


8 years, 8 months ago


good news is on the way

Basic Info

Name Vincenzo Caruso Species Volpino Italiano
Called Enzo, Vinny Meaning Conqueror
Age 24 Birthdate February 19 ♒/♓
Gender Male Birthplace Sicily, Italy
Orientation Heterosexual Ethnicity White Sicilian
Status Alive Occupation Caporegime of Acerbi Mafia

Enzo wasn't exactly born into the family, but his own family's circumstance have led to his joining--or rather forced his joining. Although he had a bit of a rocky start with the work of a soldier, Enzo has a very good handle on his attitude, good at pleasing the older members of the family, and a good sense of empathy, making him popular with the younger members. Despite not doing soldier work as long as Jamie or Luka, Enzo was promoted to the position of caporegime at a young age, although the real reason for it was mostly to put Enzo in charge of the younger generation, so that the older members didn't have to deal with them. He spent time leading Luka and Jamie, and now that they're underboss and consigliere, he still has a pretty decent crowd of soldiers under his wing.

Though Enzo knows how to come off calm and be agreeable with anyone, he's a lot more complicated than he often comes off. Being best friends with Jamie has been both good and bad--finding someone who understands you is good, but encouraging self destructive habits in each other is not as good. Still, Enzo would do anything for Jamie, and for Daniele, a younger member of the mafia; he sees both as brothers. With so many younger people looking up to him, Enzo feels a lot of pressure to be a good leader, causing him to soothe his worries and fears with drugs and self harm--all worth it if he could put on a brave face for the people who need him.


EMPATHY ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LOGICAL ★ ★ ★ 

Enzo was raised by his mother to be soft and have a respect for others, as she was a woman very fixated on morals and right and wrong--especially when she learned about Emilio's involvement with the mafia. He likes animals, though he's never had a pet, and has a nurturing personality, instinctively seeking to protect those weaker than him, or anyone in a vulnerable position. If he can, he seeks to resolve conflict peacefully, and he hates violence--something that certainly works to his disadvantage given his occupation.

Enzo is cheerful around his friends, often the one making jokes and almost always the one getting laughed at. He has a natural charisma, and most people like him--and he's pretty able to brush off the people who don't, anyway. Luka and Orlando often make negative comments about him, but he can usually laugh them off and ignore them. He's a bit of a charmer and gets a fair amount of attention from girls--he and Jamie go out often to pick up girls, but if Enzo talks to a girl for too long, he'll feel bad about trying to make a one-night-stand out of them, often endng up going home alone after Jamie's found someone.

Though he is very forgiving and lenient of everyone else's mistakes, he is very self-critical, and really dislikes himself as a person--though he tries to keep quiet about it. He uses humor to distract from his self-loathing, rarely even joking about how he feels about himself because he doesn't want to lose the front of confidence he's managed to portray. Enzo has some mental health problems, most of which have been caused by his involvement with the mafia--he has PTSD from violent acts he's had to commit, depression, and suicide idealization, though he's too afraid to ever try anything. He genuinely views himself as a bad person and seeks a way out from his current lifestyle, but he doubts he'll ever find a way out.


► Preferences ◄

cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, smoking, fire
italian food, meat
piercings, tattoos, parties
videos games, comedy films & shows
football, basketball, watching sports
violence, cruelty
bland food, veggies, weird food
puzzles, brain-teasers
being called "vinny"

► Quirks & Habits ◄

  • Enzo's favorite foods are spaghetti bolognese and cannoli. Incidentally, the former is also his specialty, as he isn't very good at "advanced" recipes for most of his youth. He can't really improve his cooking either, as his aunt won't let him spend more than a second in the kitchen.
  • His favorite season is autumn, and he loves foggy weather.
  • As well as cutting himself to self harm, Enzo sometimes bites his hands or burns himself with his cigarettes.
  • Likes fire, and always has a lighter on him if someone needs a light. He sometimes comforts himself by flicking his lighter on and off and plays with the flame.
  • He has a slight tendency to try to make out with men when he's drunk--has made out with most of his soldiers and male friends, although he was too drunk to remember some of them.
  • Though Enzo has a lot of pride as a Sicilian and an Italian, he fantasizes about travel and leaving his current home, feeling that as long as he's here, he'll be stuck in the mafia. He collects coins from other countries--but over has to start over, as his uncle will steal and pawn off his rare coins when he's low on money.
  • Enzo believes in things like destiny and fate, but often tries to make a joke out of it when he talks about it because he knows all his friends will take the piss out of him for it. Aside from Jamie, who also believes in stupid things like destiny and fate.
  • He has a strong sense of morals and right and wrong--which is why he hates himself so much, though he doesn't view his friends in the mafia is such negative light.


