Phee Grilled Cheese



1 year, 10 months ago



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Phee Grilled Cheese



Cis Woman(she/her)

Chaotic Neutral

"I like everybody"



She's My Man



Phee Grilled Cheese or "Snarlenbite" is a were-boar vigilante partnered with Code. Their mission is to get revenge on the people who gave them powers, they're infamously known amongst the villain community for killing off the members and associates of a corrupt pharmaceutical company.


Phee's a destructive person in every kind of sense. She's loud and brash, verbalizing whatever comes to her mind without a care for the damage it causes. She solves her problems by using brute force and violence b/c she wholeheartedly believes this is the only way to achieve her goals. Her rough and tumble personality often alienates her from having long term friendships and she hasn't worked well with others in the past, but somehow she and Code have hit it off pretty well despite being polar opposites of each other. She gets gruff and stern whenever she's concerned, particularly when someone she cares for isn't doing too well.

Phee is quite secretive when it comes to her past and will always redirect the conversation to another topic when asked, it seems that whatever happened seriously impacted her.



In her early 20's, she was a small-time wrestler named the "Mammoth", she would mainly perform at backyard and community organized tournaments with her tag-team partner. This part of her life she really doesn't like talking about. 

A few years later she eventually became a mercenary for hire, she would work for anyone if they paid the right amount of money. A usual client of hers, who paid her to be their bodyguard, was a supervillain. They were business associates with the higher-ups and benefactors of Evil Dot Org, and one of those associates was a pharmaceutical scientist who was conducting experiments on people to enhance artificially created mutagens. The client and the scientist struck a deal that Phee would be used as a mutagen tester. She was then contained in one of the company's many facilities and experimented on, leading to her becoming a were-boar. Once the mutagen was proven to be active, she was immediately released back into the public as a part of the experiment to test its effectiveness. Phee wasn't too bothered by her new abilities and reveled in the strength she gained. 

She continued her work as a mercenary under the new alias 'Snarlenbite', except now she didn't care much for money and simply does the job for a chance to kill people.


In a dive bar, Phee is confronted by a strange, off-putting individual cladded in a business suit. Skipping any pleasantries, they jump into how they've been tracking her and need her assistance for a unpaid mission. Phee becomes agitated and threatens Code to buzz off but is calmed down when they reveal that they've been experimented on by the same people and aspire to get revenge on them. Intrigued, Phee allows them to 

continue speaking and they relay their plan, of how the two will slowly mow down the members and associates of Evil Dot Org to eventually infiltrate the company and take out its owners. Phee is resistant to joining since she doesn't see the point, she doesn't feel as vengeful as Code does and she actually enjoys her powers. What finally persuades her to join is the promise that she'll get to kill as many people as she pleases without getting in trouble with the law, so long as they officially enroll as a vigilante duo through Heroes United. The two then begin their partnership and begin their work.


  • motorcycles
  • repairing/tinkering machinery
  • the texture of leather
  • pickled foods/drinks
  • to the death combat
  • wrestling


  • doctors
  • medical settings
  • the cold
  • having to grind her teeth down every month
  • talking about the past


  • lives in a dingy one-bedroom apartment that permanently smells like weed and cigarette smoke. gets to live there rent-free b/c she's threatening the landlord.
  • has a tramp stamp tattoo, no consistent design. for funny reasons.
  • owns a motorcycle, has spent a majority of her money into modifying it to look as badass as possible. it's her pride and joy.
  • can turn into a giant boar beast, can transform freely without altering her state of mind but when she's incredibly aggravated, she loses control. has superhuman strength and her teeth can rip into almost any type of organic matter.


Design Notes 

  • Human form:
  • always wearing headband, hair is swept back and mullet reaches to shoulders.
  • hairy! has sideburns, bushy eyebrows, chin hair, and lots of body hair.
  • has an overbite, sharp teeth always poking out from under her upper lip.
  • plus size! don't draw her skinny, she has a double chin.
  • hoof-claws make up majority of fingers.
  • her wardrobe
  • Were-boar form:
  • 2 ft taller than human form
  • body type is the same
  • fur covers entire body
  • blonde hair translates into a mane 
  • coat coloration can be adjusted into a gradient
  • fur by nose is a lighter color
  • start of tail is thick and gets thinner by the end

Code: "i'm their partner in crime. their ride or die. i'm code's everything. their silly lil boar."


At the start of their partnership, Phee didn't particularly like Code. They abruptly dropped into her life, and onto her living room couch, and she wasn't too happy about the arrangement. After they start working as a vigilante duo, she grows to like and respect Code. Eventually she begins to have strong romantic feelings for them, but their work is far too important for her to intrude like that. 

Dr.Amoeba: "some guy on the list of guys we're gonna kill"


"he's evil. or something. i dont know, ask Code. all i know is we're gonna fucking bash his skull in one day."

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