


8 years, 8 months ago


good news is on the way

Basic Info

Name Bambina Segreti Species Roe Deer
Called Bambi Meaning Little Girl
Age 20 Birthdate July 31 ♌
Gender Female Birthplace Sicily, Italy
Orientation Bisexual Ethnicity White Sicilian
Status Alive Occupation Soldier of Acerbi Mafia

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STRENGTH ★ ★ ★ ★ STAMINA ★ ★ ★



► Preferences ◄

cooking, food, cooking shows
alcohol, drugs, parties
comics, trivia, tv, movies
sports, adrenhiline, danger
hiking, urbex, nature
frozen food, fast food, ready meals
paperwork, desk work, busy work
sexism, mra, whiny men/male tears
'girly girls,' princesses, femininity
liars, people who put up fronts

► Quirks & Habits ◄

  • Though she has several favorite recipes, her favorite thing to munch on are sun-dried tomatoes. Her favorite dessert is sfogliatella; specifically, her mother's.
  • Bambi is a big contradiction, and the people in her life pretty much just have to accept that. She doesn't like forced gender roles or people who underestimate women, but at the same time, dislikes women who are overly feminine. She doesn't like men who call girls slutty, but then will be annoyed about girls she considers slutty. It's very hard to win with Bambi.
  • She feels she has to prove herself as a girl in the mafia, and can be very defensive because of that desire. She hates the fact that the mafia see women as homemakers who just mother children and cook them meals for whenever they come home.
  • Though she loves cooking and could happily spend all her time on it, she isn't very good at baking. She's much more the sort to taste and eyeball her way through recipes, and that doesn't fly so well with baking. If she has to, she can follow a recipe and produced baked goods, but she feels the effort of exact calculations takes the love and magic out of it in some way.


Height 5'3 Eye color Light blue-green
Build Boyish Hair Color Brown, with lighter highlights from the sun 
Skin Tone Fair Hair Style Messy
Clothing Style Masculine clothes, shorts, t-shirts, layers


► Important Notes ◄

  • ...


World: Adult Diversion

Bambi exists in present day Sicily, Italy, in an relatively small town by the seashore. The larger city nearby is divided between three mafias: Acerbi: the Heartless, De Rege: the Kings, and Simondini: the Victorious. i dont know what else to type............

► Home ◄



For a long time, Bambi's life was simple and easy. She had loving parents, and three perfect little siblings: Camila, Matteo, and Guiseppe. She attended school and after school, she would spend most of her time in her family's restaurant, Segreti's, helping her parents run things or look after her siblings, depending on where she was most needed. After the restaurant closed up for the night, she would take care of any homework assignments she had. It didn't leave her a lot of free or social time, but Bambi usually didn't mind. She was still a social butterfly at school and had plenty of friends, even if she couldn't make plans unless her friends were coming to her restaurant for a meal.

At about age 17, Bambi's father was revealed to be having an affair, and Bambi's mother demanded a divorce upon learning this. The divorce went through though her father pleaded for forgiveness, and the restaurant fell to just her mother instead. Though her father still offers to be there for his children, he is often late with child support--if he ever offers it at all, but he still spends time with most of the kids. Bambi, however, doesn't feel he's worthy of her time anymore as she resents him for what he did, she chooses not to see him even when all her younger siblings travel to his new home for the weekend.

Eventually, it became impossible to pay for the restaurant, even with Bambi falling behind in school to work there. Determined not to let her mother's prized business go bankrupt, she turned to other options--and came to the conclusion that the best thing she could do was attempt to join the local mafia. Girls were not allowed to be made men, and as such, Bambi took on an alias, 'Benito,' to get into the mafia. She naturally befriended Jamie, the underboss, very easily--which meant that when her secret was finally discovered, Jamie happily vouched for her, pleading with his father to let her be the exception to the rule. With Jamie's word and the good work she'd been doing as reasoning, she was allowed to continue operating in the mafia, now as Bambi, serving under her capo, Enzo.. 


► Family ◄

► ??? [ mother ]


► Camila Segreti [ sister ]


► Matteo Segreti [ brother ]


► Giuseppe "Pepe" Segreti [ brother ]

jamie memes this poor boy and frankly it is mean.

► TL;DR ◄

  • At 10, Camila is born.
  • At 13, Matteo is born.
  • At 16, Giuseppe is born.
  • At 17, her father's affair is discovered and her parents divorce. Bambi starts to take more hours working at the restaurant to help her.
  • At 19, she disguises herself as a man and joins the mafia in order to support her family. 


► Giacomo "Jamie" Acerbi

[ close friend & crush ]

The underboss of the Acerbi's mafia, Jamie was also the first friend Bambi made after she joined--even if it was under the guise of "Benito." Though Jamie now knows her true name, he rarely calls her by them, defaulting to "Burrito," or "Bamboo" (later, when they date), much to Bambi's annoyance. Bambi thinks he's an idiot, but in the best possible way, where she finds herself laughing at the stupid memes he sends her and always one of the first to agree to go out partying with him as long as she has no prior engagements with her family. Jamie's family situation is tense for Bambi, forcing her to put her own family--and father--into perspective, but she loves the way Jamie treats his little sister, Klarissa, always finding herself smiling when she sees them interact. Much to her chagrin, she has developed quite a crush on the man, and enjoys spending her time with him whenever she has the chance--but she is well aware that Jamie is in love with Luka. she has issue with that, too--feeling like Luka is far from good enough for Jamie and he deserves someone who will treat him better, even if she'd prefer that person was her. Still, she tries to be there for Jamie wherever she can.

