


6 years, 3 months ago



Name Tengu Raikane
DOB July 18th
Age 18 (Arc 2), 39 (Arc 3)
Gender Male
Height 7'0" (Base Form) 18'0" (Elemental form)
Class Form Magic Morph/Feral Specter Elemental
Race Polterthought/serivian/electric elemental
Role Leader of Yokai Wind


Truly a tactical genius, Tengu is just as smart as his father was if not exponentially more. Tengu hatched on Thunder peaks and was primary raised by his mother Chenoa while Omoi was off researching. Tengu loved his mother with all his heart, however Chenoa contracted the deadly disease "Thunghisbellum". The Thungis shroom was a rare mushroom that reproduces during storms and if its spores are inhaled they will grow in the brain seeking the electric neuron transmissions. The disease can be cured with special mdeicine which Tengu desperately sought by flying down the mountain. He came across a jabberott and primoa doctor who were transporting medicine to stoikings. Tengu begged them for the cure, but was knocked out by the Jabberott. The last words he heard from them were "Precious medicine shouldn't be wasted on ferals". When Tengu came to he rushed back home but Chenoa was already dead. Omoi returned from his research trip only to find Tengu sobbing over Chenoa's corpse. Omoi's words could not comfort Tengu as rage filled his hearts and filled his thoughts with nothing but violence. Tengu's body began changing into a serpentine bird made of bright blue lightning. Omoi tried to stop Tengu as he rocketed out of their home and descended down the mountain once more. The new elemental of electricity awakened and rampaged through Bubble City and Rawtton. Since then Tengu lived a secluded life away from his father. He became very cold hearted, serious, and logic driven. Tengu believed all humanoid classes were evil nd self driven. Too many times ferals and specters were opressed by humanoids and mere words from heroes like Rage Solaria would not change the hearts of many so easily. Tengu felt he needed to become a symbol to show the true power of both ferals and specters. At age 15 he began his plan, gathering power allies from both Cain Island and Cerebral Island. Lyely, Roni, and Trigger. He trusted each of them with his life and vice versa. Tengu's grand plan was to capture Styx Solaria and hold her captive until Rage would arrive. He knew if he could defeat the great Rage people would both fear and listen to him. Tengu seems to account for every contingency letting him be prepared for any outcome, but in truth he is as powerful in brawns as he is brains. Tengu's foot is strong enough to crush rock and his speed can match a thunderstrike. Not to mention he towers at such a large height while grounded! Tengu puts all his power into fighting for the rights of feral and specter class emotibeasts everywhere. He may be misguided, but Tengu's heart is in the right place, and even Styx has come to realize that. Tengu was surprised Styx vouched in his defense when his plan ultimatelty came to a fail, and with the help of the Solaria family is still fighting for the rights of ferals and specters in a less radicalized method.


Home Thunder Peaks
Alignment chaotic good
Sign Cancer
Weakness Metal
Food Berries, Seeds
Family Chenoa (Mother), Electra (Blood relative), Omoi (Father)



  • Thunder
  • Books
  • Stars
  • Inventions


  • Humanoids
  • Mushrooms
  • Metal weapons
  • Meat


  • His hair is made of electricity and fluctuates with his mood.
  • Tengu does not trust where meat foods really come from so he has become vegan.
  • He rarely shows emotion even when he feels furious.
  • Tengu's elemental form's electricity gives off 100,000,000,000 watts of energy.




Stab Unjust 
Life will Change 
You Wa Shock 
