Viktor Maxwell



1 year, 9 months ago


Viktor Maxwell


Trans male

Anomalous Human

Humanoid SCP





every caged bird yearns to fly, right?

Viktor Maxwell was just like every other teenager... well, if you don't count the wings. Unfortunately, the Foundation does. A human born with a harmless anomaly, he was hidden and protected by his parents, homeschooled to prevent the discovery of his wings. Every doctor visit, hell, every trip outside lead to intense stress and fear for the boy; he had to make absolutely sure nobody ever saw his wings, and thus, they were often taped down. He was only ever able to fly on a few occasions, but those were the highlights of his life; Viktor knew he belonged in the open sky. One day, his wings became infected with a strange rot, with no reasoning as to how or why. Slowly it began to eat away at his appendages, until finally, Viktor snapped. He tried to fly by jumping off the roof of the nearby high school; the attention and viral status of the videos recording him caught the ever-present eyes of the Foundation. They took Viktor into their custody, and quickly began to search for a cure to the rot killing his wings. They were successful, to his great relief; he has slowly been healing over the past few years, and his cooperation with the Foundation staff has made them fond of the boy. However, in the end, he is still a prisoner. Viktor is grateful for what the Foundation has done, but he yearns for freedom... for his family and friends. This desire takes its true root when a strange window appears in his containment cell, and shows him a beautiful view of the open blue sky.


  • Friendly, but not emotionally open, even with staff he's close to. His smile is polite and gives away little.
  • Sometimes forgets his wings are returning to normal, and will be thrown off balance or hit doors when they flare up.
  • He's rather jittery, especially in open spaces. Living a life of anxiety and fear has hurt his mind deeply, and it is difficult for Viktor to be comfortable or feel safe as a result.
  • Is still somewhat like a teen, as he spent his late adolescence in containment. Finds it hard to view himself as an adult, and reacts to situations accordingly.


  • Flying
  • The open sky
  • Small animals
  • Dramatic TV Shows


  • Not currently capable of anything other than gliding until his wings heal.
  • The window that appeared in his containment cell is SCP-6400 ("Out There").
  • His friends and family no longer remember him, though this is unknown to the boy.
  • The primary effect of his anomaly is an immunity to typical factors in flight, such as air pressure or weight. Viktor can fly anywhere without being harmed by things like oxygen deprivation... he's hesitant to test space flight, though.
  • Designated 'Safe' class currently. When his flight ability returns, he will likely become 'Euclid'.
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