


1 year, 10 months ago



Keigo Higashino

18 (dark era) 24 (present)

February 4th


189 cm


  • His main outfit is this one.
  • He has two specific hair strands at the top that part in a wobbly shape??
  • Easy to miss details: lip piercing, darker color under eyes, one earring.
  • His sleeves go past his hands in all his outfits.
  • The tattoo on his neck is a stylized "X".
  • When he uses his ability, his body becomes smoke-like with a white-purple glow around it.
  • He's a long man. Tall and noodly.

code credit

東野 圭吾

"I've been swallowed by the big smoke, now my blisters always bleed."

- Golden Boy / Tiny Little Houses




Keigo's demeanor is pretty gloomy, on the surface he has a complete state of apathy and rarely expresses himself. This is partially caused by his ability being activated by emotions, he learned to repress his feelings for as long as he can remember, and the depression diagnosis does not help. It's hard to get anything out of him, you could even kick him and he would not care. He tends to blend into the background a lot and go unnoticed, especially because he doesn't speak up in social situations often, and he prefers it that way. Oh to not be perceived.

  • Sour candy
  • Archery
  • Silent company
  • Making decisions
  • The smell of smoke
  • Being at home




Keigo was born to a lower class family, he barely saw his parents but he could still afford to go to school. He got in a fair share of fights with his ability but it quickly made others fear him, until he showed up to school less and less as he would just sneak out. He happened to run into some dealers who figured he'd be a good way to sneak things into the school and he didn't protest since it meant money for him, he ended up making a good amount of money by luring other kids into buying his goods. This caught the attention of Cordycepts Garden, a criminal scientific organization with a feared reputation for their experimentation on those possessing "abilities". While he posessed an ability, they concluded he would be a better asset gathering ability users to experiment on due to how easy it was for him to be evasive and his experience in doing shady work. In a way, they also got to study him due to how his ability, when active, would not question them. Keigo quit school entirely to work for them by his own will, and that's what he continued to do until present time. Due to the Cordyceps Garden's affiliation with the Port Mafia, he often aided them too.


Keigo's history is shown before this arc, which he begings as a new member of the Port Mafia following Dazai into his first mission as a safety measure, not really knowing what was going on but also not really caring. He joins the fight against Chuuya and his ability proves useful in capturing him, despite the fact that Dazai had to stop him from causing a bigger mess. The rest of the arc focuses more on Chuuya and Dazai, while Keigo takes advantage of the situation with Sheep to bring more subjects to Cordyceps Garden


An arc set after Oda's death in which Kanoko climbs up the ranks to become a Port Mafia executive. This is when her and Keigo meet, as he was doing the same under Akutagawa, but their paths don't cross often as Keigo was a cold, distant man carrying out his duty in silence.

Akutagawa would make Keigo control his ability the same way Dazai did to him, kicking him until it came out and kicking him some more until he could control his anger so that it wouldn't come out. It took a while until Keigo could look at Akutagawa without Malice taking over, even when he wasn't actively doing anything. Luckily for the both of them, Rashoumon is very effective against Malice; but only as far as the smoke doesn't get inside of it, which it did one day, managing to actually hurt Akutagawa. He proceeded to go on a rampage while Keigo's Malice completely faded in a matter of seconds, letting him take every hit. Akutagawa stopped himself after a moment when he realized Keigo's anger was entirely gone, and his mood turned into complete confusion when Keigo apologized to him in return. He almost mumbled an apology himself but this is Akutagawa we're talking about, he just walked away. From this day he was just a tiny little bit nicer to Keigo.


Keigo appears in this arc after Akutagawa is defeated by Atsuhi on the cargo ship and badly injured. Higuchi and Kanoko rush to save him, and before the rest of the Port Mafia arrives to aid them, Malice storms in to clear the path in seconds, only calming down when they get to Akutagawa. Keigo waits outside of the door as he apologizes to Higuchi, and he even teases Kanoko for being jealous about it, though he was obviously just as worried moments before. Keigo can't bring himself to go say anything, but Akutagawa looks at him for a moment and there is a silent agreement between them.


His appearance in this part is brief due to Margaret's wind ability, he joins Akutagawa in the fight against her but Malice is quickly blown away into the water, having to be fetched out by Akutagawa while Kanoko actually helped in the fight that dealt the fatal blow to the woman.

For the rest of the arc he's in the background processing his gay feelings about that, F in the chat.


