


1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name





Anthro or Feral


10' (anthro or feral)



Zodiac / Birthday

Crossroads Magic-Heavy (Aug 10)


Irrelevant (He/They/It)


Teleportation, Metal Melding


The sacred metals, caves, offerings, cheese


Strangers, Mesa, cold weather, the color purple


Travel, metallurgy, sun bathing


Cyberpunk Carnival Aurus (Swirl of Metallics / Winter Solstice)

A strange hermit who collects all things metal, especially the sacred metals.

Involvement - Spoiled for length

Preserving the Power
Harlequin is an archivist in one of the world's magic springs, working alongside multiple aurusalkar to preserve the spring while also preserving the history. Their experiments with magic are heavily documented and kept deep within the spring's naturally defended mountain dwelling. In particular, Harlequin collects the sacred metals and channels them for his own magic, all in service to others. Though eccentric, Harlequin is confident in his work and enjoys working alongside others. He considers them just as much his family as he does his counterparts. 

The Magic is Dying
When the world's magic begins to die as a result of the aurusalkar's actions, Harlequin and the other archivists scramble to find a solution, but ultimately fail to prevent the world's decline and the fracturing of time and space. Like many aurusalkar, they use the magic to create a portal into the Void Dimension, seeking shelter but abandoning many to assumedly perish in the Wasteland they left behind. Harlequin feels guilty for being a survivor, wondering if he, being metallic and more resilient than most of his fellow archivists, should have elected to stay behind and serve as a guardian of the magic spring. Even when the others comfort him and reassure that he did the right thing, he's left with lingering doubts and regrets. 

The Void Dimension
In the Void Dimension, Harlequin tries to continue being an archivist, freely giving his knowledge to any who asks - hoping to educate them, but more importantly, hoping the more he shares, the less the Void Dimension will take from him. Over time, despite his best efforts, he loses memories of his life before the Void, becoming more skittish and prone to hiding away by himself. He develops a particularly large fear of other aurusalkar he doesn't know - occassionally falling into a fit of paranoia whenever he thinks a stranger is nearby and becoming inconsolable. When aurusalkar begin fading from the Void Dimension, he's terrified of it being the end of the world. He tears through the dimension, trying to warn others, but loses most of the people he knows to the fading. He spends years alone, hiding from the other denizens and keeping to himself. When he starts to fade, he cries out for help, but no one is around to hear him.

Cyberpunk Carnival
Harlequin’s egg is retrieved by Marisol and sold to Gereon for relocation. She requests it be left somewhere in West Ridge. Harlequin hatches in an abandoned gold mine on the outskirts of the Serehaus desert. 

Mining At Night
Alone and surrounded by small veins of gold, Harlequin begins to remember his life before the Void dimension, but only in small flashes. All he really remembers is that he had the role of collecting sacred metals - the metals that make up his physical form and fuel his magic. He takes to clawing out all the gold he can find, but when the mine is completely stripped, he strikes out into the world, hoping to find more. He barely begins his trek when he sees the aurusalkar Mesa dealing with some outlaws. The sight of another aurusalkar terrifies him back into the mine, only poking his head out at night and when he can't see anyone around. 

Saw An Aurubi Today...
On one such night of sheepishly poking around outside, Harlequin spots what he thinks at first to be an aurusalkar, but turns out to be an aurubi - Vesce. He tries to run away despite this, but Vesce spots him and follows him back to his mine. Harlequin tries to intimidate her away, but she's unfazed by his attempts. Instead, she points out his opalesque horns, teeth, and eyes, and he notices her opalesque horns. The distraction is enough to calm him down and the two get to talking. Vesce fills him in on where he's reborn, and he learns that here...

Metal is King
Desperate to acquire more metal, Harlequin seeks out horn hunters to collect any and all metal - no matter where it comes from. He maintains a distance from the hunters he hires, only appearing at night while wearing a hood. He still fears the possibility of Mesa finding out about his existence. The more he hears of him, the more he wants to keep his existence a secret. Even though his focus on secrecy makes collecting metals harder, he amasses a hoard that would make any prospector jealous within a year. He keeps it all stored away, trying to remember why he used to collect it in the first place. Regardless, if metal is king in West Ridge, then Harlequin has no issues hoarding as much as possible. 

The Interloper
During a particularly strong storm, Harlequin takes the night to relax when the aurubi Lepus stumbles in. Willing to allow him a place to wait out the storm, Harlequin leaves him to his own devices and heads deeper into the mine. When Harlequin returns, the storm has passed, and Lepus is gone, but he finds that a large portion of his metal hoard is missing. Blaming Lepus, Harlequin sends bounty hunters after Lepus, though they all fail. It's then that he takes Vesce's advice and hires Ringo, who, after some time, successfully catches Lepus with Vesce's help.

Harlequin experiences strange ripples in the world's magic, and witnesses the Serehaus turn into an ocean. He prevents the water from flooding his mine, but he has no idea if Vesce survives. When the ocean returns to desert, Harlequin searches all over, but finds no sign of her. Heartbroken, he returns to the mine to mourn. 

Promethean Storm
With Lepus in tow, Ringo and Vesce return to Harlequin, who is overjoyed to find out that she survived. Just as they return, however, Harlequin receives a letter from Aurion. Aurion requests his presence in response to the strange magical tears that have been opening up after the massive storm. Harlequin teleports the group - including the captive Lepus - to Aurion's Island, terrified of the aurusalkar but pacified by Vesce's presence and Aurion's authority to keep the peace among the newcomers. 

- Exaggerated - Formal - Snippety - Contradictory - Distractible -