


1 year, 11 months ago



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Trans-masc non-binary(he/they)

Lawful Evil

Gay, Asexual

Evil Scientist/Inventor





Dr. Amoeba is a supervillain scientist employed through Evil Dot Org to invent and manufacture weapons of destruction. They have their own private lab and two employees who help with his experiments. 


Amoeba is an anxious mess, internally he's constantly worrying or fretting over every little inconvenience he faces, but due to his lack of facial features, change in vocal tone, and emotional inability to explain his anxiety, he appears as laid-back and aloof to most people. He has a low social meter and can only stand interacting with others before he has to leave the conversation and keep himself busy. Has a lot of passion for his work but has difficulty focusing on just one project and becomes easily scattered, his employees help keep him in track. He's made a lot of mistakes and failures in the past, career wise and personal, he holds tight onto these memories in the hopes of becoming better but he ends up just feeling remorseful and beats himself down for the decisions he's made.



In college, they became fixated on microscopic organisms and made it his main focus of research. He began to experiment with parasitic amoebas and found a way to clone an entire colony of them that he was able to freely command the actions of. The success of the experiment leads them further down their fixation, eventually leading to them to test if they could transfer their consciousness into a colony and essentially become one. He successfully transformed his body into millions of zooids who all shared and contained his consciousness, memories, and personality. They all joined together to form a colonial humanoid body and to carry on being Dr. Amoeba. Their transformation was made public by his university, and this gained the attention of Evil Dot Org, a supervillain employment organization, and was given a job to continue their research and make/sell weapons. 

Additionally, during this time, Amoeba became academic rivals with Kepley Guzman in one of the classes they shared but after spending time together when paired up for a project, they realized they actually liked each other and started dating. Amoeba ghosted Guzman immediately after their transformation and left to work for Evil Dot Org without saying goodbye to him.


Amoeba has been creating and selling weapons for a several years with the help of his two employees, Ray and Hao, and is satisfied with his job. However, his employees encourage them to get promoted to an actual supervillain instead of just being an inventor. They eventually accept the encouragement, thinking that surely the organization will deny their application, but it ends up getting accepted. Through the supervillain program, Amoeba is paired up to fight the well-known superhero, Digit Guppy, as their new archnemesis. Unfortunately, Digit Guppy happens to be the robotic son of his ex from college. Amoeba has to navigate through being a supervillain while also navigating their relationship with Dr. Guzman as they become a part of each other's lives again.


  • microscopic organisms like tardigrades
  • coming up with weapon ideas and concepts
  • flashy patterned shirts
  • smell of a sterilized lab
  • caffeinated drinks


  • confrontation
  • social events
  • coming into contact with uncomfortable textures/sensations
  • a disorganized lab


  • can freely alter the shape of their body so long as he has enough body mass to support that change.
  • has the ability to survive in inhabitable climates and conditions.
  • biologically classified as a hivemind colony of zooids, these microscopic pieces of himself can be transferred to other people through contact or through the air. can then infect and control other people's brains, he decides to never use this for moral reasons.
  • he has the ability to eat and drink, however that substance will sit in his body for hours and be slowly eaten by the thousands of zooids that make up his being. it's just like those videos of insects eating big pieces of food.


Design Notes 

  • his outfit includes a flashy patterned collar shirt, a lab coat, some brown khakis, and colorful sneakers. he's always in a state of dishevelment with his clothes and they're a bit baggy.
  • he has an entire closet just for his collared shirts so you can get creative and give their shirt whatever pattern you want! he always tucks in their shirt.
  • his head shape is a stylized amoeba cell, it's typically rounded and wavy. there's a lighter center and has different colored dots/shapes floating around his head.
  • his eyes are cartoonish rectangular shapes and are stylistically close to one another, usually placed in the center of his head.

Kepley: ex from college, father of archenemy...perhaps more?


They broke their relationship on bad terms and went years with no contact. Amoeba has mixed feelings, he still holds fondness for Kepley and regrets ending it the way they did but has ultimately decided to himself that the two of them together wouldn't work out. He resorts to being antagonistic towards Kepley to push him away and hopefully extinguish the feelings that are lingering between them.

Digit Guppy: archnemesis, son of ex


Amoeba doesn't really know what to feel or how to act around Digit Guppy. Thankfully most of their interactions are them fighting each other and Guppy seems to really hate them so there isn't much opportunity to talk.

Hao Wei-En: Employee


Hao is Amoeba's more emotionally perceptive and nosy employee, she tends to understand the source of her boss's less than stellar mood and actively makes it worse with her methods of involving her and Ray in his personal business. Other than that, she is an upstanding employee and helps him a great deal with the work they do.
