
1 year, 8 months ago


Basic Info

Age: Around 500

Height: 2"

Ethnicity: Magic

Orientation: Aro-spec

Gender: Nonbinary spirit

Pronouns: They/them

Appearance Notes: Ahm is a small, white chibi octopus. They have darker patches/markings scattered over them, and some light purple cloud markings. They are always at least slightly transparent and give off a slight glow, but if their human host is transformed, then they are extremely transparent. They can glow more or less, but they naturally glow more when their powers are being used, or in the rare instance of them using their own powers in some capacity.

2 Cent Summary: A seemingly happy-go-lucky spirit that typically takes the form of a small octopus. Also, technically, a manifestation of the lights, winds, and healing in the universe. They want to save and protect humans.

Character Lore


Ahm was created in the 1500s by the sorceress, Erin, to help close the Rift that was allowing paranormal entities to access and wreak havoc on the human world. She was their first human host, and the pair lived and worked closely together for the duration of Erin's lifetime, and closed the Rift for the first time with her. After that, with no host to bond to and no clear purpose, Ahm rested in their crystal for many years until the present day, when they sensed the Rift opening once more. They quickly found a new host in Valentine, and are currently bonded to him as he investigates the paranormal like his predecessor.


Ahm comes across as a very excited, energetic individual. They're very enthusiastic about their job and frequently come out of their crystal to chat and ask questions. However, they don't often change tone to fit a situation, and so will cheerily say rather dark things or come across as condescending when correcting someone. Some of this is them having actual snark, and some of it is that they have desperately decided Things Are Going To Be Okay this time, through force of will if nothing else. In a similar vein, they are entirely willing to not mention important information or otherwise subtly manipulate their new host and anyone else to try and make sure this new batch of human hosts don't ever die or give in to despair. The only time their mask typically breaks is if they're really terrified something awful could happen to their host, in which case it becomes clear that they're actually quite anxious and hyper-vigilant. 

Ahm firmly believes they were created to save and take care of humans, and takes pride in that, but they also consider humanity frail and easily swayed towards evil. They somewhat rely on that fact though, as humans wouldn't need protecting if they didn't mess with things they didn't understand and hurt each other, and then they'd have no purpose and their human host might abandon them or die again. They do care about humanity at large in the abstract sense, and consider themselves fond of humans, but they mainly attached to the humans they bond or work with. They hate being alone and not knowing what they're meant to do, and so would go to any lengths to ensure they and their humans never end up in that position again.


  • Valentine/Silver Gale: Ahm and Valentine are magically bound to each other. Initially, Ahm is more abstractly fond of Valentine, inwardly comparing him to Erin somewhat and caring more about 'what' he is to them and trying to make things work. Likewise, Valentine initially considers Ahm just a weird but nice enough spirit he's stuck with now and has to look to for guidance and instruction in his new role as a paranormal investigator. Nevertheless, the two do begin to genuinely like each other as people, and work to understand each other better. Valentine is only passively aware of the built in power imbalance between spirit and host at first, and it's a process for both of them figuring out how to work with it. Despite occasionally having tension over Ahm's tendency to omit relevant details, Valentine typically trusts Ahm and is fairly open with them about their concerns, and Ahm comes to respect Valentine's judgment and begins confiding in him as well.
  • Ohm: Ahm and Ohm used to be close friends. After Ohm's host, Gilaina, betrayed the others however, there was a great deal of tension between them, which only escalated after Gilaina and then Erin's deaths. Ahm blames Ohm for what happened, while Ohm blames humanity for turning their fellow spirits against them and still hopes Ahm might come around someday.
  • Emir: Ahm and Emir are friends and consider each other family, but they have often disagreed on things. Ahm is a natural healer while Emir naturally causes death, a fact that initially didn't cause great tension- though some difficulty to understand one another's perspective. It only became more tense as their lives with their first hosts fell apart, as their coping methods differed significantly. Still, both are willing to put aside that tension to work together and keep a civil relationship going for the most part, and both wish they were closer than they currently are.
  • Uumuze: Ahm and Uumuze were close friends, though they've been slightly estranged ever since Gilaina's death. Iskra and Erin clashed quite a bit over how things had gone down, and Uumuze wasn't shy about saying that they thought Ahm was too much of an 'Erin apologist'. They will still talk to each other civily if needed, but they both avoid it more now, and both miss when they were on better terms.

Bonus Info


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