► Gabriele "Gabi" Salvai

[ best friend ]

Gabi is Bambi's best friend, and she is always appreciative of the timid cat's presence. Though they are very different--where Gabi will spend ages talking around his point out of nervousness, Bambi is rarely afraid to come out and say something, no matter how blunt she comes across--they get along very well most of the time. Bambi loves taking care of others, and Gabi's need for a caretaker triggers her maternal instincts. Though she isn't usually his first choice to call when he's scared, if she is the call he makes, she never gets frustrated with going over to his house and looking after him. She finds herself most frustrated with the way he'll let people walk all over him, and often speaks up for him if she feels it's happening--but in the process, she can sometimes steamroll him into things he doesn't want as well. Still, she is more patient with Gabi than she is with most other people she knows, aside from when it regards Orlando. She struggles to listen to Gabi fawn on and on about a boy she has no respect for and certainly doesn't feel is good enough for Gabi, but his opinion seems far from swayed by hers. She loves to make food for him, always hoping to help ease him into new foods that he's become too nervous to eat again.

► Daniele Vescovi & Vincenzo Caruso (will seperate later)

[ close friend, blood-brother, soldier ]

Daniele and Enzo are both good friends to Bambi as well, with the both of them somehow reminding her of foolish younger brothers--depsite Enzo's obvious senority over her. It's easy to tell that the two are close, and the bond between them is very sweet to Bambi, finding herself soft when it comes to Enzo's treatment of his pseudo-brother. Though she isn't as close to Daniele as Enzo, she definitely enjoys the boy's presence and likes spending time with him, even sometimes egging him on when he gets hotheaded--especially if his fury is directed towards her annoyances. In Enzo, she sees more softness, torn between pity for him and occasional frustration as she sometimes feels he puts himself in bad situations. Chiara is an example of this, very certain that the girl will never change her mind about Enzo despite how persistantly Enzo pursues her and her friendship. unlike with Jamie where she become more carefree and lighthearted, Bambi finds herself lecturing Daniele and Enzo more often than not, which has brought about Enzo teasing that she would be a very naggy wife. Still, she nags because she cares, and she certainly cares about the two of them very dearly.

► Chiara Palladino

[ antipathy ]

At first, Bambi was very exciting to learn about Chiara. Knowing the mafia's rules about women, she had assumed she was the only one involved in the family--but it seemed associates could be females, as long as they weren't made men. Everything about Chiara seemed intriguing:  she was smart enough to be a mafia doctor at just age 18, she could handle blood and guts and didn't mind getting her hands dirty, and she didn't take any shit from anyone. However, the harsh exterior Chiara protects herself with only serves to annoy Bambi, viewing the girl as too cold and almost creepy, sometimes avoiding visiting the doctor because of it. And as usual, one of her idiot friends is infatuated with her. Though Chiara seems softer around Enzo, after two years, it seems clear to Bambi that the girl is never going to suddenly become interested in dating, or dating Enzo especially, and it's almost painful for her to watch her friend pathetically trail after her like a lovesick puppy.

► Orlando Basile

[ annoyance ]

Although in a competition, Orlando would probably be the lesser evil between himself and Luka, as he is a more frequent annoyance, Bambi would probably have to say he's more annoying overall. He lacks respect for Enzo, and while she isn't the world's biggest stickler for the rules herself, his insubordinant attitude can get in the way at times, especially when Enzo is too laid back to take disciplinary actions. Orlando is ignorant, he's sexist, and he's homophobic--all of which boiling down to a very grating individual. While bambi knows, and tries to tell herself, that he's the way he is because of how he was raised, it's little comfort when he spouts some nonsense about her not being good enough for a job because she's female, or watching him pointedly look away when Jamie hits on men. The worst of it all has to be that her best friend, Gabi, is infatuated with the boy--for god knows why--and she has to hear about him all the time. For the life of her, she doesn't understand what Gabi sees in Orlando; all she can do is pray he moves on soon, because Orlando is far from worthy of her best friend, and Gabi would probably be pretty upset if she "accidentally" ended up killing the object of his affections.

► Luka Merlini

[ annoyance ]

The only blessing about Luka Merlini is that Bambi doesn't have to deal with him personally very often. Everything else about him is terrible. In all honesty, she admires his confidence and his work ethic, but not enough to ever say so, and his negatives far, far outweight his positives. Bambi can understand being cruel in their lifestyle, but that's to intimidate underlings or enemies. The way she sees him treat Jamie baffles her, because not only is Jamie more highly ranked than he is, but the two of them are best friends--not that you'd ever know, from Luka's attitude. Part of her distate for him is likely jealousy, as Jamie is deeply in love with the rabbit and Bambi can't for the life of her figure out why he would waste his time on someone so cold--and she feels that if he were out of the picture, Jamie might, maybe, possibly return her affections. Still, even without her feelings for Jamie, she would still feel like Luka is more trouble than he's worth. Regardless, she treats him with respect unless he gives her a reason not to..


► If possible, Bambi prefers fighting with her fists over fighting with weapons--but given the nature of their business, it usually isn't possible. They're wrapped often, either in preparation, or to deal with injuries. She also likes brass knuckles.

► ...

RPG Alignment: ??
RPG Class: Fighter
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Deadly Sin: Wrath
Major Arcana: ???



Loosely based on fantasy settings like RE:Zero and Fire Emblem. 

Bambi is a knight/fighter/warrior/whatever. I'll write more later.

Character owned by aerioi - Design created by bakageyama - Profile CSS by wicked
All image credits can be found in the character's gallery.