


1 year, 8 months ago


Title: Split

Gender: Trans Female

Pronouns: She/her

Fox breed: Arabian Fox

Magical abilities: None yet

World: Day

Known opposite: Whole

Now, Split has an interesting backstory. Me and my pal- let's call my friend Lucinda; we were in art class. I was searching up foxes to draw for this art project i was doing. Then Lucinda looked at the Arabian Fox and loved it. At the moment, we were looking at my Toyhouse and worshipping my characters, so we decided to put an Arabian Fox in the book. I let Lucinda take the ropes and design the fox. Now, Lucinda decided to make the fox a transfem, which is great because we love our LGBTQ+ rep. 

Split is the comic relief of her group. Split is like- goofy and stuff. She always likes to joke around and is really social. She's extroverted and is willing to make friends any day. She likes to tease members of her group all the time and is just- amazing. I doodled her like 14 times in class today. She's amazing.