


1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Mint

Series: None

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Human

Favorite Food: Sea Salt Ice Cream

Likes: Ice cream, justice, and helping people.

Dislikes: Corrupt laws, corrupt politicians, and being the center of attention.

Personality: Mint is shy and reserved, and often has anxiety over her newly found profession of being a lawyer. Despite this, she is dedicated to her work and is slowly working to improve her confidence.

Home: ??

History: ??

Current Bio: Mint currently works as a lawyer, but she is knew to the job and still has a lot to learn.

Meta-History: Mint was created in 2012 and originally was a random character I drew when testing out Photoshop Elements 8 (which I sadly can't install on my new computer because I no longer have the product key |D ). Around the time of her creation, several friends of mine from school were active on Deviantart and were drawing and I really wanted everyone to team up and create a story together with our OCs. For some reason I chose Mint for this, probably because I assumed my friends would all make human characters. Anyways, only one other person made a character and nothing ever happened with Mint or the collab story idea. I only drew Mint a few times and then stopped drawing her completely. I never forgot about her though and I still wanted to give her a character bio despite everything. I didn't have an official name for her for a very long time, but I knew I wanted her name to be mint-related, so I've ended up just calling her Mint. She's also technically one of my first human characters.

Relationships with other characters:


If I think of anything else I'll add it later!