Height 6'0 Eye color Blue-green
Build Lanky Hair Color Yellow, with a white mallen streak 
Skin Tone Fair Hair Style Messy
Clothing Style Hand-me-downs, comfortable clothes

Enzo's most distinguishing feature is always the white streak in his hair, which he has had since he started growing hair. Hereditary and inherited from his father, it is called a mallen streak, and not even dye will cover it up. Thankfully, Enzo doesn't mind it; rather, he thinks it looks pretty cool. He has fair skin that tends to burn before it tans in the sun, and blue-green eyes. His hair is always messy no matter how hard he tries (he doesn't try that hard), sticking up in the back and falling in his face. He tends to accept that his hair will always be in his eyes, except on the rare occasions where he wears beanies and tucks his bangs up in them. 

Fashion isn't lost on Enzo, but it is lost on his wallet. Even if Enzo would like to dress nicely, he has more important things to spend his money on, so he mostly wears Ricco's old clothes, his father's old clothes, clothes he's casually stolen from Jamie Sdgdsgdfgs by aerioias the man has grown more muscular and outgrown them, and bits and pieces of his own choosing here and there. He mostly wears plain clothes; t-shirts, raglans, hoodies, sweatpants, and jeans. If his clothes aren't plain, they tend to be related to jokes he and his friends have, or just things he thinks are funny. He has a few nice things here and there, but really doesn't tend to spend a lot of money on looking nice.

Enzo wears gloves on his hands, as well as gauze wrappings on his arms when wearing short-sleeves, wanting to cover the marks from his self harm from the public eye. He also likes wearing kerchiefs, and tends to favor teals for colors--like a lot of members of the Acerbis seem to.

He's never one to shy away from body mutilation either, but since he's frugal, he always goes to basement piercers--it's a miracle he hasn't died yet. His first piercing was his eyebrow ring, which he got when he was 16. His uncle wasn't so fond of the whole piercing thing, and Enzo got his next ones in slightly more hidden places, in hopes they would stay out of Ricco's eyeline--his tongue, and finally, his collarbone. The three piercings seem to have satisfied him for now, but he's always eyeing tattoos; thankfully, they're more than he can afford for a long time.

[In his late 20s, Enzo gets some tattoos; a flock of birds for Daniele, a shark for Jamie, etc, but I don't know what they all are and there's no ref for them yet so who knows what will happen.]

► Important Notes ◄

  • Has three piercings:  (right) eyebrow ring, tongue ring, and madison (collarbone) piercing.
  • Has a lot of scars; most important scars are the self harm scars on his wrists, thighs, and stomach. Should be either drawn with scars, or with gauze wrappings to cover them. He has a scar in his eyebrow, where his piercing is, from having his piercng torn out--the eyebrow hair does not grow there anymore. Additionally, he can have bite scars on his hands (often covered by his gloves), and cigarette burns on his thighs and upper arms (where his sleeves cover). He has other scars here and there from badly healed mafia related injuries.


World: Adult Diversion

Enzo exists in present day Sicily, Italy, in an relatively small town by the seashore. The larger city nearby is divided between three mafias: Acerbi: the Heartless, De Rege: the Kings, and Simondini: the Victorious. i dont know what else to type............

► Home ◄

Enzo lives in a crowded, small house in the complex the Acerbis own. It's much too small for four people to live in, but desperate times call for desperate measures. The bottom floor consists of the living room, dining room, bathroom, and kitchen--the room which Enzo is essentially forbidden from, and the second floor is the master bedroom and a guest room. Lastly, there is the attic--a barely converted storage room that is technically still a storage room, but also Enzo's. The master bedroom goes to Donya and Ricco, his aunt and uncle, and his father sleeps on an old couch in the guest room.

