Paris Blackwall (Biography)



The first few years of Paris' life weren't particularly special. They weren't bad certainly but they were nothing that anyone would write home about and describe in any vast detail. It was just a comfortable living with his dad and little brother Fabian, both of whom he loved and who loved him. Sadly this wasn't to last however. While the exact reasons were never explicitly made clear Paris figured it was probably someone who didn't like his father who called social services. What Paris does know however was that they didn't even think on it for all that long before both of the brothers found themselves in foster care. Moving from house to house in the system together until one day they simply weren't. A separation that Paris never really had a chance to handle all the well and was only made worse by the homes he ended up in. While no one seemed to actively hate him most seemed to just not care for him. Treating him as just another random kid that was being filtered through the system. So much so that very few of his future foster parents even bothered to learn his name and the few that did often went off information they had heard from the family before him. Eventually however, Paris did find a few nicer homes near the end of his time in the program, his last breaking the rules and helping him get in contact with his father who now was a few states over still back in Texas. 

Out of the program, Paris did his best to make a living for himself and soon found a job he was extremely suited for. Namely being the personal assistant to the mildly rich and the somewhat famous. If just because none of them really bothered to learn his names either. However that didn't matter to Paris as he did his best to roll with whatever role he landed as even if that meant fetching coffee for some angry diva or taking calls for the head of some business who he figured he'd never have a chance to work with or at as long as he lived. It isn't the best life but its his and it was made all the better with a surprise that Paris got one day. A call from his father that was the first step in getting him back in contact with that little brother he had lost so long ago. Something that Paris is happier than anyone could try to be about.  Their family back together, a regular sense of employment, and somewhere to live, Paris found something he had been seeking for a long long while. A place to belong and he doesn't intend to give that up to anyone no matter how nicely they ask.