Razz Mage



1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Razz Mage

Series: ???

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Razz Mage

Favorite Food: Raspberries

Element: Electric

Powers: Electric magic, colorful sparks, simple healing spell, etc (more to add later)

Likes: Electric magic, pink, sweets, learning new spells, being awake at night, and fireworks.

Dislikes: Being the center of attention, people seeing her face, and bugs.

Personality: Razz Mage is rather quiet, and often ends up in the background. Despite this, she's pretty friendly, and can be rather eccentric when she talks. She seems to be shy about showing her face.

Home: ???

History: ???

Current-Bio: ???

Meta-History: Razz Mage was created in 2012 Razz Mage. I've always liked how characters like Magalor from Kirby, Black Mage from Final Fantasy, and the Shamans from the Paper Mario series look, so I wanted to make my own mysterious mage character whose face is possibly obscured in shadow. So obviously I had to make her pink because I love pink. She does have hands and feet, but they're just obscured in her outfit.

Relationships with Other Characters:


If I think of anything else I'll add it later.