In retrospect, Enzo supposes he was lucky to get a room, but at the same time, he figures his uncle and aunt did want to have a way to close the door on him. The boxes full of their spare items are still here and there in Enzo's room, and his sense of privacy is far from present; his bedroom door doesn't lock, and Ricco comes into his room when he's not around anyway to "borrow" whatever he's lacking, be it cigs or money. Still, Enzo's room does look like his room, decorated with things that are important to him, pictures of his friends and wooden crafts Daniele has made from him. Though his coin collection was once on display, it's hidden under his mattress now, and his bed is never made, covered in sheets he's had for ten years. The best feature of Enzo's room, in his opinion, is the wide window facing the street--the sill is wide enough to sit on and long enough to spread his legs across, and his room is usually chilly from the ocean breeze, as he keeps it open to try and air his room out from his constant smoking. It's usually easy to tell if Enzo is home, because he's usually sitting in the window if he is; but he tries not to be home.


Melita always believed that Emilio, her high school sweetheart, was the love of her life. She was always fond of his sensitivity and generousity which, looking back, was probably more akin to an aversion to confrontation and fighting than a constant desire to keep her pleased. Her pregnancy came as a surprise--they were far from trying for a baby, but they were in love, and keeping to traditional values, Emilio proposed; Melita was thrilled. They were married within a couple of months, and after a few months more, their son was born. Despite not being planned, Melita couldn't have been happier. She named him Vincenzo, a name meaning conqueror, or victory, and he was her little miracle. She was happy to take on the role of hardworking housewife and doting mother, and she cheerfully minded the house and spent time with Vincenzo while Emilio worked on providing for the family, which happened to be a bit harder. Despite taking on more shifts, minimum wage wasn't going to pay the bills, and Emilio's brother, Ricco, had just the job opportunity that Emilio truly needed to take care of the family. Though he knew Melita wouldn't support his decision, Emilio joined the Acerbi's mafia, starting to take on work as a soldier and managing to provide better for his family once he had.

So blinded by love for her life, her husband, her son, and their family, Melita was clueless to the source of the money, just assuming that he had either gotten a raise, or gotten better at money management. For years, he worked as a mafioso in secret, but eventually, Melita cottoned on. When she realized what he was doing, she turned on him completely, as if all the love she'd felt for him had turned to dust. She was very open about telling him how terrible she thought of him for what he was doing, and she didn't have any qualms telling Vincenzo either, informing him that his father was an evil, bad, untrustworthy man. Though it would have helped their relationship, Emilio wouldn't--or couldn't, rather--leave his job, and things only got worse and worse. Vincenzo grew closer to his mom because of it, but things around the house were tense for a few years, and he simply hoped things would go back to normal soon.

They didn't. Vincenzo returned from school one day when he was ten to find the house empty of all his mother's things, as if there was no trace of her left behind. Emilio seemed sad, but not unsurprised, but Vincenzo was baffled. His mother was his best friend in the world, and he couldn't understand why she had gone away and left him behind. He never would.

Staying in a house full of ghosts of the woman he loved was impossible, and paying for a house for three was already hard, so Emilio made the decision to move out. Vincenzo was told they were moving in with Emilio's family, and he didn't think it would be so bad, but he was very, very wrong. They moved in with Emilio's brother, Riccardo, a caporegime in the Acerbi family, and his wife, Donya. Riccardo had always been a cruel man and Donya a cruel woman, but since the two couldn't seem to concieve a child of their own, they both hated Enzo more for being a child. Vincenzo didn't really understand that, but he tried to keep out of their way as much as possible. That was his life for four years; mostly keeping to himself, because his father didn't stick up for him when Ricco or Donya shouted at him. He picked up bad habits from them, with Ricco teaching Vincenzo to smoke and offering various other 'lessons' to help him toughen up, some of which were more on the violent end. The more Emilio seemed to ignore, the most Enzo grew to hate his father.

