


1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Travis

Series: None

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: ???

Favorite Food: Curry

Likes: The military, exercise, competition, and spicy foods.

Dislikes: Being called short, not being taken seriously, and romance stories.

Personality: Travis is a bit hot-headed and short tempered. She likes to think in military terms and often considers herself to be a solider (whether or not she actually is one is a mystery). She can be more calm and quiet when not fired up, however. She's rather tomboyish and loves competition. It's recommended not to call her short.

Home: ??

History: ??

Current Bio: ??

Meta-History: Travis was created in 2013 on a random doodle sheet with two other designs: red yellow blue but I only liked her design. I had decided I wanted to keep her and named her Travis, but I never used her after this drawing. idk what kind of creature she is but she doesn't have a tail and if she has ears they're covered up by the bandana on her head. And yes I know that Travis is a masculine name, but I don't care.

Relationships with other characters:

Camby: Travis and Camby are friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!