JoJo La Hire



2 years, 1 month ago


Court Record


JoJo La Hire

Age: Late 20s
Gender: Transgender Male

The self-proclaimed personal photographer of Matt Engarde, rarely seen far from his side. He’s nothing if not dedicated to his job. Apparently, he was taking shots of the actor and other stars at a party on the night of the murder.


JoJo La Hire is all energy, all smiles ranging from genuinely happy to obviously (and painfully) forced. He loves photography, and not even a string of unfortunate incidents relating to his career in the past have dampened this passion. While lacking a certain polish other professionals seem to have, La Hire is not to be underestimated; his photography work is gorgeous and strangely emotional. Powerful emotions are part and parcel for anything the man does. He is never half hearted, and always goes the full mile, for better or worse. This has led him down dark paths, though the truth is murky and hidden by his willing lies; his passion easily crosses into obsession. La Hire is both a joy to be around and very, very dangerous. He is no stranger to violence, and he will do anything to avoid the depression and failures of his past.

Above all, La Hire is completely, unconditionally dedicated to the famous actor Matt Engarde. He sees the man as his savior, and will do anything to protect both his well-being and his reputation. For his sake, La Hire has become a practiced and accomplished liar. He doesn’t see this as morally wrong, for in his unwell mind, Engarde is always right-whatever is good for him is just. Anyone who tries to get in the way of this dynamic will earn his hatred. La Hire has easily turned on old friends and even family; he holds only a single fanatical loyalty.



JoJo La Hire was just another rookie photographer, working with his close friend at a low budget studio and pretending he didn’t hate his life. One day, he and his friend were badly injured in a workplace accident that left them hospitalized; unwilling to let their substandard safety protocols get out, the studio successfully pinned the blame on their out of work employees. The incident spread like wildfire; soon enough, it became impossible for La Hire or his friend to find work anywhere. With no hopes, no job, and no dreams, he sank into a deep and painful depression; this lasted until the day his savior arrived. Everyone knew the name of Matt Engarde-how could they not, when he was so excessively popular? La Hire could not understand why, but the actor chose him of all people; he gave them a reason to keep living. Though on the outside they are simply his personal photographer, inwardly, La Hire has dedicated their life and soul to Matt Engarde for giving them purpose and what they believe is love.


When Engarde is accused of murder-the victim being La Hire’s old friend, the one who suffered the accident as well-they do everything in their power to prove his innocence. Providing photographs, testimony, even going so far as to pin the blame on themself, he is the perfect picture of a cheery and innocent witness turned the true culprit. But is he, really?



  • You know who.
  • Buying new cameras
  • Anything Sweet
  • Pokemon Snap
  • Twitter


  • Pain
  • Broken Lenses
  • The word “lenses”
  • Watercolor Paintings
  • Vulnerability


  • Baking
  • Dying His Hair
  • DnD
  • Sleeping
  • Making Photo Albums


  • Colour: Pink
  • Animal: Pine Marten
  • Number: 12
  • Food: Snickerdoodle Cookies
  • Drink: Lychee Ramune


  • My shamelessly self-indulgent Ace Attorney sona.
  • He exists in an AUverse, where Farewell My Turnabout never happened.
  • Uses he/she/they pronouns.


Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Relationship: Unknown

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Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Relationship: Unknown

Describe relationship here. Pellentesque ullamcorper fringilla nunc et facilisis. Curabitur viverra diam in massa rutrum faucibus. Integer hendrerit enim at risus volutpat dignissim.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Relationship: Unknown

Describe relationship here. Pellentesque ullamcorper fringilla nunc et facilisis. Curabitur viverra diam in massa rutrum faucibus. Integer hendrerit enim at risus volutpat dignissim.