Once he was 15, Ricco suddenly decided that he was too expensive to continue housing in their current situation. Vincenzo was a mooch, and he needed to get a job if he wanted to keep his charming attic room and not sleep out in the streets. Of course, an ordinary job was not going to cut it; he had to join the family business. Emilio didn't protest, of course, and Vincenzo didn't really know much about what he was getting into until he was in it. He became a soldier--initially under Ricco, and his uncle didn't waste time throwing him into the thick of it. The things mafia men did to people was terrifying to Vincenzo, sickened watching them threaten people, break legs, and worse. It was a very scary world for him, and he didn't want to do it.

Ricco found an opportunity to pawn Vincenzo's time away when he wasn't working; happening to run in Salvatore's son, Giacomo, meant someone around Vincenzo's age could deal with him for a little while. Though most things Ricco ever did for him ended badly, this one was one of the best. Giacomo, who went by a cool, English nickname:  Jamie, was fun, carefree, and warm. He gave Vincenzo a new nickname to replace 'Vinny,' which had essentially become his name in the mafia:  Enzo, and Enzo loved it. They became fast friends, and Enzo was more than happy to spend his time with Jamie, teaching the younger boy to smoke and hanging out in his actually cool attic room. Jamie seemed attached to another boy, Luka, and Enzo didn't mind that, even though it was very clear Luka minded him. Enzo was just happy to have friends.

Considering Enzo couldn't seem to do traditional mafia work without botching it up, Ricco sometimes assigned him to do different tasks:  like, if he watched Vescovi's kid during the day, then Vescovi could get more work done. So, Enzo became a babysitter of sorts. The boy's name was Daniele, and it was obvious to Enzo quickly that even when his father was around, his son was being neglected. Enzo took him under his wing, happy to spend time watching birds on TV or heating up canned soup for him, and eventually, he started to save up the money he made from work to get things for Daniele as well. Jamie and Daniele became his best friends in no time, and Enzo would come to see both of them as brothers.

But Enzo couldn't always work the easy jobs, and the longer he did, the more frustrated older members got at his uselessness. Having to step into a proper soldier role meant having to do the things that he viewed as cruel and evil. Having to threaten a shop owner's wife in order to make them pay for protection--and knowing that the protection was only from the same people looting them as revenge made him feel terribly guilty, and hurting people--feeling warm blood, and the way a bone could snap under enough pressure from his feet made him feel sick. It was hard to cope with; it was impossible. Enzo started to experience panic attacks when everything was said and done, sometimes barely managing to lock himself in the bathroom and turn on the shower so his family wouldn't hear him. Jamie helped him deal with the negativity:  self medicating with alcohol, drugs, and razorblades. It wasn't a permanant solution, but even a few hours of not thinking about it good enough to Enzo.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that capos and other higher ups liked to be spoken to a certain way, and that was lucky, because Enzo was far from a genius. But learning to please the people in charge with his charisma helped, and his newfound handle over his fears and emotions, thanks to Jamie, helped more. Enzo was suddenly a viable, useful member of the mafia, and one that even Salvatore's unruly son seemed to listen to and look up to. Enzo was promoted to a caporegime, and given a group of soldiers off the bat--all younger than him, and including Jamie and Luka. It was obvious to all of them that it had been a move implimented to keep the older generation from having to deal with the younger generation, but Enzo didn't mind. Coping was easier with Jamie, and it meant they could spend more time together.

Things didn't change much for a few years; Enzo oversaw the soldiers, picking up new ones here and there as they came age. Daniele eventually joined as his soldier, as well as Orlando, a boy who's own father was also a caporegime. He seemed to be a natural leader, and most of his soldiers looked up to him. It was almost surreal for Enzo, who was well aware how frail and shaky his confident front was, but it made him feel all the more like he had to be stronger for them, for the people who relied on him. He wanted to be strong for them, but he'd often think about if it would ever be possible to leave the mafia, or if he had to die to do it. 

Eventually, things did change. Jamie's older brother, Aronne, went missing, and given the fact that he was also the underboss and they lived in war with two other mafias, it wasn't hard to put together what had happened to him. Though the Acerbis were in morning, Jamie was forced to step up and take the position of underboss in his place. Luka followed, taking on a new role as his advisor, and consigliere to be. It was hard for Enzo to lose Jamie, even in such a small sense. Jamie was his boss now, which meant they would work less together, as Jamie had to oversee all the capos. They still spend a lot of free time together, but having someone who helped maintain his stability move on was hard all the same. Still, Enzo had people to stay strong for, especially Daniele, and he worked hard at continuing that.

