Xander Klingelhof



6 years, 4 months ago



  •  Height 1.68M/5,5 feet
  • BuildFat
  • Refsheet: LINK 

  •  Charisma ★★★☆☆
  • Kindness ★★★★★
  • Strength ★☆☆☆☆
  • Dexterity ★☆☆☆☆
  • Stamina ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Intelligence ★★★★☆



Xander is a Krett trough and trough. He’s warm, kind and stubborn. He’s keen on honest work and believes every dream is achievable if you just work hard enough to achieve them. Totally forgetting the fact that him ending up being a Half, made his dreams come true. He’s a kind man and very calm. With a very clear, loud opera voice. Oh yeah, he’s an opera singer. Also really cool he got 6 fingers on each hand.

forum game notes: Hes a vegetarian (still eats eggs and cheeses). Don't make fun of his body type. Hates the smell of cigars. Is super famous and rich. Is considered to be one of the prettiest men in Drakenburg. Kind but no push over. His relationship with Ros is an open secret. Super Kretsch. Xander often drinks boiling water after his performances as he believes it will help ease his throat. He got the opposite of a green thumb. He manages to kill a cactus. His garden and house are full of dying flowers, please forgive him he's trying.  hates his goverment (me too buddy). Xander is afraid of sharp objects (especially knives). 

The amateuristic entertainer ;

He was born and raised in a pelt merchant family. Traviling caravans that sell furcoats and hats thought the entire pact. They are higher class but still workingclass. Xander started out as a low-life entertainer. Grabbing every chance he had to perform. Xander played in several drama plays and musicals in a small theater devoted to the working class. He even wrote even more stage shows then he performed in. While his performances were pretty decent, good even, his singing even better, he never broke through.  . He started his career as a stagehand (despised his parents objections they wanted him to become a peltmerchant instead) at his 15th, worked in his local theater till he was 31 as an actor,singer,stage/scriptwriter and died at that same age; after a reputation of a new musical, Xander was last leaving his beloved theater. Only to get ensnared into a robbery that ended poorly. Xander’s throat was cut, his bag was stolen. Dying was not the end for poor Xander though. It was júst the beginning.

Xander is touched by the Void, a Half, a person with a half-life. Someone who died, but was bought back to the realm of the living by the Void that lingers in everything and everyone. Halfs always have strange occultic powers that relate to the way they died. Xander is able to make things louder by touching it with his bare hands. For example, his voice. This was the desperate breakthrough Xander needed to get finally noticed.

The Emperor's Nightingale
Xander’s fame grew and grew with his new found powers. Fame came as quickly as the money came in and for the first time in his life Xander hadn’t worry about money anymore. Though Xander stayed humble, used the money to redecorate his beloved small theater. He eventually had to move his performs uptown, became more opera focussed and became even richer. The beauty of his voice, didn’t only get noticed by the citizens of Drakenburg, but reached the entire Norden Pact. Xander was 43 when the Holy Emperor of the Pact, knighted him as His Nightingale. Now Xander still lives in Drakenburg. He only travels to the Emperor’s court if he’s expected too. As he, despise Mosch (the city of the Emperor) and Stars, as a real Krett would. Xander lives in a modest house in the best place in town. He adopted a daughter, Bethania and is the chillest dad imaginable.


Xander is able to manipulate his voice like a siren. His singing lures people and his words calm them. Xander is able to hypnotize with his singing. Soothing them and almost drowning them in his low bronze voice. These powers only activates when he places his hands on his chest or throat. He's also able to give other sound sources this kind of allure when he places his hands on those.

When Xander uses his leemte lights will dim. Everything will feel warmer and safer. Softer. Almost too safe, too soft. His words will snake themselves into your system, even if for whatever reason you’re unable to hear him.
It has a very silky cherrywood smell. 



I think Xander likes to sing to his daughter and partner randomly. He’ll just burst into song, and it’ll always end up being something they needed to hear or were thinking of. It’s really a coincidence, no magic or anything involved. - @DewDropsOnRoses

Xander has thought about buying a second Dodo to keep his first company, and because he really just doesn't know what to do with his money a lot of the time. The only reason he didn't was due to Roswell stopping him before he could.-SwanMuffin27

I think Xander's humble beginnings and new-found wealth make him a favorite of the stagehands and maids he meets while visiting or performing for the King. He'll go out of his way to compliment the chef or leave excessive tips for those serving him. He's very personable with those considered "less important" than himself; joking around with them, giving advice to young hopefuls.
He's the kind of guy the waiters argue over who gets the privilege of serving him. Lysbby
Xander loves to feed the birds and will lay out a variety of foods for them in addition to the unusual birdseed. He also loves to hear the birds in the morning and thus I could see him being an early-riser? Just to watch em' and stuff. Also since he has 6 fingers on each hand I can only imagine that this would give him a fair advantage at piano? Maybe he wants to learn it or already plays it. @catalytic


His Half magic unfolded itself int he form of an extra finger on each hand. So he got six digits on his hands.
Got a higher education as he started to study once he got rich.
Can't read without his tiny golden glasses.
Is a good cook!
 Bethania Klingelhof.
572596?1520329227 BettyDaughter

He adopted her when she was 8. Idk more, I havent think this through. :)

 Roswell Butcher.
572597?1497130039 RoswellPartner

against all odds, Xander's Krett's hatered for Starbecq and its inhabitan, oh yea and not liking thieves, these two end up in a strong romantic relationship.

【 Accuracy 】

【 Damage 】

【 Dodge 】


  • Theather
    Xander lived his entire lifei n a small theater . He loves every form of plays, drama comedy, adventure stories? He's down..
  • Singing
    Xander can sing beautifully. Loud, but beautifully. It's rumored that his voice bring the Emperor to tears.
  • Birds
    He got a pet dodo.. Listen this dude got cash and he doesn't know how to spend it.


  • Crooks and Criminals
    After being murdered in a robbing, Xander doesn't really like the criminal aspect of Drakenburg..
  • Gold/wealth
    He isn't opposed too it. Far from but he would never, show off his wealth.
  • Sunny weather
    Doesn't like being all sweaty :(.