


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Caesar Eclipzull
DOB Oct 8th
Age 34
Gender Male
Height 7'0" (Base form) 10'4" (Pride form)
Class Blended Bio Magic/Feral Humanoid
Race Corruton/Brutrex
Role Ruler of Dark Island


Caesar was once a prince of Dark Island. His father was Julius Eclipzull who married a brutrex baroness named Armis Rex and later had Caesar with her. Caesar didnt get to know much about his mother and barely remembers her face. Instead he grew up under his father who preached about his own sense of order that included sacrificing emotibeasts to a pit of slime located deep in the center of Dark Island. He told Caesar this ritual was all for the sake of power. Caesar never questioned his father's actions since this was simply the world he was raised in. Despite this his time with other emotibeasts on the island showed him that power could accumulate in more ways than some ritual. He had a fairly peaceful childhood for the most part, but this changed when he and his friend Helen learned about what exactly the slime residing under the island was. It was a maleovent force that had been spreading its power to residents of Dark Island for countless ages: The Glory Seeker. All the sacrifices were simply a way to feed this force and increase its power so that one day it could spread to all of Personalia and bring the world under the force of its power. Caesar couldn't wrap his head around it. Why sacrifice their empire for the benefit of a pool of slime? He was a prince, and his father a king. This Island was their kingdom and the people of it theirs to lead, not an overgrown puddle. Caesar confronted his father about the sacrifices and the potentional danger of raising an ancient evil lik but his Father dismissed him without a second thought. Caesar would confront his father again and again until one day his father snapped. Things got violent for lack of a better term. In this dispute Julius let slip a hidden truth he kept from Caesar. The reason why he was raised by him and not his mother was because Julius had sacrficed her to the slime after Caesar had been born. Julius warned his son he would not hesitate to throw Caesar in too if he continued this defiance. This was the last straw, and with Helen's suggestion a coup was underway. Caesar gathered his closest allies from across the island: Fang, Tooth, and Dent the flightless hydread inventor; Steeze, an architect with a sense of danger; Helen the minstrel witch of course; Mistine, a sideshow freak turned warrior; Ruber, a fiercely loyal outcast; Wulf, Caesar's personal bodygurad; and lastly Izia, Caesar's closest and most important ally. They planned for months until one night they put their plan into motion, each playing their part to ensure victory. Caesar's role was simple, kill the king. He confronted his father and killed him in the dead of night and soon after announced his ascenion of the throne. He had become king and now had the ultimate goal of cultivating a greater power to destroy the Glory Seeker. To find answers he researched ancient texts about the golden serpent Destroyer. He knew that if he could just get pieces of it he could use it to cultivate a force powerful enough to eliminate The Glory Seeker. Luckily the Destroyer had been around for a long time and in that time its shed its fair share of lost body parts. He decided to use some of the parts on himself and created a brand new arm made from the fang of Destroyer. The arm had much more power than expected and took a toll on Caesar when he first grafted it on. In time he was able to control the power and wield it with least thats how it seemed. A universal truth is how absolute power can corrupt a soul absolutely and Caesar was no different. His goals became obsessions and he started craving more Destroyer parts. When he learned about the deity's emergence in Cerebral Island. He devised a plan to create homunculi eggs that drew power from the land itself and designed them to become more powerful through eating other emotibeasts. He would raise hell on earth and lead monsters to fufill all of his goals with no competition. This all started with a goal to eliminate a monstrous evil, but Caesar had fallen off the path and in a way he was becoming the very thing he wanted to destroy.


Home Eclipzull Castle
Alignment chaotic evil
Sign Libra
Weakness Light magic
Food Anything he can get his teeth on
Family Julius Eclipzull (Father), Armis Rex (Mother),Virtues of the moon (Partially created), Eon Solaria (Partially created)



  • Flirting
  • Studying
  • Conquering
  • Creating monsters


  • Bright sunlight
  • The Glory Seeker
  • Interlopers
  • Other Corrutons


  • His favorite meat is lamb.
  • His corruton rune is the flexing crown.
  • He does not consider Eon as family merely a tool. He may of created his egg but Eon's entire being is thanks to Styx's blood.
  • He will flirt with anyone.




Don't Mess with Me 
A Boss Approaches 