Within the same year, things got worse and more tense between the mafias. Enzo's soldiers maybe pushed more than they should have against De Rege, and the De Reges struck back--when Enzo was alone, drunk, and vulnerable. A stab wound in the stomach, he was basically left to bleed out, but lucky for him, he was left to bleed out practically at the steps of a doctor's house. She wasn't technically a trained, legal doctor, but she knew how to disinfect and stitch a wound, and Enzo thought she was an angel. Chiara was her name, and she let him stay at her home for a few days until he had recovered enough to go. Even though he didn't need the whole weekend to fall in love with her, it didn't hurt. But despite his weak attempts at talking her into a date, she was happy to send him on his way again once he was healed, and all Enzo was able to leave her was his number, promising he'd pay her back for what she'd done however she needed (even if he hoped the way to pay her back would be taking her to dinner).

It wasn't immediate, but eventually, Chiara did call. The reasoning was far from what Enzo expected; she knew he was part of the mafia, and it was pretty obvious that the mafia didn't have a reliable doctor to turn to, considering. She offered her own services, and though Enzo tried to talk her out of it, she seemed insistent. He felt bad and guilty for dragging her into his own terrible life style, but every cloud has a silver lining, and that was that for any small, meaningless injury, he could go see their new doctor and have her take care of him.

Gradually, Chiara softened on him, and the two became friends. Chiara didn't seem to have any real friends that she truly trusted, and Enzo was happy to fill that role for her. The more he got to know her, the more certain it was that she had no interest in dating, either men, women, or anything else. It hurt; Enzo couldn't exactly lie and say he wasn't in love with her, but he loved her enough to want to be around her anyway, deciding that he would happily be her best best friend ever. And that was what he did.

dont know how much more to put here, how far into the roleplay to go? hes 24 now but not much else has happened so im.. stares at me hands...

► Family ◄

► Emilio Caruso [ father ]

Once upon a time, Enzo and his father got along; although Emilio was often busy trying to provide for his family, Enzo cherished the time that he spent with him. Emilio has always been a rather soft-spoken man--a pushover, really, Enzo never really needed to talk to him. He was happy to sit on the couch and watch TV with him, or play catch with him in the backyard. Now, Enzo feels certain that his father doesn't care for him, and he tends to blame his father for a lot of what has gone wrong in their lives, such as his mother leaving. Emilio didn't protect him from having to join the mafia, and he never protects him from Ricco, so Enzo has given up expecting his father to suddenly start to care about him. He used to try to start fights with him, but Emilio's silence was more frustrating than an actual argument, so he's given up. He just blanks his father now, unable to remember the last time the two actually said more than a few words to each other.

► Riccardo "Ricco" Caruso [ uncle ]

By far, Ricco is the person Enzo hates the most, and the feeling seems to be mutual. Despite the fact that intelligence doesn't seem to run in the Caruso family, Ricco is a sneaky and conniving man, having been forcing Emilio to go along with whatever he says since they were kids. Enzo doesn't really know what he's done to make Ricco hate him so much, but his uncle has hated him since the moment he moved in. As the person who technically gave him a forceful push to join the mafia, Enzo sees him as responsible for what he has to go through now, and Ricco doesn't care. He likes fighting with Enzo, because he knows in the end, he wins--and as frustrating as losing every fight is, sometimes Enzo appreciates the relief of being able to shout at someone and have them shout back. But sometimes, it's not worth it, since Ricco leans towards violence when his words don't seem to work. Enzo doesn't make any effort to get along with him anymore, knowing it will always be in vain.

