


1 year, 7 months ago


Title: Magpie

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Cat breed: Magpie cat thingy

Magical abilities: Holder of the Planetstone alongside with Mallard and Calder

World: Night

Known opposite: None yet

Theme song: idk

Magpie first used to be a full bird. He would fly around happily. He didn't speak any languages. The Council of Magic saw him as a potential test subject so they transformed him into half cat. Magpie couldn't speak or say anything so he could only rely on body language. The Council of Magic dug a ditch in a forest and dropped him there, feeding him everyday and trying to keep their subject alive. Magpie knew more prey animals would have this done to them so he began to dig holes around the walls to put prey in or put medicinal things in.

Soon, more animals were in the hole but were luckily welcomed with a home made by Magpie alone. At some point, Magpie met Mallard, who used to be an eagle. Mallard was mistaken for a prey bird even though he was a citizen which meant that Mallard could speak. He taught Magpie how to speak and along the way, the two fell in love. Magpie confessed his love to Mallard with the only words he could use and Mallard accepted. The two became a loving couple and then helped Calder who used to be a shark. The three became the leaders of the Misfit Hole, which is what they named their small group.

The three then found the Planetstone and became Immortals.

In the finale, Magpie and Mallard die in each other's paws as lovers and friends who simply wanted to live happily.