Cadoc Ellison



2 years, 6 days ago


Basic Info

Age: 38

Height: 5'9

Ethnicity: European

Orientation: Bisexual

Pronouns: He/him

Appearance Notes: Cadoc usually wears his hair tied back in a ponytail. He often wears long coats and scarves, but otherwise his general style is comfy, semi-casual clothes with a slightly punk slant. He usually has his bangs hang in his face, but he'll wear a more formal side part if he's trying to look more professional or fancy for some reason. 

2 Cent Summary: Cadoc is a grumpy but caring widowed single father. He can have a somewhat difficult and confrontational personality, but he has a strong sense of justice and is very protective towards those he cares about.

Character Lore


Cadoc had a somewhat difficult upbringing, but eventually managed to get up to a lower middle class status. He had one child with his wife, Jenae, in his early twenties. His wife died in a street shoot out several years ago - during the time his daughter had gone missing and was presumed dead as well - and while he's kept a decent paying job, his overall situation has slowly decreased in quality since.


Cadoc is someone who does not hide what he's thinking much - to the point of being painfully blunt at times. He can be bitingly sarcastic and will straight up argue with people at times. Despite his slightly rough around the edges demeanor at time though, he has a very strong sense of justice. He'll always speak up against any act of cruelty he sees, and isn't shy about offering support to people who clearly need it. He is extremely protective of those he's close to, and considers ensuring their happiness and safety one of the most important things. In particular, he's very passionate about being a father (he was that co-worker who wouldn't shut up about how excited he was at the prospect when Jenae was pregnant with Ena) and generally likes spending time with kids/teens. As a teacher, he was always really patient with any students who were struggling; how well liked he was was a large factor in why the school let him stay on part time despite his mental breakdown after Jenae died and Ena went missing making him less reliable as a worker full time.

In general, his personality shifted somewhat after he was widowed. Before, he was more lively and would smile and laugh sometimes, and had an easier time connecting to people and talking about emotions. Afterwards, he became extremely anxious and depressed, and is far more wary of people in general and grumpier with them. He's more closed off now and struggles to talk about his or anyone else's feelings, though he still makes some kind of effort when it comes to his daughter, even if they aren't always very successful attempts.

Cadoc has an interest in history and antique collecting. His other main hobby is fencing - he used to run the fencing club at school - and even in his depressed funk, he tries to practice occasionally to ease his nerves.  


  • Ena Ellison: Cadoc is Ena's father. The two were close during Ena's childhood, but they started to drift apart after Jenae's death due to poor communication. They both still care about each other, but feel like they can't connect anymore, and it bothers them both greatly. Once Ena's powers manifest themselves and their lives Escalate dramatically, the two are forced to work more closely together, and to deal with their past baggage.
  • Euphranor Lakatos: Cadoc and Euphranor don't hit it off great, since their personalities clash somewhat. Nevertheless, it doesn't take long before Cadoc's paternal instincts kick in and he starts making more effort to look after him, and Euphranor starts to feel closer to him as well. The two end up eventual having a sort of father-son kind of relationship.
  • Fiera Casales: Cadoc and Fiera get along well. Cadoc greatly appreciates the ways Fiera has helped Ena, and thinks she's a good friend for his daughter. He also becomes quite protective of her when he realizes her own parents aren't so welcoming, and essentially lets her move into his and Ena's home.
  • Kadri Espenson: Cadoc and Kadri initially have a fairly tense relationship. Cadoc thought he seemed suspicious and referred to him as a 'punk', and so Kadri decided out of pettiness to be as much a 'punk' in the negative sense as possible around him. Cadoc worried they were a bad influence on his daughter, but didn't try to stop them from seeing each other because admittedly Ena wasn't acting troubled, he just disliked Kadri and found their background unsettling. Nevertheless, the two eventually get on good terms, and have a far more friendly 'rivalry' between each other, and Kadri comes to feel as though Cadoc is family as much as Ena is.

Bonus Info


  • Cadoc likes to collect antiques, especially of fancy knives and pottery.
  • Cadoc is a teacher professionally, though after his wife died and Ena went missing for a time, he has had to work a lot more part time due to a notable decline in mental health.
  • Proud owner of a driver's license.
  • His birthday is June 18.