► Donya Caruso [ aunt ]

As all of his remaining family seems to, Donya hates Enzo, possibly more than Ricco does even. Ricco seems to at least see the use and potential of Enzo, and Donya doesn't even care about that. She hates him, and Enzo tries his best to stay out of her way, more scared of her than anyone else in the house as well. The one saving grace about Donya is that she seems to exclusively stay either in the kitchen, or in her room when she's at the house, which makes her easy enough to avoid, as long as he isn't hungry. Donya doesn't mask her contempt for him, happy to make snide comments about him when he's in earshot, but willing to go as far as to threaten him with her kitchen knives when she's in a bad enough mood.

► Melita Caruso [ mother ]

Enzo's mother is the only member of his family that he actually likes, or loves--incidentally, she's also the only member of his family who is gone forever. Because Emilio was always busy when he was a child, Enzo spent most of his time with Melita, and she was always loving and kind to him. His mother had strong ideals of right and wrong, and good and evil, and when she found out about Emilio's involvement with the mafia, she wasn't shy about explaining to Enzo how vile his father had become. She left with no warning one day, Enzo returning from school to an empty home, and though he understands why she left his father, he doesn't understand why she left him. Part of him is angry and hurt that he wasn't good enough to take along for whatever reason, but most of him just wants to see her again. That said, he knows that he can't--he's become evil and cruel like his father. He knows he would only disappoint her, and he'd rather live in a world where she might still love him, rather than the reality of how much she would hate him if she could see what he had become now.

► TL;DR ◄

  • Enzo is born to high school sweethearts Melita and Emilio. He has an ordinary upbringing.
  • At 4, Emilio joins the mafia with Ricco's help in order to financially support Melita and Enzo.
  • At 8, Melita finally realizes Emilio has been bringing in extra money from the mafia. Their relationship worsens, obviously enough for an 8 year old to understand.
  • At 10, Melita disappears, leaving the house empty of all her things. Both to save money, as well as to escape memories of Melita, Emilio and Enzo move in with Emilio's brother, Ricco, and his wife, Donya.
  • At 15, Ricco forces Enzo to join the mafia as a soldier. The only good thing about this is that Enzo gets to meet Jamie (and Luka).
  • Enzo isn't great at physical mafia missions, so he's often forced to look after kids so their fathers can work more. Enzo meets Daniele in this way, and the two become close friends quickly.
  • 16/17, Enzo starts self harming (with Jamie) to cope with his life style in the mafia.
  • Enzo sleeps with a girl named Azzurra, unknowingly getting her pregnant.
  • At 22, Enzo is badly injured by De Rege, but found by Chiara, who stitches his wounds and lets him stay at her house until he's healed. Enzo immediately falls in love with her.


► Giacomo "Jamie" Acerbi

[ best friend & blood-brother ]

Enzo definitely owes Jamie his life, as there is no way he would have been able to handle joining the mafia without him. Since relying on Jamie then, Enzo does his best to be strong so that Jamie can rely on him, too. He tells Jamie almost everything, and sees the man as something more like a brother than just a friend. He's pretty much at his happiest around Jamie and enjoys spending time with him just messing around, smoking, or playing Call of Duty on Jamie's Xbox. Even if Enzo tries to be the strong one between them, he definitely relies heavily on Jamie as well, and really treasures the man as his best friend.

► Daniele Vescovi

[ best friend, blood-brother, soldier ]

Enzo's first couple of missions in the mafia all consisted of "babysit this little kid" and while it certainly wasn't what he expected from the mafia, he wasn't opposed to it. Looking after Daniele became instinct, rather than work, and now that they both work as soldiers or higher, Enzo still keeps an eye on Daniele to make sure everything is going smoothly. He sees the boy as a younger brother, and is protective over him, though he still tries to give him his freedom rather than be overbearing. He doesn't really understand what Daniele sees in him role model-wise, but he's happy to be his big brother regardless.

► Chiara Palladino

[ best friend & crush ]

Chiara is far from the girl he expected to end up with, with Uncle Ricco constantly telling him to find a nice girl in the Family to settle down with, but now Enzo's heart is set. They have very little in common, but Enzo is sure she's the one for him. Aside from all the other factors of why they can't be together, the biggest is Chiara's lack of interest in dating, so Enzo has decided that being her best friend is enough to make him happy. Though he knows she's strong and smart and more than capable, he still strives to protect her and be someone she can rely on, even platonically. He doesn't really go a day without texting her about something, always feeling better in her presence. He doesn't really enjoy the fact that she's now working alongside the family, often worrying its his fault she was dragged into a worse life.

