in awhile.