


8 years, 7 months ago



Orlando Basile 🐜

seventeen, male, heterosexual, june 28, cancer, tiger.

+ ..., ..., loyal, 

= ..., ...

- ..., ..., 



Background 🐜

Orlando was born into a long line of mafiosos, the Balise family. He only ever knew his father, though his mother was around for a bit when he was a baby, not that he can remember. His father said she ran off like a tramp with some other guy, and Orlando doesn't know her enough to miss her. Or care, really. He doesn't need a mom because he has the best dad, anyway. His father told him about the business young, not wanting someone else to impress certain morals on him when he needed his son to follow the family footsteps. He went to school for a while before he was pulled out of school and "homeschooled," similarly to how most of the mafia's newer generation were homeschooled--not at all. Before long, he was joining the ranks as a made man.

Seeing as how every Balise man in the family had been a caporegime for the last few generations, Orlando assumed that, as a soldier, he would be put under his father's care, and had very much looked forward to working with him. However, Salvatore has a tendency to keep the young members together--probably so they don't mess up anything for the senior members and so they stay out of the way--and Orlando was instead assigned to work under Enzo. Being raised by his father left him a certain impression of how a capo should be, and how he should handle things, and his impression of Enzo is that he is far too soft, and a bad capo for it. He happily accepts punishment for his mistakes because he knows discipline and reward helps you learn--but Enzo often lets mistakes slide, and this frustrates Orlando, as he sees it as a way only to breed more mistakes. In keeping with family traditions, Orlando would like to be a capo, and would happily take Enzo's job if something ever happened to him.

Though he and his father are close, his father still has very traditional views that he has tried to pass onto his son--several of them about masculinity and women, essentially telling Orlando he expects his son to find a woman to settle down with and cook all his meals for him, because that's the way it's supposed to be--and not to marry anyone like his mother. His father has also expressed very negative views on homosexualty, and expressed a desire for violence against them; because of this, Orlando has internalized homophobia. Since joining Enzo's soldiers, he has become more open to the idea: he has a great deal of respect for Jamie and Luka, despite the fact that neither of them are straight, but does find the way they act and dress to be unprofessional. He doesn't hate homosexuals the way his father does, but he knows he doesn't want to be gay--he's seen plenty often what happens to people like that, and thinks the only reason Jamie and Luka are still alive is because they're both such high ranking members. 

Personality 🐜

cancer: both friendly and intimidating.  difficult to read.  patient and cooperative but more often than not, they think their idea/opinion is better than yours.  very, very smart.  super dependable, so sensitive, hold grudges like it’s their life’s calling. courageous.  behave very differently around authority figures, likes being seen as innocent and cute. they will keep your secrets but they will kind of hold them over you, and they tend to taunt others by saying, “i know [x] about [y] and you don’t.”  very funny, dark, and sarcastic once you get to know them, but initially sweet and sugary.  survivalists; they protect themselves first and their loved ones second and don’t really care about everyone else. friendly. once they’re in a relationship, they become rather absorbed by it and neglect the other parts of their life.  dramatic, obsessive. rather strong-willed.  when they’re having an off day, get out of their way.  they will never forget anything you tell them.  they see life as an inside joke.  my figurative fraternal twin.  the friend who is just like me but whom i’ll never understand.

✔️  rain, cold weather, winter
✔️ meat, blood, horror films
✔️ sobranie smokes,  clubbing, gambling

✖️  heat, summer, 
✖️  economics, long reading, schoolwork
✖️  ??????

★ swimming, running
★ fishing, fly-tying
★ video games, junk/bad tv, indie rock

❤️  ??????????????????????????????
❤️   ?????????????????????????????
❤️  ?????????????????????????????


