
1 year, 8 months ago


Basic Info

Age: Around 500

Height: 2"

Ethnicity: Magic

Orientation: Aro-spec

Gender: Transfemme spirit

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance Notes: Emir is a small, green chibi octopus. She has darker patches/markings scattered over her, and a lighter leaf marking. She is always at least slightly transparent and give off a slight glow, but if her human host is transformed, then she is extremely transparent. She can glow more or less, but she naturally glows more when her powers are being used, or in the rare instance of her using her own powers in some capacity.

Character Lore


Emir was created in the 1500s by the sorceress, Erin, with input from Chenglei, another sorceress. Chenglei was her first host, and the two worked and lived closely together for the duration of Chenglei's lifetime. After her death, Emir fell into a deep sleep within her crystal until the modern day. She then chose Cedar to be her new host, and bonded to her once she agreed.


Emir has a generally friendly disposition, and can seem almost serene. She speaks rather formally, referring to Cedar as 'Lady Cedar' and the other hosts similarly, and generally conceals her deeper thoughts and feelings. She tries to remain outwardly positive and peaceful, even if it means lying, as she doesn't want to send her current human host over the edge any sooner than she thinks is inevitable. 

She believes that the spirits were made only to destroy paranormal entities indiscriminately, and is somewhat resentful of humans because of it, but she doesn't see it as something that can be changed and so tries not to dwell on it.


  • Cedar/Meadow Wisp: Emir and Cedar are magically bound together. They generally get along, but since Cedar is so hesitant at first about the work and Emir seemingly a bit indifferent towards certain struggles, they would occasionally clash a bit. They grew closer as they learned how to work together better over time.
  • Ahm: Emir and Ahm are friends and consider each other family, but they have often disagreed on things. Ahm is a natural healer while Emir naturally causes death, a fact that initially didn't cause great tension- though some difficulty to understand one another's perspective. It only became more tense as their lives with their first hosts fell apart, as their coping methods differed significantly. Still, both are willing to put aside that tension to work together and keep a civil relationship going for the most part, and both wish they were closer than they currently are.
  • Ohm: Emir and Ohm used to be friends who got along well. Emir believed that Ohm betrayed the others and turned Gilaina evil, however, and resents them for causing such a destructive ridge in their family. Ohm is bitter that Emir thinks they were responsible, but is still protective of Emir and willing to help her if she needs it.

Bonus Info


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