
1 year, 8 months ago


Title: Red

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Breed/animal: Ginger tabby and Somali mix

Magical abilities: All the stones / Earthstone

World: Day

Known opposite: None yet

Red is a quiet, mature tom who is quick to bite. He loves being leader and giving orders. He gets along with Negative because they have similar personalities. Red as a kid grew up in a tense situation. His father and his mother are not together and his father got with Violet's mother, before giving birth to Violet herself, making them half-siblings. 

He dated princess Light for a while until he broke up with her because he was paying too much attention to his duties. He revived Pineslayer, Onyx and Glitch and had to deal with them for some time. Because of that, he broke up with Light. Light then made some conspiracy theories that he and Shallow were in love, but really, Shallow is aroace so she's single and ready to pringle. Red gets rejected by her though. lol bozo

Red as a kid found a malaquite, circular stone. With the help of the revived Yellow, he made the Earthstone. With that, he made the second set of Immortal stones. Earthstone, Firestone, Waterstone, Airstone, Icestone and the Steamstone.

His ears are burnt and ragged on the tip because of an accident as a kid. He gets monarch butterfly wings as decoration when he becomes the Immortal.