As Keigo continues to work for Cordyceps Garden, he only brings them the people they ask for, he had never actually seen the experiments they did, let alone the aftermath. Until he meets with Miyuki Miyabe, a victim of theirs who survived. The situation escalates quickly when she finds out who he is and proceeds to go into a mental breakdown, incessantly coming at him despite her ability's need for skin cells to work - which Malice doesn't have. This doesn't stop her, though, and Keigo himself eventually breaks too, finally being hit with what he had been causing to others, Malice fades just enough to give her an opening to strike. The explosion caused by Miyabe puts Kanoko in danger, which causes Keigo to stop his ability entirely. While she manages to get away safely, Keigo still ends up pinned down by Miyabe, who endlessly punches him in the face while yelling about the things that Cordyceps Garden had done to her. Moments before, though, she was ready to ignite him, she was ready to kill him for what he had done. Keigo surrendering and letting her beat him, even if for a moment in the middle of an intense fight, was what brought her to her senses and made her realize she didn't want to be the same as him.

Miyabe left angry that the only thing that got the man to stop was the fact that one of his own war harmed, but Keigo left questioning himself, questioning the life he had lived up to now, if malice, beyond his ability, true malice - was actually part of him. He could feel his ability taking over him in frustration, something he hadn't felt in a long time. It was too much for him, so he decided to drink until he blacked out.


[WIP] I need to finish rewatching because my brain is a pea I'm sorry < 33.
















Port Mafia

Cordyceps Garden

Armed Detective Agency, The Guild


  • He was interested in Archery during his time in school, before everything went downhill. He was actually passionate about it, but he would get frustrated if he couldn't progress and the strong feelings would cause Malice to come out and cause harm. This made him practice alone until he eventually gave up because his ability would get in the way of anything he enjoyed, this is part of why he went towards a path as evil as kidnapping people for an organization - he always thought that we was never meant for good things.
  • A lot of people think he's older than he is, even as a high schooler he would get mistaken for a middle aged man sometimes. Even people who know his age tend to call him an old soul.
  • The appearance of his ability was based on the episode where Lucy meets Mori and comments on how she can sense the pure malice coming from him and malice is depicted as a glowing purple aura around him! Mori feels like he has a lot in common with Keigo, let's just hope it's not the kidnapping children part.
  • While he skipped school a lot, Keigo's favorite subject was chemistry, it was the only class he still paid attention to sometimes.
  • When Akutagawa isn't there to kick his ass, he usually activates his ability by thinking of things that absolutely piss him off. One of those things is his parents and the things they did before he left.
  • I think this is obvious considering the Akutagawa pairing, but he definitely has a masochistic streak to him. Being numb makes him crave feeling things sometimes, and the easiest thing to feel is pain. He has a few self harm scars here and there for sure, some of them that he got while trying to forcefully stop his ability from coming out.
  • Yeag.... their relationship is unhealthy... two wrongs make a sexy




Keigo's ability, as previously stated, is triggered by emotion, specifically anger. With his anger increasing, his body starts to turn into Malice, not a physical form but an aglomeration of dark smoke that takes over his conscience entirely, indiscriminately attacking any nearby individual, regardless of their relationship with Keigo. He cannot be harmed in this state, but the smoke can be blown away and his anger will fade if the foe can tire him out, bringing back his physical body and making him vulnerable once again.

Cordyceps Garden and eventually the Port Mafia quickly found a way around his ability potentially backfiring: He would always be used aginst large groups of enemies like a beast set loose while his allies retreated, Malice could also be manipulated into redirecting its anger, quite literally blowing the smoke into the direction of the enemies instead.

During his deals with the Port Mafia, Keigo was assigned as a subordinate of Akutagawa. Not only he didn't bat an eye to direct violence from him, but his willingness to beat Keigo to a pulp every time they needed to activate his ability worked in their favor.


  • Immune to physical harm, fire and firearms included.
  • Smoke can easily sneak into places through small openings. (amongus... imposter...)
  • Even if not directly attacking, the smoke can suffocate foes.


  • Cannot make logical decisions when active, only attack. Causes it to be easily distracted from a target.
  • Can be blown away with ease with a strong enough wind.
  • If Keigo isn't going into a full on rage, it can leave a blind spot where his physical body is exposed.


His martial arts abilities are average, but his resistance is remarkable. He has very good aim with a gun, and can use a bow and arrow despite it not being the most useful skill in the mafia.




come on fuck me emo boy come on f

His superior and designated trigger of Malice who has beat him up countless times. Keigo does not resent him for doing his job, despite having tried to kill him on a whim a few times when his ability was activating. They both think the other hates them and are too stupid to admit they don't.


imma cweep... imma weidowww...

Her tendency to peek into other people's personal matters irritated him a lot, especially when she became the first to notice he was actually fond of Akutagawa. They bickered so much about it that somehwere along the line it turned into some form of intimacy they don't want to address.


sorry mb homie

Being a victim of Cordyceps Garden, you know their relationship is anything but pretty. Despite her ability having an enormous disadvantage against Keigo's, she was responsible for almost killing him. The intensity of her feelings gets through his apathy, making him feel regret for once.