Paris Blackwall (Personality)



With Paris? Everything done is done for the sake of one goal and that is a desperate attempt to be liked. Not loved, mind you, just liked. To be the type of person who folks were happy to have around. Born out of his stint in a program where several people didn't even seem to know he existed? Paris often finds himself doing and accepting a lot that most people wouldn't in an effort to have someone like him. From the eager acceptance and adoption of whatever name someone calls him because they never bothered to learn his actual name to the chronic and ever changing lies that he tells about himself in order to make him seem even the slightest bit interesting.  With Paris everything is free to be changed to suit the place that he finds himself in and the person he is talking to.  From the minor things like talking about what movies he likes to lying about what he does for a living. If it takes him saying that the sky isn't blue to make someone like him he would do it without a second thought. While he doesn't do anything out of malice or taking delight in deceiving people? That doesn't mean much to the people he lies to if, or rather, when too many contradicting lies come to light. He's a people pleaser to the extreme.  Willing to do or say anything to find acceptance from someone even if that acceptance is only the basest surface coat.  Needless to say the real Paris is awkward and unsure of himself to an obscene amount. To act like himself is the most uncomfortable thing in the world when he is around others although in private he might be a bit more open. At the heart of him is a fear of being rejected and after so long, the various personas that he puts on, no matter how much they might contradict with each other, in a way feel more like the real him at times than his actual self. A quiet reserved guy with some deep-seated issues that really needs some help.