Headcanons 🐜

🐜 very fond of bugs, and has been since he was young; he favors ants, and has a few ant farms. his newest is a gel ant farm with about 14 ants, his oldest is a massive farm with an entire colony that he's had since he was a child
🐜 around the spring time, he also raises caterpillars and releases them when they're fully grown, tagging them and checking online to see if they survive migration
🐜 long line of made men in the basile family, has a big family of aunts and uncles, though orlando lives alone with his dad
🐜basiles have always been capos in the family and earned a lot of respect, and orlando is expected to do the same

Relationships 🐜


Giacomo "Jamie" Acerbi 🐜
As a loyal member of the Acerbi family for generations, it's only natural that Orlando feels a great deal of respect toward his generation's Acerbi. He thinks Jamie is incredibly cool, admires his passion for his work, and likes to spend time with him, even though they have very different, hardly compatible personalities. The only thing he's not so fond of is when Jamie starts flirting with men; it's uncomfortable for Orlando to be around. Regardless, he thinks Jamie is very strong and very admirable, and works hard in hopes of impressing Jamie and being promoted to capo someday.
Luka Merlini 🐜
As with Jamie, Luka would be perfect if he wasn't so overtly gay. He's cold, calculating, and ruthless, but he's also unwaveringly loyal, and those are all very positive traits in the family. Orlando doesn't have to be told of Luka's feats; he's well aware of how hard-working the rabbit has always been, and definitely thinks he deserves his position as Jamie's right-hand-man. He constantly finds himself wishing Luka could act more professionally though, and take the mafia more seriously. There's no need to dress the way he does and handle himself the way he does, and it frustrates Orlando, wondering why he doesn't care more about his masculinity; Luka is very strong, yet presents himself as very weak, and he doesn't understand it.
Gabriele "Gabi" Salvai🐜
There is something about Gabi that Orlando really hates, because he finds his eyes always wandering to the man when they're in the same room, and his thoughts often trailing towards him when they're apart. He knows that Gabi is gay, and he doesn't mind it as long as Gabi isn't flirting with him, but it makes him worry, as well. After seeing the state of Gabi when they found him, Orlando is more convinced than ever that being gay can only lead to trouble, further cementing his views. Still, he finds he gets on well with Gabi despite basically opposite personalities, and Orlando will happily listen to Gabi rattle on and on about whatever he wants, just feeling better when he's around him in general.
Vincenzo "Enzo" Caruso 🐜
Because of his upbringing with his father, Orlando has very specific views of how a caporegime should and shouldn't handle himself and his men, and he feels like Enzo is constantly ticking every box in the don'ts. No one likes to get in trouble, but sometimes disciple is necessarily, and Orlando hates that Enzo is so lenient towards his men. Orlando feels, as he was told, that if you mess up, you don't deserve a cut because you didn't contribute to getting it:  but Enzo doesn't see it that way, often letting people off with a few gentle critiques and their cut in full. Because of this, Orlando sees Enzo as very weak, and doesn't understand why Jamie or Salvatore put up with him. He's sure he could be a much better capo than Enzo, but Jamie is so fond of the man that it'll take ages for Orlando to prove as much.
Daniele Vescovi 🐜
Daniele was someone that Orlando expected to get along with, seeing as how they are somewhat similar and have a few common interests as well--however, they don't get along at all, and as usual, the root of Orlando's problems goes back to Enzo. Daniele properly worships the man, and Orlando can't, for the life of him see why. Blunt and unafraid to speak his mind, Orlando has made comments about it before, and Daniele isn't the type to shake off comments he doesn't like. They've fought plenty of times as well, Orlando unable to see the allure of Enzo. He wishes Daniele would wise up and realize how weak his caporegime is; there are much greater people to idolize within the family than a pushover who somehow got a position over others.
Bambina "Bambi" Segreti 🐜
Being raised with traditional values and traditional mafia values, at that, Orlando thinks it's wrong to have a woman involved in the more violent aspects of the family. Bambi should be home cooking and tending house, not coming along on missions and beating people to a pulp, and it annoys him that no one else seems to mind that her being their goes against rules that have been set for generations. Plus, there's no one she can be as strong as the guys are. Though Bambi herself doesn't really rub him the wrong way and he's fine with her outside of work, he thinks that she doesn't belong among them and that Jamie vouching for her was a mistake.