► Bambina "Bambi" Segreti

[ close friend & soldier ]

Enzo didn't expect Benito to turn out to be a Benita, although he did feel a weird bit of attraction to her before--fortunately one he chose not to mention to anyone. Enzo sees no issue with Bambi's gender coming into play within the mafia, though of course he is aware of the rules. Bambi works hard and she gets her jobs done, and that's all that should matter. He worries about her more than he does his men, initially, but she quickly proves his worries are unnecessary, and Enzo feels more comfortable trusting her dangerous missons. Though the two aren't the very best of friends, they do maintain a very close relationship that mostly consists of Bambi nagging Enzo about various things in Enzo's life, from his love life to his inability to cook.

► Gabriele "Gabi" Salvai

[ friend & soldier ]

Another younger member in Enzo's groul of soldiers, Enzo also spends a lot of time worrying about Gabi and making sure he's doing well. Having found the boy with Jamie, Enzo is aware of what Gabi left behind to join the Acerbi's, and wants to ensure things are better for him here. He is almost as protective of Gabi as he is of Jamie and Daniele, always watching him closely and carefully to make sure he's doing well with everything. He doesn't mind once Gabi starts chattering on, and is happy to discuss sports with him as well, seeing him as a good friend in turn. Drunk Enzo had made a few passes at Gabi as well, but he can't recall how far they went--nor does he really want to.

► Orlando Basile

[ soldier & enemy, for some reason? ]

Although Enzo knows not everyone can like him--and Luka is evidence of this if he ever forgets--his soldiers themselves typically do, as he is much more lenient and soft-hearted than any other caporegimes in the Acerbi family. Orlando, however, couldn't seem to dislike him more if he tried, and Enzo firmly believes that he does try. Orlando doesn't like not being punished for his mistakes, and he doesn't like what he sees as Enzo's lackadaisy way of managing things--and he doesn't hesitate to call him out either. Enzo tries to still be friendly with him, but he knows sometimes it's best to leave well-enough alone and let Orlando get on with it. As long as he's doing his work and isn't causing issue with the other soldiers, it doesn't really matter if he hates Enzo anyway.

► Luka Merlini

[ enemy, for some reason? ]

Luka and Enzo are far from friends, and while Enzo doesn't absolutely loathe Luka, he doubts the feeling is mutual. He knows it isn't, really--Luka is very protective over Jamie, and Enzo has a sneaking suspicion the rabbit isn't fond of how close he and Jamie are. Since joining the mafia, Luka has taken every opportunity to be unwelcoming, from small quips about his intelligence and just being cruel to him in general. But Enzo knows how dangerous Luka can be, and thinks the fact that he isn't dead yet means that Luka can't truly hate him. Jamie mostly keeps things from getting too nasty between them, but Enzo doesn't see Luka as a threat to his friendship with Jamie, regardless of how Luka might see him. It's annoying to be insulted and belittled whenever the man is around, but Enzo has a thick skin.

► Klarissa Acerbi

[ friend ]

Though Enzo isn't especially close to Klarissa, he knows her well enough--as the little sister of his best friend, he sees her pretty often, and as the object of his other best friend's affections, she comes up often enough in conversation. She's a sweet girl, something Enzo appreciates considering the way the rest of Jamie's family treats him--it's nice to know his best friend has some allies in his own home.


► He hates being called Vinny--literally his biggest pet peeve and turn off is being called Vinny. His uncle, as well as all the older members of the mafia call him this, despite how much it bothers him, but he tends to swallow his disdain around them. He's grateful Jamie came up with Enzo, as he associates the nickname 'Vinny' with the mafia and dislikes this connotation.

► ...

RPG Alignment: ??
RPG Class: Spellsword
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Deadly Sin: ???
Major Arcana: ???



Loosely based on fantasy settings like RE:Zero and Fire Emblem. 

Enzo is a knight/mage hybrid thing. I'll write more later.

Character owned by aerioi - Design created by bemkesh - Profile CSS by wicked
All image credits can be found in the character's gallery.