Chancellor Gellir Ticicoa



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Esyri 14, 181 AE

Fake Birthplace

Breganahm/Thies Border




155 lbs


Birthname : Ade Qoyori Bayari-Retenpte 

Current Name: Gellir Ticicoa

Born in Tamarath on Esyri 14, 182 AE to a Talarn woman named Diri Aavna Bayari  and Tamaranth man named Nefere Retenpte. Diri was a Diviner who traveled to Tamaranth to aid a village, where she met her soon to be husband. When her son was born she settled in the area and her husband, Nefere, supported the family with fishing and trade. At 5, Ade began to show attunement to magics, especially the magics that Diri used, she began to teach him some basic divination rituals and abilities, but he was too young to do the spells himself. 

At 8 he began to have nightmares of bad omens, most involved his family and worried, Ade informed his father. Nefere never had proficiency for magic or fighting, and was supportive of his wife, a renowned diviner, but was dubious that his son possessed such abilities. Ade then went to his mother to explain what he saw in his dreams and they once more began to practice magic to try and find the source of the nightmares. 

Diri seemed to believe over time that the nightmares were a premonition of something she and her husband would do, and trying to prevent what Ade saw, they joined a religious order of Lurust. However, it soon turned out to be a cult of Mathar, the god of the Undead, rather than that of the god of the Dead. Diri and Nefere were absorbed into the cult, their view of the god twisted so that they revered rather than feared him. Ade tried to tell them they were getting lost in the religion and forgetting their initial reasons for joining, but it fell on deaf ears. 

His parents soon stopped pursuing helping people with divination, and his mother delved into necromancy and blood magic. At age 10, the cultists tried to groom the child to be a hand of their own, trying to teach him necromancy as well, he learned the spells and the basics, so to speak, but instead kept the knowledge for other purposes. He also learned how familiars were made, thanks to the elven mages using the followers of the cult to create their own true familiars. They intended to turn his father into a familiar, but Ade interfered in the ritual. They couldn't in turn make him familiar as he was not willing or accepting of the cult, instead they shipped the boy overseas, abandoning him in an unfamiliar port town. 

He was initially picked up by a woman running an orphanage, but Ade runs away after a few months due to being mocked for his appearance and bullied. He ended up on the streets around age 11, getting absorbed into a gang of street kids and youths. There were 45 members, not including Ade, all working under an errant under King Severa III of Calio. They acted as antagonists against the nation, an effort of the King to bolster support from the nobles and court to subjugate the peasants and lower class, as well as to found the idea of controlling all of Thies and not just the federal district of Caliophe. While the King never succeeded in controlling all of Thies properly, his pawns were rampant throughout the territory.

Ade stayed with this group until the age of thirteen, doing all manner of crimes and treasonous acts before he was discovered by a mage from a hidden mage coven, The Fellowship of the Eldritch Crown. They located themselves close to the capital, the mages hoping to raise a generation to challenge the King’s unjust tactics and rule, and he was recruited to join them along with a few of the kids he’d befriended in the gang. At the new cult’s coven, Ade was taught to master Divination and Enchantment; they also began to teach him conjuration so he could manipulate the subjugated darkspawn and wear the eldritch crowns. 

During his stay and teaching at the coven, many of his friends were killed to be used in the Crown’s schemes, however, they saved his last remaining friend, a Sand x Tamaranth half elf, Crem Khés, to become a familiar for him, versus becoming a darkspawn host. Given the options, Crem agreed and Ade acquired a familiar to further boost his own abilities. Unfortunately Crem lost the majority of his memories, including those of meeting Ade.

At 15, when Ade intended to become a Crowned, the coven was attacked by a  military group sent by Xephest. The group primarily included cyborgs and orc soldiers, along with a few humans working as spies for Luphioti and informants and scouts for Xephest. The Fellowship of the Eldritch Crown suffered casualties, but the military soldiers didn’t expect magic and darkspawn involvement, incurring greater losses. Several members of the cult were captured, including Ade; some of the spies claimed they needed some of them for experimentation and questioning,  leaving with about five of the youths. 

One of the spies, a high ranking soldier from Luphioti eventually separated from the group, taking one of the more promising captives with him. Instead of turning the child in he kept him as his slave, using the child’s abilities for his own benefit. Returning to Luphioti he forced Ade to help him rise in the ranks of the military, eventually reaching General. Thanks to the hard work of Ade brainwashing people for several years, he gathered the attention of the Queen of Caliophe. 

In 203 AE, Ade was sent to Siolarus with a group of Ambassadors. He was conscripted to work for the Queen along with Veres Tigin, his owner, who claimed his name was Gellir Ticicoa. There he attempted to convince the residents of various settlements to leave, as the Ambassadors planned to use the desert for mining and oil. However, most didn’t, and when the Ambassadors made their way to each settlement in the interior, they slowly wiped out the populace or aided in enslaving the remaining members. 

Towards the end of the year they moved upon Alta, a mecca of Elven religious pilgrimages, and home to the Alta Temple. There they met Sha’Naeris Serizja, the priestess of the temple and a powerful sand-elf mage. Tigin wanted her assassinated, but the group found trouble subduing her, and so Tigin ordered Ade  to attack her memories. She could be used to his own devices at that point, and Ade succeeded, causing her to become amnesiatic and later work for the Ambassadors. The temple was later laid to ruin and the surrounding settlements abandoned to the sands. 

Ade was sent back to Luphioti following battling Sha’Naeris,  recovering from the magic consequences of his spell use. He was locked in Tigin’s estate to recover, and wasn't summoned again for a year. Most of the time spent at the estate in the company of Tigin was abusive physically and mentally, where the man ensured that Ade feared him enough to not betray his schemes or act against him. Once he had Ade fully under his control, he took the man to Caliophe, suggesting to the Queen that he could be a useful asset to her and their goals. Ade was appointed Chancellor of a group she intended to send to the Umbril Isles, under his false name and fabricated origins.


On isle, Crow's Point
Generall resided in the ambasadors ship but did handle small matters of the town. There he met Little Red and had time to get aquanted with the Akothian, Deleer Vuakani as well as some individuals of the town, such as Shepherd and Reyvaris. He had a blade crafted with a soul gem by a local smith and intended to turn against the Regent when the time was right, but the Regent had moved forward with his own plans, using Ticicoa to identify all the mages of the town and ensuring the mage was too exhausted to scheme.

When the ambassadors were attacked, Ticicoa was injured but was dragged off by a giant raptor into the forests. He subsisted primarily on squirrel meat and grew adverse to eating meat afterwards. The Regent was assumed dead by all but Ticicoa, and the rest of the Ambassadors were captured or dead. Some time after the initial conflict he was approached by Shepherd whilst squatting in an abandoned farm house and later was offered 'work' in exchange for a house in town. Shortly following he got his nickname of 'Lawnmower' for his habit of absorbing souls to transcribe spell runes on others.

When the rifts occured he ended up near the town known as 'Cauldron' and for the most part resumed his antisocial reclusive activities, taking over a tower near the town entrance.

34-35 yo - 'Caliophian' Human -Talarn/Tamaranthian Heritage

Lvl 30 - 170 sp - 39 HP

Knife: 26 [+13]

Unarmed 26 [+13] ((+10 trained)) [+18]

Divination: 50 [+25]

Enchantment: 50 [+25]

Conjuration: 18 [+9] ((+20 trained)) [+19]