Fiera Casales



2 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

Ethnicity: Latina, African

Orientation: Aroace

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance Notes: Fiera braids one side of her hair and tucks/clips it behind her ear.  It's alright if you want to draw her with it untied though, that would  probably happen if she was getting ready for bed/just getting up or if  it had come loose during Action Sequences. Clothing wise, her exact  fashion sense has been a wip for a long time, but I generally give her a  lot of longer jackets/cardigans, sweaters, semi-formal feminine  clothes, semi-sportsy clothes, or some mix of those styles.

2 Cent Summary: Fiera is a scholar of magic seeking to understand why her older brother committed suicide shortly after becoming a mage. She's generally reserved, analytical, and superficially polite towards others. Though it's been somewhat forgotten in her obsession to find answers, she has a passion for clothing design and was teaching herself to sew before her brother died. She also has a buried eccentric side.

Character Lore


Fiera and her older brother, Sancho, were born to lower class, neglectful parents. Sancho was the main person to spend time with her, though she was also close to her grandmother, who lived far away. When she was younger, her brother became a mage one day, and soon after killed himself. She then became obsessed with studying magic from a scholarly perspective, hoping to find the reason Sancho took his life and gain closure.


Fiera has a fairly reserved, down to earth personality. She's highly pragmatic and good at reading others. She's typically polite to others, and tries to come across as pleasant and agreeable, often hiding her own more negative or complicated feelings to do so. She typically keeps others at an arm's length, not believing any good will come from getting close to people. She's learned to be very self reliant, and fears being rejected or abandoned (this includes the feeling of realizing the friend you thought you had was only befriending you in the hopes of romance, and doesn't value you outside of that). She hates not having some kind of plan in motion or goal to pursue, as it makes her feel restless.

Despite how she carries herself, she does have a more genuinely compassionate side, as well as a more eccentric one. She naturally has a dry sense of humor, and enjoys irony and verbal witticisms in others. She privately likes to see new ways of doing things being explored, and is not overly inclined to follow the norm herself if she felt she could do so securely. In general, she naturally has a more fun loving and innovative streak, even if she's come to suppress it somewhat. 

Her main hobbies are fashion design/creation, reading, going to museums, and hanging out with her friends (once she has them).


  • Kadri Espenson: Fiera and Kadri are best friends. They consider each other the first friend they made during difficult times in their life, and are deeply fond and respectful of each other. They share a scholarly interest, and often like to compare notes and ideas. They find mutual entertainment in each other's eccentricities, and place high value on time spent together. They have a somewhat 'soft' relationship due to the circumstances of its formation, but especially as they grow more comfortable with their relationship's stability they tease each other a  bit more and become more frank in communication. Since both of them traditionally conceal their pain behind a smile, they initially struggled with directly addressing any issues they had. They also understand this trait in each other well, and are very patient and supportive in trying to conquer their shared struggles, and make an effort to understand the struggles they don't share in common. 
  • Ena Ellison: Fiera and Ena are close friends. Fiera's pragmatism balances Ena's almost reckless initiative, and the two generally make an effective team. The two of them bounce off each other well in conversation, and challenge each other to consider different perspectives or possibilities. Fiera and Ena worked together during a critical turning point in both of their lives, and they came to rely on each other's support and insight. They also found other things to bond over; both had lost family members, and were struggling at the time to connect with the other important people in their lives. Both of them have an artistic passion that began to fall to the wayside as their struggles overtook them, and they bonded over slowly picking those back up together. Now they often like to do crafts together or go out to cafes, among other things.
  • Euphranor Lakatos: Fiera and Euphranor are fairly close friends. They are quite different from each other, but come to respect those differences and enjoy spending time together. They are a bit more polite to each other than their other friends, but not out of emotional distance; it's just how they wound up communicating. They will still lightly tease each other occasionally, but are more likely to team up to tease Ena and Kadri.
  • Sancho Casales: These two are brother and sister. They were very close growing up, as Sancho was the only one who would play with her and look after her reliably. They often spent the afternoons exploring the city and getting in and out of various trouble, or reading aloud to each other and chatting about each others' interests at home. Fiera was devastated by Sancho's suicide, as she lost her only friend as well as her family, and is solely driven by discovering the real motivation behind his death so she can avenge him and get closure.
  • Cadoc Ellison: Fiera and Cadoc get along well. Cadoc greatly appreciates the ways Fiera has helped Ena, and thinks she's a good friend for his daughter. He also becomes quite protective of her when he realizes her own parents aren't so welcoming, and essentially lets her move into his and Ena's home.
  • Sulfur Toivonen: Fiera and Sulfur are technically enemies. They are on opposite sides, and so don't trust each other and will fight each other if necessary. But they don't strongly hate each other - they can kind of get along if needed. It might be most accurate to say they've had a lot of ups and downs in their relationship.
  • Aurélie Babineaux: These two were initially at odds with each other, as Fiera had sabotaged the Keep to get information she wanted. Eventually, an alliance of  convenience is formed, and they come to get along better. They can talk about magical theory and tactics at length with each other easily.
  • Castor: These two are enemies. Fiera initially wasn't aware of Castor, but quickly got bad vibes from hearing about him from Kadri, and then came to deeply hate him the more things came to light. Castor was passively aware and mostly disinterested in Fiera for a while before coming to see her as more of a threat and eventually a Huge Problem once she got more involved with things and started having more genuine influence over Kadri.

Bonus Info


  • Fiera's favorite foods are lemon cream pie and chocolate dipped fruits.
  • Once Fiera gets into gaming, her favorite kinds are strategy, puzzlers, and point-and-clicks; though she enjoys other kinds as well, especially socially with her friends.
  • For Halloween, Fiera would most enjoy making caramel apples and watching horror shows or playing horror video games with her friends. She'd also look into different folk tales and myths associated with the season and share what she discovered. If she were to dress up, it would probably be either as a pirate or as a serpent-goddess (it would be a fun costume design challenge for her).
  • Her birthday is July 17.

Associated Tunes

  • "Marionette" by Triosphere
  • "Lost in Paradise" by Evanascence
  • "A War of Our Own" by Stream of Passion
  • "Tides of Time" by Epica
  • "Cry with a Smile" by After Forever
  • "I Lost Myself" by ReVamp